Sunday, December 26, 2010
A work in progress
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Why Even Pray?
We got to talking one night about prayer. I mean why do we pray if God already knows how the situation is going to turn out? If He isnt going to change His mind, why even bother? I mean Mark 11:24 says "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have recieved it and it will be yours." So when we pray for something, we should get that right? Like healing from cancer, or money we need, or a house we want, or healing in a realtionship, whatever it may be.
I dont think this is what God means when He tells us that. I mean Jesus, who was God, prayed to His Father. If He needed to pray dont you think we do too? He even prayed that He wouldnt have to go to the cross, but He did anyway. So why would God say ask for what you want and you will get it. Wouldnt Jesus have not had to go to the cross then? I think God gives us what we need in the situation we are praying about. God knew Jesus needed to go to the cross and God couldnt say yes to that prayer. Instead, God gave Jesus strength. He answered Jesus' prayer still, just not in the way that Jesus or others thought He should. I think we pray with a certain result in mind and when that doesnt happen we think, "Either God didnt hear me, He is real, or He doesnt care." In all reality, He did, you just missed the answer because you were so busy trying to see it like you wanted it.
I think about it like kids. Sometimes they want to go across the street and paly on a playground. They ask you and you answer, but sometimes not in the way they want. You say no because you know the danger of them crossing that street alone. You can see what could happen if they did that. You could see what could happen if they were playing alone. They cannot see and dont understand, but you can. So you answer to protect them and build their trust with you, even though they may not like it.
God often answers in a way we dont necessarily agree with. But He can see what is coming. He knows what is going to happen and what we need. He knows what we need to be protected from and what we can handle. When Aaron and I moved to Houston, we moved here because we felt like God wanted us here. I left my first teaching position and didnt have one here. We prayed daily that I would find a job. I thought God wasnt answering because I wasnt getting a job. He did answer my prayers, just not in the way I thought he should. Had I had a job, there are many things I would have not been able to experience. My job came at the perfect time! He knew what He was doing (read about our 2 years in Houston to find out more)
So dont pray today expecting a specific outcome. Pray for the Lord to answer and that He will listen to your prayer. He will and He will answer in the way He sees the best for you. God only has our best interest. He doesnt need our prayers, but we need that connection to Him. Prayer doesnt build Him up, but us!
Romans 12:12 says "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."
Have a great day!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
2 years in the making
Two years ago today Aaron and I woke up about 6 am. We got our the last of our things together as we spent the night at my sister's house since ours was empty. I remember my sister getting ready for work as we were getting ready to leave. Then it was time for her to leave for work. I remember sobbing holding my sister as she was sobbing as we were saying goodbye. I would move from 45 seconds away from her to about 7 1/2 hours. SInce we had never lived our adult lives near each other this was especially hard because we had only lived by each other for about 3 months. I remember waking my nephew up for school because we were about to leave. I remember squatting down to his eye level and telling him how much I would love and miss him. He didnt understand that he wouldnt see me everyday anymore. Aaron and I said goodbye to Chris and Preston and set out for our adventure. Before we got in our cars Aaron and I hugged through tear stained eyes as we were leaving everything we knew and loved to follow the call of Jesus.
I remember that long trip. It was especially long because Aaron was driving a UHaul with a trailer with his car on it. We got into Katy about 6 or 7 I cant really remember - we got lost a few times :). I remember people already waiting at our house ready to help us unload our trailer. We got it done in about 1 hour. We already felt so much love and support from the people here! Aaron and I fell asleep on the couch our first night in Katy because we were so tired.
And then our adventure in houston began. I began looking for a job right away and couldnt find one. I put in so many applications. We knew we were where we were supposed to be but we didnt know why I couldnt find a job. We later learned. Because I didnt have a job I was able to get the house in order. Because I didnt have a job I was able to spend a week with my sister when she had a baby. Because I didnt have a job I was able to help Aaron a lot at the beginning of his job here in Houston. Because I didnt have job I got to know Nicole very well and got to spend time with the students. Then, I interviewed for a job at Woodcreek Junior High in July I think. Sometime around then. I really liked the school and really wanted the job but I didnt get it. Because I didnt get that job I was able to spend a week and half with Aaron and his family when his grandfather died. Had I gotten the job this would not have been able to happen. Literally on the way home from the funeral I got a call from Woodcreek asking if I would come back for an interview. Of course! And, I got the job. God's timing was written all over that! He knew I needed to be with Aaron during that time and provided a way for me to do that.
Then I started my new job at Woodcreek. I got home from my first day of work and Aaron called me telling me he had been in a wreck. God's timing again. His car was totalled and had I not had a job we would not have been able to get a new one. Isnt it just neat how God planned that? I think so! I mean my first day of work and Aaron gets in a wreck. It was like God saying - I am going to take care of you - SEE??!?!!
The youth group we work with is amazing. We love the kids and Aaron loves his job! We have grown and changed a lot since we first got here. The Lord has changed the hearts of our youth and us. We have made some very close friends as well. Some of our closest friends are Shane and Nicole, Kim and Chan, Jack and Glenda, Scott and Jenni, Pat and Vanessa, and Dan and Suzanne. They have encouraged us, strengthened us, made us laugh, and brought us so much joy! We are so thankful for them. We have been in houston bascially our whole marriage (besides 3 months) and these people have watched Aaron and I grow in our marriage and been with us along the way.
Although we had to leave everything we loved and knew, the Lord has blessed us tremendously here in Houston. We are thankful for Him and what He has done. We are thankful for our jobs and so happy with them. We are thankful for the people the Lord has brought into our lives. We love them dearly and are so blessed to have them and call them friends. The church has been so wonderful to us. We have really enjoyed our time here in Houston so far. We are thankful for these 2 years in Houston that we have had!
To our friends and family in Oklahoma and Texas - we miss you dearly and love you. We are so thankful for you and wish we could see you more often!!! To our Houstonians - thank you for making us feel so welcomed and loved! We are so thankful for each one of you and we love living here with you!
Here's to 2 years!!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
A Few of my Favorite Things
I went to a Women of Faith conference last weekend and Karen James spoke. Her husband was one of the three climbers on Mt. Hood in 2006. They had a tragic accident and Karen's husband was found in a snow cave dead on Mt. Hood. The other two climbers were never found. Anyway, this is a book she wrote after that happened. It tells about their experience during the tradegy and life after it. It is SSSSOOOO good. It will make you cry and also bring you happiness. It is a must read!!!
2) Reese minatures! I have at least 2 a day. I LOVE them. I like to let the chocolate melt in my mouth and then have just the peanut butter left. I then love to drink a cold coke zero or diet a & w after
3) The burn of coke (soda) going down your throat as you drink it.
4) Fall smells! Pumpkin, spice, cinnamon, anything fallish. I LOVE IT!!!
5) Christmas season! I LOVE IT. Oh my word. It makes me so happy. I love the decorations, the shopping, the family time, and so thankful for Jesus.
6) Black Friday!! Literally, one of my favorite things to do with the women in my family.
7) My husband - i know it sounds cliche and corny. But seriously - i just love spending time with him. He makes my heart so happy.
8) Kirklands and Hobby Lobby - such good stuff to decorate with!!!
9) PEANUT BUTTER - i could eat peanut butter everyday and on so many things! (bread, bananas, graham crackers,apples,celery,crackers,waffles, pancakes - oh the list could go on!)
10) Relationships - i treasure all my relationships - with God foremost, with my husband, my family, and friends!
11) Pictures! i love taking them and just having them.
12) Longhorn Football and Ranger Baseball. Longhorns have not done well this year but I still love them! Rangers are in the World Series!!! Go Rangers!!!
Well thats just a few of my favorites! :) Hope you enjoy!
Monday, October 25, 2010
I forget to thank my husband for being so wonderful and perfect for me. My love for him goes so deep I cannot put it in words. He means the world to me. Lately, I have been trying really hard to make sure he really knows how much I love him. I am not promised a tomorrow with him. I take life for granted so often when it was never promised to me for any time at all. I am really trying to make sure he knows I love him everyday. I love you Aaron!! I am really going to work on this with friends and family as well!!
I went to a Women of Faith conference this last weekend with my mom and some ladies from her church (the church I grew up in). I was reminded of no promises of tomorrow when Karen James spoke. I do not remember this but her husband was one of the 3 men lost on Mt. Hood in December of 2006. It got national coverage. (i am not much of a news watcher :)) Her husband was the only body found. In a matter of days, her life was turned upside down and crushed. Luckily she got to tell Kelly she loved him one last time - some are not so lucky. I am reading her book now and I LOVE IT!! You need to read it if you have not. It is about the accident and about how she handled it, etc. It is called Holding Fast by Karen James - A MUST READ!!! BUT having tissues near by (I am almost in tears just thinking about it)
I also heard from Michelle Aguilar (season 6 Biggest Loser winner), Shiela Walsh, Marcus Buckingham, Lisa Harper and Luci Swindoll. All were amazing but my favorite was Shiela Walsh. She hit home on a lot of things. Some pretty amazing things she said were the following: "Sometimes you have to go to prison to be set free" (prison can be anything for you, depression, loss, addiction, etc), "There are no suprises for God. There are things that break the heart of God that you go through. But your situation never surprises Him. He has already provided enough grace for you to get through your situation.", "If something is unexpected, expect God." These were only a few things. If you ever get the chance, go hear her!!! She also talked about trust. Sometimes we almost trust, but there is a little veil, a little disconnect. What is in that veil or disconnect for you. Really search your heart and soul.
I am so thankful and grateful for such a refreshing weekend with the Lord. He is so near to all of us. He is waiting for you though to reach out to teach Him. He is a gentleman and won't push himself on you. Search your heart, do you truely trust God with everything? Chances are all of us have a veil somewhere. Where is your veil? Remember, God is never early and never late with timing. He is always right on time!
Tell those around you how much you love and care about them. We are promised only now. Never more. Choose to live your life!
One last thing: Natalie Grant was there and sang her song held - i love the words.
The chorus is: "This is what it means to be held, How it feels, when the sacred is torn from your life, and you survive. This is what it is to be loved and to know, that the promise was when everything fell, We'd be HELD"
Let the Lord hold you today.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
with all the new things of the season, i started thinking about myself and my life. it made me realize with every new season we need a refreshing of our spirit. i have thought about what I do to let others see changes in my life. do they see a new season in me and a refreshing in my soul? Or am i just another person that claims to be a Christian but doesnt live it?
I really hope those around me see Jesus and the change He has brought in my soul. I hope when people read Bible verses on my facebook wall or encouraging words they see them as encouraging and beneficial. I want to always be approachable about my faith and not someone who people view as someone unapproachable. I hope people can see the new season in my soul and want what I have. Not because I am greater than anyone, but because the One who lives in me is the greatest possession you could ever possess. I hope i live a life that makes others want Jesus and not turn from Him. How do you live your life? Would others want Jesus because of you or turn from Him. Let your light shine so that people want what you have. They may never know the blessing, life, joy, peace, and freedom they could have if you dont show them.
Enjoy this new season of weather, life, and all other blessings.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I love my job
1) "Where did dinosaurs go?" (teacher) One student "extinct". Another, "They went to the future."
2) Student: "Mrs. Webster. I once had a cat that was part bobcat! He could jump like a ninja."
3) Me. "What was wrong? Why were you out?" student - "I was out. I had conjunctivitis. AKA Pink Eye." (what kid says conjunctivitis? :)
Look for joy in the little things!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
This is a table my mom got me a while back at a garage sale. I spray painted it brown. I then used a stencil from hobby lobby and did the green on the top.

These are letters i made for the same room. All supplies are from Hobby Lobby. Just put the paper I liked on the letters. Mod Podged the letters. Then glued the ribbon on. Super easy!

I made this for my mom for her classroom. I made some for mine as well. I used a blank canvas. I used spray adhesive to put the paper on the canvas. I glue gunned the sides of the paper. Then I cut the center piece the the size I wanted and wrote Mrs. Thompson. Then I glue gunned it on there. Then put the buttons and ribbon on.

I made this from and idea from HGTV. The backing is foam board from Wal-Mart. Then I picked out paper at Hobby Lobby and cut the board 2 different sizes to fit the paper. I then used spray adhesive to put the paper on the board. Then it is all held together with glue gun and gorilla glue.

I think that is all for me for projects right now. We will see though after I watch HGTV a little more. :)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Will You Go
I have been hit lately with a question: Will I go? Sunday morning our pastor talked about going where God called us to go. Today I read about Abram. In Genesis 12:1 it says " God told Abram: "Leave your country, your family, and your father's home for a land that I will show you." Did you catch that last part, because I have never really thought about it until I read it today. It says "...for a land that I WILL show you." God had not shown Abram where he was going yet. He told him he WOULD show him, but when Abram left, he didn't know where God was going to take him just that He would show him along the way.
Wow! That is some faith!! He left his country, his family, everything for a place he couldn't even tell people because he had no idea!!! That got me thinking. Am I willing to follow God, even when I don't know where I am going with Him? This doesn't have to just be a move either. I like to think I will move anywhere He ask. It was for sure hard leaving Oklahoma when Aaron and I moved to Katy, but we KNEW that God called us here. But what if He called us somewhere farther, even out of the country. I want to grow my faith so strong so that I can immediately say yes when God calls in that aspect.
I believe He calls us in our everyday lives. He calls us to live different lives. He calls us to keep a strong relationship with Him. He calls us to love others unconditionally, forgive, show mercy, and trust. When we don't do these things, we are not like Abram. We don't follow God's calling.
I have certainly learned that following God is not easy, but also rewarding. He always pours out His blessings on those who follow Him.
Are you willing to follow Him today? Whether it be a big move/decision or whether it is everyday life? We must follow Him with every action and every move.
It can be scary following Him, especially when its like Abram and we do not know where we are going. BUT Abram was so richly blessed for it as you will be. If you are scared, remember this verse:
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deut. 31:6
Oh Lord, help me follow you in everything I do!!