Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sweet Pea - 24 weeks

I cannot believe we are at 6 months! This pregnancy is FLYING by! Only 4 more to go!  

Baby Changes:

You are gaining weight and should have gained about 4 ounces since last week! Mommy is putting on the weight too! You are about 1 and 1/3 pounds now and almost a foot long!!! You are about the size of an ear of corn! Your brain is developing quickly now along with your taste buds! Your lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help your air sacs inflate once you hit the outside world.Your skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.

Movement: Your kicks and moves are getting stronger! i am also able to feel you "rolling" more and that is a neat feeling!
Cravings: None really - I really crave chocolate and sweets right now but try not to have too many! ;)
Sleep: Sleeping pretty well!
Symptoms: Tired! My hips and tailbone are starting to hurt more.

Daddy update: He is tired from lots of traveling too! 

 After Amarillo we headed to Dallas to see Mommy's family! We had big family Christmas. Everyone is so excited tohave you join us next year! It was also Mommy's birthday! Mommy was pregnant with Brody on her birthday too! Kinda cool! I cannot belive my next birthday I will be holding you! I cannot wait! :)

Days until due date: 112 days - 16 weeks

I Love You Sweet Girl! Mommy

Sweet Pea - 23 weeks

You still got loved on by lots of people this week with Aaron's family. You are already one spoiled little girl! :) And thats ok.

Baby Changes:

You can now feel when I dance. This is a great thing because we have dance parties almost daily with Mommy, Daddy, and Brody! Brody loves dancing!!  You are a little more than 11 inches long and a little more than a poung. You are about the size of a large mango! I can see you move under my skin now! Blood vessels in your lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and you can hear noises better now! Loud noises are also becoming familiar to you now!

Movement: Lolly and Aunt Stephanie got to feel you move!! You moved a lot again this week!
Cravings: I had cranberry salsa and I LOVE it! Maybe you will one day too :) 

Sleep: Sleeping great! Not nearly enough on vacation but good :) Your brother likes to wake up early on vacation. He has it backwards! :)
Symptoms: Feeling good just tired from a lot of traveling! It is so great to see family though!
Daddy update: He is loving being with family and has enjoyed feeling you a little bit stronger this week!

 On Friday of last week we traveled to Amarillo to see Daddy's side of the family. We had to stop a lot again but the trip overall went well. We have enjoyed talking a lot about you this week and you got spoiled with clothes for sure!! You are already so loved and cherished!!!

Days until due date: 119 days - 17 weeks

I Love You Sweet Girl! Mommy

Sweet Pea - 22 Weeks

We still have lots of excitement going through us after finding out you were a girl!!! We are so excited and the pink, fluffy, ruffled items are rolling in from others already!

Baby Changes:

You are about 11 inches long and about 1 pound. You are also about the size of a spaghetti squash. Your sweet lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and you are developing tiny tooth buds beneath your gums. Your eyes have formed, but your irises still don't have pigment yet! I hope you get your daddy's blue eyes :)  Your pancreas is also developing steadily.

Movement: You are still a moving little bee! I love it!! Nana and Aunt Lynnlee got to feel you this week and so did Cooper. Pretty cool! 
Cravings: With the holidays mommy ate too much! I craved Nana's egg nog so we had that and also my favorite - buttersotch cookies! You will have to try them one day! Nana makes the best!

Sleep: Sleeping great! Not nearly enough on vacation but good :) Your brother likes to wake up early on vacation. He has it backwards! :)
Symptoms: Feeling good this week!
Daddy update: Daddy is doing well. He is enjoying family time and getting to sleep in some. Mommy gets up with Brody most of the time. He is very clingy to me right now. I think he senses a change is coming with you. I also think he doesn't feel well this week.

 We headed to Killeen to have Christmas with Nana and Papa and mommy's side of the family on Sunday. I have to get out to walk a lot because you can get clots easily when you are pregnant and sit for a while. I had a bad crick in my neck traveling but that is all. You did not make me hurt too bad :) or have to go to the bathroom too much! :) You sure did get spoiled already and you are not even here! Especially with Christmas outfits! :) You got TONS of Christmas outfits. Here are pictures of two. They are soooo cute! I cannot wait for you to wear them! ;) 

Days until due date: 126 days - 18 weeks

I Love You Sweet Girl! Mommy


Sweet Pea - 21 Weeks

Drumroll please.........
You are a little.............GIRL!!!! Yea!
We couldn't be more thrilled to welcome you into our family sweet baby girl!

Baby Changes:

You now weigh about three-quarters of a pound and you are approximately 10 1/2 inches long. You are about the size of a carrot - long and thin! You are moving lots and I feel you almost everyday! Your eyebrows and lids are present now, and your female parts are forming now!


Movement: Yes. I LOVE feeling you move! Daddy can feel very light movement! 
Cravings: No cravings this week.

Sleep: Sleeping well! Not too big yet so I am not too uncomfortable. Although I do tend to wake up on my back which is unusal for me. I hardly ever sleep on my back. I then have to roll over!
Symptoms: Feeling good this week!
Daddy update: He's doing great! He is ready to be able to feel you more! He was busy getting things ready to be gone for our Christmas break. He also was getting ready for our youth Christmas party! He looked a little freaky :) Daddy is also a little nervous about you being a girl :) He doesn't know how to handle girls and all that comes with us. We will teach him though - won't we sweet girl!
Daddy looking kinda scary at the party!
 We found out on Tuesday Dec. 17, 2013 that you were offically a girl!!! We were so excited! Here are a few pictures of you! You kept hiding and putting your arm in front of your face. Silly girl, we want to see that sweet face! :)
There are some of you next to Brody too! I think you look alike! But his pictures were done at 27 weeks so he looks a little more filled out! Bring on the cute outfits and bows for you sweet girl!!
We also had a gender reveal party with our friends and cupcakes! it was fun to see everyone excited that you were a girl too! Brody loved the cupcakes!!! :) I cannot wait to do lots of girly things with you! We love you so much!

Days until due date: 133 days - 19 weeks

20 weeks 3 days!

20 weeks 3 days

You on left, Brody on right

We have pink icing!!!
 Mommy, Daddy, and Brody excited with pink and to welcome a baby girl in!
Mommy at 20 weeks! Halfway to meeting you!
I Love You Sweet Girl! Mommy