Wednesday, June 29, 2011

28 weeks - 7 months!

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 28
Fruit/Veggie: Chinese Cabbage

Baby Changes: Baby Boy Webster is about 2.25 pounds and about 14.8 inches long. He is growing!!! He can blink his eyes, has eyelashes, and can possibly see the light that comes in from my belly. BIllions on neurons are forming in his brain and folds and grooves are also forming. THe tissues in his brain are also forming fast. He is still making lots of fat to get ready for his entrance. He can also suck, cough, hiccup, and take breaths. He has REM phases in his sleep now which means he could possibly already be dreaming.

Name: Still deciding :)

Movement: He moves so much. He does kick a lot still but you can mostly feel him just moving and rolling around in my belly. It is a really cool feeling. I love it!

Sleep: I am sleeping pretty well for the most part. I have nights I wake up and cant get back to sleep but for the most part it is still going well. Some days I wish I could sleep later but thats ok.

Symptoms: Growing pains :) Just some stretching and pains of my belly growing. If I get to tired my whole body just hurts but for the most part I feel great. SO very blessed!

Daddy update: Daddy is doing good.We were away from daddy for several days as he had to go to a camp to check it out for a possible retreat. We decided it would be best I didnt go so I got to spend time with my family in Killeen, which was wonderful! It was hard being away from him but its good to be back together. He is busy with NYC coming up and getting ready for that!

News: As I said, I went to Killeen last weekend. I went to a ladies tea they had, we celebrated my parents 40th anniversary, and just hung out with family. It was a wonderful time. Aaron went to Deer Creek Camp to check it out and spent some time here in Katy with Difab, his best friend. We are both home now and getting last minute things ready before we head to Kentucky for NYC. I am also trying to rest some this week as July is super busy and that wont happen much. I get my glucose test tomorrow and have my 28 week appointment. Hoping all goes well and that he isnt breech anymore. We also had out 3D ultrasounds last week and they were awesome!!! I recommend them!! Our boy was about 2.2 pounds and about 14.5 inches long. Right on track!!! Until next week!

Days until due date: 81 days!!

Mommy to be!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

27 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 27
Fruit/Veggie: Head of Cauliflower

Baby Changes: Our sweet boy is almost 2 pounds, or about the weight of a head of cauliflower and about 14 1/2 inches long. He sleeps and wakes at regular intervals of time. He opens and closes his eyes and may be sucking his thumb. Our baby's brain is very active now as more tissue continues to develop. His lungs are still developing but could probably survive with lots of help if he were born today (lets hope he just stays inside :). He has hiccups more often now. He is recognizing my voice and daddy's voice better now. His digestive and circulatory system are also developing a lot this week. Since there is less amniotic fluid now, his kicks feel stronger.

Name: Still not one for sure yet.

Movement: I can really feel his movements a lot now. They are very strong and Daddy can easily feel them. I can also feel when he rolls and that is a strange but cool feeling! He is usually awake between 1-2 pm, 5-6 pm, 8 pm, between 1-2 am, and about 7-8 am. I have noticed that these are pretty common times to feel him moving. He is also having hiccups much more. I can tell its hiccups because there is a rhythmic pulse in the same spot for several minutes. We have one active little boy!

Sleep: I am sleeping pretty well for the most part. It is getting harder for me to get comfortable and I know that will only continue until he is here. Im feeling a little more tired but not too bad.

Symptoms: I am having a lot of aches and pains. Last Saturday I was really sore and just laid around all day. My back and abdomen both hurt a lot. Sunday I felt much better after resting. My back pain comes and goes. I usually hurt the most right after waking up. I am sure I am sleeping in weird positions that cause this. I also had terrible "charlie horse" cramps last night. Aaron and I both feel asleep on the couch. I woke up with a bad cramp in my right calf and it went away. I was trying not to wake him up. If you have ever had a charlie horse you know it hurts bad! So it went away and another came and I scared him because i was saying, "Ouch, Ouch, Ouch" and crying and he jumped up quick! I told him I was fine and just having leg cramps. So he helped me flex my calf and get it out. Then I still had two more cramps come! No fun. But, if thats the biggest symptom I am lucky!

Daddy Update: Daddy is doing well! He helped me a lot with my cramps and keeps me resting and staying healthy through this pregnancy. We finished registering and he was glad :) He feels him moving a lot and talks to him. He also keeps me sane with my emotions :) I cant wait to see him holding our sweet boy. He is going to be such a great dad!!!

News: We are going today to get a 3D-4D ultrasound and we are very excited. We are hoping this will help us decide on a name :) This week we have an girls/guys night with the youth and our friend Difab is coming to town. Next week we are going to visit Deer Creek Camp. Busy, Busy, Busy as always :) I also got everything cleaned out in the house last week with my mom and we are ready to start getting his room ready! Lots of exciting stuff!

Days until due date: 89 days

Mommy To Be

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

26 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 26
Fruit/Veggie: Weight of Eggplant, Length of Hothouse Cucumber

Baby Changes: Our sweet boy is about the length of a hothouse cucumber or 14 inches long. He weighs about the same of an eggplant, or about 1 2/3 pounds. He is inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid now. This is helping his lung development. He has had his eyelids shut for about a month now and this week he is starting to open them again. He is still putting on fat and will continue to until he is born. Blood vessels are developing in his lungs for breathing when he is born. His blood circulation is completely functional. The umbilical cord is getting thicker to get more nutrients to him.

Name: Still no name. We got opinions from our students and others at camp, but we are still in the middle :)

Movement: On Friday and Saturday he didn't move to much. I think it may have been from my exhaustion from camp but he is back to normal now! He punched or kicked me in the ribs yesterday and that was painful but I love feeling him!

Sleep: Going well! I wake up sore a lot of the time after sleep. My belly area and back are sore but it goes away pretty quickly which is good.

Symptoms: Thursday at camp was rough like I explained in the last blog but that is about it. I am feeling well and just some stretching pains now and then. Again, I feel so blessed!

Daddy Update: Daddy is doing well and very busy with youth events going on this summer. Yesterday we were laying in bed as we were waking up and he got to feel baby boy a lot and see my belly move. It may be one of my favorite times with him when we can feel him move and watch my belly and just be excited for him to get here!

News: I am taking it pretty easy this week. I am nesting a bit. I am working on each room and throwing out all junk and really cleaning everything out. I don't want any extra stuff we don't need to junk stuff up. My mom is coming tomorrow to help me with this. We are really going to tackle the nursery to get it as ready as we can before showers and before we get the furniture/paint, etc. I am excited! :) Aaron and I went to register last night. Target took about an hour and Babies R Us took about 2. We still are not done with Babies R Us. It is so overwhelming with how much you need and how much there is to look at and decide on. The stroller was our hardest decision. We thought we had one picked out but when we got there we decided to check them all again and we got stuck between 2. After about 25 minutes we decided on one :) We will have to go back either this week or next to finish up. I am just excited to start getting the things we need for him. I am feel really blessed about my pregnancy and how its gone so far. Thank you Lord!

Days until due date: 96 days!!!! Double Digits!

Mommy to be!

Monday, June 6, 2011

25 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 25
Fruit/Veggie: Rutabaga

Baby Changes: Our baby boy is now 13 1/2 inches long and weighs a little over a 1.5 pounds. Since he is producing more fat, the wrinkles in his skin are starting to smooth out this week. His capillaries are forming and with blood by the end of the week. His air sacs will develop in his lungs which is getting him ready for his first breath when he is born. He is still developing surfactant, which will help his air sacs expand when he is born. His nostrils, which have been plugged up until this point, are starting to open. It is crazy to me that they live in fluid but don't choke and that the fluid doesn't bother them! God is a wonderful creator! His vocal cords are also developing for that first cry. His testes are descending from his scrotum. He also can touch and hold his feet now. He will already start to favor either his right or left hand. He is also already getting into his own sleep routine.

Name: We are still stuck between 2 names!! Hopefully we can decide soon :)

Movement: He is still my little mover. He moves all the time. You can see my belly moving sometimes. When he doesn't move a lot in a day I don't like that now because I am so used to him moving a lot. I think we may have one active boy on our hands :)

Symptoms: I am having stretching pains now and then but overall feeling well!I am so incredibly blessed!

Sleep:I am sleeping well. I have a prenatal pillow that is great! I love sleeping in since its summer time!

Daddy Update: Daddy is doing well! He likes to feel him move, but our boy can be temperamental and not move when he puts his hand on my belly. He has talked to him several times and is excited for him to just be here! I think the summer will fly by for daddy because it is packed with youth events!

News: I am just now doing the 25 week update because we had camp last week. We left on Monday so I wasn't able to get it done. Camp went great! The bus' air doesn't work well so it was very hot on the way up and back and that was the worst part. It was hot there but I could go inside to get relief if I needed it. I made sure to stay hydrated and drank at least 1 1/2 gallons a day from Monday to Friday. I am not drinking that much not that I am back, although I should. I felt good all week. I got tired here and there but would just go rest a little bit if I needed to. Thursday was the only rough day for me. My back hurt pretty bad and I was pretty sore all day and just exhausted. We made it back and crashed Friday. Saturday we didn't do much either. We ran a few errands and finished Lost on Netflix. It was a great week and we love our students and were really blessed by God!

Days until baby boy is due: 106 Days

Mommy to be!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

6 months!

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 24

Fruit/Veggie: Length-Ear of Corn, Weight-Papaya

Baby Changes: Our baby boy is about the length of an ear of corn (about 12 inches) and he weighs 1.49 pounds as of yesterday. His brain is developing quickly and his taste buds are still forming. His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory tree and cells that produce surfactant - this helps his lungs inflate once he is born. It will also keep his lungs from sticking together and collapsing. He still has thin, translucent skin, but that is changing as well. He is still developing fat at a fast rate. He also is getting less and less room in my belly so he cant do flips as easily but he sure can still kick! His eyes remain shut for now. He will continue to grow hair and his eyelashes are formed as well.

Name: We still have no name yet but are down to two, for now :)

Movement: This little boy LOVES to move! He moves most of the day. I had no caffine yesterday before the appointment and he still was moving all around! I love feeling him though so its ok with me!

Symptoms: No real bad symptoms this week except for a lot of neck and shoulder pain but that has subsided for the most part. Feeling well and blessed!

Sleep: I got a snoogie pillow and it is wonderful! Sleeping well! I am doing a lot so my body is pretty tired right now. Summer wont slow down much either!

Daddy Update: Daddy is doing well and loves feeling him! He is busy with youth stuff. I cant wait for him be able to hold our little boy and see him with him. He will be a great father! He is very supportive of me and everything that comes with pregnancy and has been such a huge support for me during this! Thanks Aaron! I love you!

News: We went to the doctor yesterday for our 4 week check up. We got to have another ultrasound since they couldnt see everything on the last one. Everything looks normal and he is looking great! He measured 24.1 weeks in size and I was 24.1 weeks at the check-up so right on track! His heartbeat was 143 and he weighed 1.49 pounds/676 grams. We love seeing him on the ultrasound. We wont get another one unless the doctor feels it is necessary to see whats going on in there. For that reason, I dont want another one because I want everything to go smoothly, but I sure do love having them! He was also breech. They said it is very likely he will turn since I am 24 weeks. He has a while :) Nana and Aaron's parents (no official names yet for them) and Aunt Lynnlee and Uncle Chris got to see us last weekend and feel him move which was great. Its always wonderful to see family. Our summer picks up for full swing right :) We have camp next week. Then I am home for a couple weeks to really work on the nursery and house stuff but we have a few local events. Then we have NYC, showers, cheer camp, and a family trip, then school starts, then its time for baby Webster! Its going to fly by! Please keep praying for us as we prepare and that baby boy Webster will grow and develop properly. Also pray for us as we make decisions that effect him and that we will make the right decisions.

Days until Baby Boy is due: 110 days!

Mommy to be!