Gender: Just a healthy happy baby is all we want. If we could choose gender, again we would choose a boy, but we will adore a little girl.
Movement: I am not sure. I have felt a few things that I think could be the baby but I dont know. It is really subtle so I just can tell yet but I am ready to feel the baby move :)
Sleep: I am actually more tired this trimester than first which is strange! I am sleeping well just still tired! I am starting to feel a little more refreshed as days go by.
Symptoms: Still feeling so blessed because I feel great. I can eat anything and feel good! I am really blessed!
News: We go to the doctor in week 15 on March 29th. I really hope we hear the heartbeat. I am sure they will listen for it. No ultrasound as far as I know. Our next one will be about 20 weeks and hopefully we will find out the gender then!!!!
Aaron and I are staying very busy! We are really excited. Although I know it will go fast it still seems so far away until September. We are enjoying our time with just us now though. We know we wont get that again. We are taking a little mini-vacation in April so that will be nice.
I am trying to keep up with my walking and eating healthy and drinking lots of water to keep weight gain at the right amount. It is hard to not just eat everything you want. It is hard not to say "Im pregnant, its fine". But i know I will thank myself later when I dont have to lose a bunch of ice cream/junk food weight. Weight gain so far is 4-5 pounds, just depending on the day :) I am still not showing very much but a little bit! :) It is excited!
Have a great week!
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