Thursday, November 24, 2011


This thanksgiving I have so much to be thankful for!!

1) I am thankful for Jesus my Lord and Savior most of all! He is my Rock and without him I am nothing.
2) I am thankful for my husband who is my supporter and my best friend. He is such a rock for me through everyday life. I am so glad I dont have to live life without him. I love him more than yesterday and less than tomorrow!
3) I am thankful for my beautiful son! Being a mom might be the best thing in this world! I love him more everyday and it is such a joy to watch him grow. I am thankful the Lord has blessed me and chosen me to be his mother! (check out my blog for him
4) I am thankful for my immediate family. My parents, siblings, and nieces, and nephews mean so much to me! they are all so wonderful and I dont know what I would do without them. I love you guys!
5) I am thankful for my extended family! I am so blessed to have an extended family I am close with and who mean so much to me! Love yall!
6) I am thankful for my health. I am thankful the Lord has given me an able and working body that I can better serve him with. Thank you Lord!
7) I am thankful for my job. Even though it is so hard to work and be away from Brody, I am thankful for it for the income, insurance, and because it helps provide for my family. Not everyone has that blessing these days.
8) I am thankful for my church. Aaron and I are so supported and loved there and I am thankful for the people in it and what they mean to us.
9) I am thankful for our closest friends from OKC - The Cummins, Difabios, Smiths, Meisners, Kesslers, and Hawkinsons. We love you guys. We wish we could see you daily. We pray for you and are so thankful for you!
10) I am thankful for our friends in Houston - the Rickeys, the Holts, and the Pardues. Thank you for making us feel so welcome and loved when we came. We love you guys!
11) I am thankful for our life group! Thanks for supporting us and for being a place where we can be open! We love yall!
12) I am thankful for life in general. Thank you Lord for allowing be to live and for all the many blessings you have given me.

I have so much more I could list but these came to my mind first. Thank you Lord for my many blessings! I am sorry I do not always thank you enough. I am so blessed by you!!

Friday, November 4, 2011


The only word to describe my 1st day today leaving Brody - AWFUL!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Being a baby is awesome!!

Top Reasons why being a baby is awesome!

1) Parents love it when you burp and say good job
2) Its ok to pass gas out loud
3) Its ok to pass gas ON someone
4) You never have to hold it if you need to go to the bathroom
5) Everyone thinks you always look cute
6) You have your own paparazzi (aka your parents)
7) Everyone always wants you to be happy
8) Everyone loves to see you laugh/smile
9) Everyone wants to see you
10) You always have company
11) Someone is always to the rescue soon when you are upset
12) You get to eat a lot and whenever you are hungry
13) People think its cute when you have fat rolls
14) Your goal is to gain weight
15) You have the cutest wardrobe

Monday, October 17, 2011

Some great things!!

Lots of great things lately.

1) Brody turned 1 month old
2) He took his first trip and did great
3) We got to see our friends
4) Our friends got to marry Brody
5) Brody has slept until 5:45 am for about 1 week
6) I get to be home with him for 3 more weeks
7) Uncle Jared is visiting this week
8) Its getting close to the holidays!
9) The weather is cooler - not real cool but coolER
10) The Lord has richly blessed us!!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Webster Family of 3

Life at the Webster home is going great!! We are adjusting well to our new "normal" and we are loving being parents to our sweet Brody.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New blog!

I am going to be blogging to Brody. You can read what I write him> I am going to try to do it weekly. It will be messages to him and also things about his life like how that week goes, what he does that week, milestones, etc. I hope this is something he enjoys reading one day!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Top 10

During Brody's first 3 weeks of life - here is what I love the most about being a mommy!

10. Waking up knowing my sweet baby boy is next to me in the basinet.
9. Hearing his little noises he makes
8. Watching him move and start to look towards noises
7. Staring at his sweet face
6. When he stops crying when I pick him up - knowing all he wanted was me.
5. When he wraps his hand around my finger.
4. His sweet smile
3. Knowing this little boy depends on me
2. Seeing Aaron and I's features in him
1. Holding and cuddling with him

I could list a lot more but hers just 10 :)

Monday, September 26, 2011


Being a mom is the best! It really is. You hear it all the time from mom's, but you just don't get it until you are a mommy!

Brody is wonderful! The first week he didn't really fuss at all! Last week and today he has been more fussy but I feel very blessed because I know some babies cry all the time. Today he has been the fussiest and it hasn't been easy but we made it! :)

Aaron and I are trying not to hold him all the time especially if he is fussy for no reason (no temp, diaper changed, feed, burped, warm). It is really hard but we want him to learn how to soothe himself and not have to be held all the time when he is older.

I love getting cuddles from my little man. I love just holding him against my chest with him all curled up sleeping. Its the best. It is amazing how quickly you fall in love with your baby. I was afraid I would really miss the life Aaron and I had before Brody, but now I cannot imagine life without Brody. I mean I loved that time of my life and I do miss it some but I wouldnt trade having Brody for anything!

Aaron has done AMAZING with Brody! He is so patient and loving towards him and I love watching him interact with him!! I mean Aaron's first diaper to change was Brody's in the hospital. You would never know he hasn't really been around babies much.

Both moms came and helped for a week and it was great!! We are so tankful for them and really glad they came. Now it is just the three of us at home and we are learning our new normal. We are doing well! Brody slept for 6 hours last night and did great! I was a little nervous letting him sleep that long but I did (I woke up after 3 hours like normal just to check on him :)) I am waking up less with every noise he makes. I am learning that every noise doesn't mean he is dying :) I do still wake up to make sure he is breathing though. I know I will get better but I just have to check on my sweet boy! :)

He is eating well. Aaron got to feed him the first time last night. We are doing strictly breastmilk. Our pediatrician suggested we do 1 bottle a day starting at two weeks so they learn how to do both breast and bottle. He did great! Speaking of pediatrician, his 2 week appointment went great! He was 7.01 (he had gained 14 oz in 9 days!) Everything looked great. They did have to prick him to take blood for his two week scan. I'm not sure if it was worse for him or me. It was awful hearing him scream and not being able to help him! We haven't heard of any abnormal test which is good. No news is good news. Thank you Lord!

Suprisingly, we dont think he likes his swing very much. He usually gets fussy when we put him in it instead of calming down which is unusual. He also grunts a lot! He has this grunting noise he makes when he wakes up, when he is getting mad, and when he is hungry. It "his" noise.

I have been a mommy for 17 days now and it is flying by already! I love it a lot though and am enjoying every day with my little man! Thank you Lord for my little blessing!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I love being a Mommy!!

So, I wrote my last post on Thursday September 8th. Little did I know that the very next day, Brody would be arriving. Here is what happened.

Thursday was any normal day at school. I was busy and just working as usual. For some reason, during my conference period, I decided to make all my copies for next week, get everything ready for my long term sub when she came, and getting really organized. Honestly in the back of my head, I just kept thinking its going to be soon I need to be ready. Little did I know how soon.

After school, I had cheer practice with my girls until 4 pm. Aaron met me at the doctors office at 4:15 for our appointment. We really just thought it would be an in and out thing and confirming induction plans Sept 19. When the doctor came in she measured me as usual and I measured small again (I think 36 weeks is what she said). She said lets get an ultrasound. Aaron and I looked at each other and said, "Do we really need one?" Those things can be expensive and we only wanted it if she felt it really necessary. She said yes so we said OK! and we went to get it. The tech did all of her measurements and at the end i asked, is the fluid low again. She said yes and I asked, "really low, like bad low" she said yes but thats all she can say. She did say plan on going to the hospital to either get fluids through an IV or to have the baby soon. When we walked out we heard her tell the doctor the fluid was at a 4. 5 is not good and it was below that. The doctor came in and said we need to have that baby tonight. You need to go to the hospital at 10 pm. In my head I was thinking, "wait, what did you just say? Where having him like tonight???" He wasnt in immediate danger but didnt need to stay in. My fluid being low is what is called Oligohydramnios (you can google for more information). It can be serious and the doctor didnt want it there. I am thankful for that!

So Aaron and I left a little shocked trying to wrap our minds around what was about to happen. We made calls to family, ate dinner at Chick-Fil-A and went to get things ready to go. I took a shower to shave my legs and wash my hair and we just relaxed and watching Big Brother. The hospital called at 830 and said to call back at 930 because there might not be room. so i called at 930 and we were told to come in at 11. We got there and in a room right away. I got hooked up to my IV and the process started. I was 0 dilated, effaced, everything so we started the process to help this first.

I labored all night Thursday night but didnt really feel much. At 7 am I was still having contractions so the nurse, Gladys - who was amazing!!, let me labor without pitocin in 9:45. With no progression, we started Pitocin at 9:45 am. Things did get stronger but not super quick. I labored until 3:30 pm with little progression. At 3:30 I got the epidural. I totally recommend it. It is wonderful and didnt really hurt. It is a very strange sensation though to not be able to move your legs.

I still had little progression until about 7 pm. At 7 pm I started progressing a little and my family decided to go eat dinner quickly and Aaron and I would rest. At 8 pm I started feeling pressure so the nurse decided to check my progression and I was progressing well! By 8:30 I was a 10. By 8:51 Brody Scott Webster was here! The end progression was quick!

Brody did wonderful the whole time. His heart rate stayed great. Again, we praise the Lord for this and we know that He was right there with our little man.

It was a wonderful experience. It really was. Having a baby is such a miracle and a thing that is just an experience you cant describe. Aaron was so strong and supportive through it all!! My family and his family were there and so wonderful too!! My sis and my mom helped through so much too!

Being a mom is so much more than I thought possible. It is such a joy and I feel so blessed. I thank the Lord often for this blessing, his health, and my health. The Lord was there with me the entire time and I felt many prayers - thanks to all for those!

I dont feel like I could be more in love with my little boy because I already love him so much, but I know I will!

Home has been good. Sleeping is rough and Aaron and I are exhausted. We knew this would come but its still tiring. Everyone said sleep while you can and its true but at the same time I dont think sleeping before a baby comes could prepare you for it. It is tough but so worth it!!!

We went to his pediatrician today and he is doing wonderful. He has a little Jaundice but nothing to bad. We love our ped and couldnt be happier with him!!!! He has gained 1.5 ounces since coming home Sunday which is great. Our little boy is a tropper!

I love my little family so much! Thank you so much to our families who dropped everything Thursday evening and came for this special event for us. We could not have done it without you!!! Be prepared for my blog to be full about my sweet Brody.

Brody Scott Webster
Born September 9, 2011
6 lbs 9 oz
18 1/2 long

So blessed! Just cant say it enough. Thank you Lord!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

38 Weeks! Only 2 left!!!

Pregnancy Highlights:

Weeks: 38

Fruit/Veggie: Weight of watermelon/length of a leek

Baby Changes: Brody is really plumping up. He should be around 6.8 pounds and about 19 1/2 inches long. He can now grasp firmly and his organs have matured and are ready for life outside my belly. His belly is still producing meconium. His fingernails have grown quite a bit. Amniotic fluid is slowly decreasing during week 38. Brody's bones in his arms and legs have hardened. His bones in his skull wont harden until after birth.

Movement: He still is moving a lot! Its more of rolls and jabs since he cant kick but I can still feel and see my little man moving! LOVE IT!

Symptoms: I have been having some cramping and a few contractions here and there but nothing consistent enough to take me to the hospital. Hopefully soon it will be though. We are very ready to meet our little man! I am just trying to take it easy.

Sleep: Sleeping well! I have been blessed in this area! Although I am up at least once a night, sometimes more, I can usually go right back to sleep. Hopefully this will last until he is here since sleep wont be happening much after he is born.

Daddy Update: Dad is doing well! He is for sure ready for this little guy to get here. I say it everytime, but he has been such a huge support for me!! I cant wait to see him hold Brody for the first time!

News: No big news now. Just waiting for the little guy to arrive. I had an appointment last Thursday and measured 37 1/2 weeks and his heart rate was in the 130s so it all looked great! I have another appointment today so hopefully it will go good and we will see if anything is progressing!

Days until Brody's due: 10 days!

Mommy to be!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Things they dont tell you about pregnancy!

Dont worry I wont get to detailed in this. I thought I would share some things I have learned over pregnancy that I had no idea about until I was going through it. All wont be shared that I have learned because all is a little TMI.

1) Your emotions are CRAZY. I mean I know they say you are emotional when pregnant, but really?? I cry over the CRAZIEST things. I was thinking more emotional like cry in movies more emotional - I dont usually. Oh no, more emotional like cry at the drop of a pin, cry yourself to sleep for no apparant reason (this was more like a sobbing for me), cry because...well just because.
2) You are not feeding 2 people. I always heard, youre pregnant, eat for 2. Totally wrong. My doctor said, eat like you eat now. You are not feeding 2 people. I have eaten almost the exact same as I did before pregnant, with some exceptions :) I do eat a little more sweets and a little more food now but not a lot.
3) You have to give blood a lot when your pregnant. Ok, so maybe like 4-5 times, but thats a lot when you dont like needles. There are so many test they run.
4) The internet is full of do/donts while pregnant. If you are a paranoid, worrier like me, DONT LOOK! It only makes things worse.
5) You only get 2 ultrasounds when pregnant (at least with my insurance) and the last one is at 20 weeks. You have to wait a whole 20 weeks more to see him again (unless your like me and do a 3-D (highly recommend) and have some issues that need more ultrasounds.)
6) Teachers dont get an automatic paid 6 weeks off!!!
7) You get SO many questions while pregnant (How are you feeling? Asking about sickness. How far along? How much longer? Are you ready?, etc, etc) I dont mind them, I just didnt realize how many I would get!!
8) You need SO much stuff for the baby! I knew we would need a lot for the baby but Oh My Word!! Going into Babies R Us and Target trying to register was insane. Aaron and I would just stand in an aisle and say, I dont know what to register for, I dont know what we need. We were completly lost, but it was a fun experience! I am sure we will need something else when he gets here, but we will figure it out along the way. :)
9) Nesting is crazy! I have always heard about nesting but when you go through it, it is just like they say. You want to clean and organize like crazy and you are stressed until its done!!! I had a HUGE nesting phase the 2 weeks before school started. I cleaned the house, cleaned the closet, got his room ready, washed everything, just went went went! I wanted it done before school. I dont have it as much now since its all done :)
10) You fall in love with your baby SO much before you even lay eyes on them. I knew that I would experience a love that I never knew when he was born, because that is what everyone tells me. Brody isnt even born and I love him more than I can describe already. I can even put into words how I feel about him and how much I want the best for him. It is an incredible experience and I had no idea I would feel that before I even held him. But I have!! And I cant wait to feel it grow once he is here!

Well, theres 10 things I learned since being pregnant! Hope you enjoyed!


Thats Scary

Becoming a parent brings on a whole new set of anxities. At least for me it does. I think about how I treat my body to make sure he is safe and protected in there. I think about everything that enters my body first. Whether food, drink, medicine, etc. Whereas before, it wasnt that much of a thought process for me. I have an overwhelming sense of obligation to keep my little one safe. I feel as though it is my responsbility to protect him since he is growing inside me.

My husband will be the first to tell you that I am a little over cautious with this. Sometimes I get paranoid over the dumbest things. Maybe its because this is my first baby. Maybe its just because I am becoming a mom. Whatever it is, it is something I have had to deal with during this pregnancy. There have been times I have just had to say, Karlee stop! Stop worrying, stop thinking about that, Brody will be fine. God is protecting him. It honestly makes me a nervous. If I am this worried with him in my womb, the safest place for him to be, how will I be when he is out of it??? I feel like I am the only pregnant person like but I hope I am not :)

This morning my mom sent this to me. It is really great!
"Trust me and dont be afraid. I want you to view trials as exercise designed to develop your trust muscles. You live in the midst of fierce spiritual battles, and fear is one of Satan's favorite weapons. When you start to feel afraid, confirm your trust in me. Speak outloud if circumstances permit. Resist the devil in my My Name and he will slink away from you. Refresh yourself in My hold Presence. Speak or sing Praises to Me and My face will shine radiantly upon you."

That is some good stuff!! I have learned through this all that I ultimately cannot control anything. I have done my best to protect Brody while I have carried Him, but God is the one who is in complete control. Me worrying does no good. When Brody gets here, I know I just have to trust God that He will protect him and guide him. I have learned how to give over control and trust. Although I am sure I will have to give over control to God many times because I want it back, I know it will be more freeing than having control. God gave me this little boy and this little boy is His from before he is even born! Therefore, since it is God's blessing for me to be his mommy, I trust in the Lord.

What are you trying to control today??

37 Weeks - Full Term!!

Pregnancy Highlights:

Week: 37

Fruit/Veggie: Watermelon

Baby Changes: This week Brody is offically "Full-Term". His lungs would likely do ok if he were born today, but better to cook as long as possible! Although I want to meet him NOW, i know it is better for him to "bake" a little longer! He is about 6 1/2 pounds and about 19 inches long. He is making fat at about 1/2 ounce a day. His skin is getting pink. He is practicing breathing in there as well! He is also growing his peach fuzz for his hair :)

Movement: Still feeling him a lot. I mainly feel elbows, knees, etc poking me and hiccups. Not a ton of rolling or kicking but some.

Sleep: sleeping well! I get up usually once for a potty break but I am not complaining and so thankful for good sleep!

Symptoms: Mainly just the hip still. I get sharp/uncomfortable pains every now and then but nothing consistant.

Daddy Update: He is doing great! He is ready to meet his little buddy! He is such a strong supporter for me and my rock. So thankful for Aaron!

News: We are just waiting now for our little man to arrive. All clothes are washed, room is ready, and bags are packed! I got my flu shot yesterday recommended by several doctors and feeling good today so hopefully i wont get any symptoms from it :) We cant wait to meet him our little guy! I already love him so much!

Days until Brody's due date: 19 days!!!

Mommy to be

Friday, August 26, 2011

36 weeks - 9 months!!!

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 36

Baby Changes: Brody is gaining about an ounce a day. He is close to 19 inches and weighs over 6 pounds. He is shedding most of the downy hair that covers his body. He is also shedding vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected his skin during the last nine-months in the amniotic fluid. He will swallow both of these substances along with other secretions. Because of this, this creates his meconium, his first bowel movement. At the end of this week, Brody will be considered full term. His gums are also now rigid and he can suck (we saw him sucking his thumb last week on the ultrasound!) SO CUTE! His lungs are structurally developed this week!!! Surfactant is being developed in the lungs. This will keep his lungs open when he is born. A developing baby is simply amazing!

Movement: Still feeling him move. I dont think I could ever get tired of it! I love it! He is not moving as much but he doesnt have as much room! :)

Sleep: I have been sleeping well this week! (Knock on wood :) I think it is because I am exhausted from the first week back at work! Whatever it is, I dont care. I am just glad to sleep!

Symptoms: My biggest symptom this week was my hip hurting. Tuesday night was AWFUL!! I literally could barely move. It hurt to do anything, sit there, walk, put my leg straight, bend it, lift my leg, walk, anything hurt!!! It felt like my bone was going to break at any moment. Wednesday morning it was not as bad. I asked lots of people to pray for me and I felt it already getting better. Yesterday and today I have had no pain! I believe it is the power of prayer and the Lord taking care of it. With the way it was feeling Tuesday, it had to have been him!! Thanks for the prayers! Besides that I am just tired but that comes with the territory. :)

Daddy Update: Daddy is doing well. He has been fighting a bad cough for a week. He went to the doctor yesterday and they said it was allergies. Pray he can kick whatever it is that has got him this way. He is ready and excited to meet Brody though! He is such a great support for me!

News: I had a doctors appointment yesterday and everything looks good! I have been blessed with such a smooth pregnancy! He is measuring right at 36 weeks and I gained a pound this last week. I cannot believe that our little man will be here in less than a month!! It is scary but exciting all at the same time! It is weird to think what life will be like when he is here and hard to imagine but I know it will be great. It feels like the pregnancy flew by but creeped by at some points. I am scared of the unknown and life changing. I love my life with Aaron and I. But I know that it will be amazing and once he is here, I wont be able to imagine life without him.

His nursery is ready!!! We have a few things to get done around the house, but for the most part everything is ready to go. I have my hospital bag packed and his bag packed. Maverick will go get his hair done this next week. All the last minute things are taking place now. We are so excited to welcome our little man!

Days until Brody is due: 24 days!

Mommy to be!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

35 weeks and Fluid Update

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 35

Baby Changes: Brody is about 20 inches long and weighs 5.14 pounds (went to dr. today). Since there is not much room now in my belly he is likely not to move as much. His kidneys are fully developed and his liver and process some waste now. Most of his physical development is done and he is just putting on some weight now. His lungs are almost developed now, which is great!

Movement: He is still moving a lot but more just rolls still. During the ultrasound he was moving a lot!!

Sleep: I have been sleeping really well besides last Monday night. Maverick got sick about every hour and when he wasn't sick, I could not fall back asleep. So I got about 2 hours of sleep. I have been really tired after that so sleeping well!!

Symptoms: Tuesday, I had a lot of stomach and back pain and went to the doctor but everything checked out ok and it was not anything to worry about. Last night I had some cramping which I think were contractions or Braxton Hicks, but there were not consistent so nothing to worry about. Just tired!

Daddy update: He is doing great! Things are finally settling down for him! He is ready to meet Brody and be able to hold him. He is still such a strong support for me and I appreciate all he does!

News: We went back to the doctor and Brody's fluid level was a 10. It jumped 3 points so that is great! He gained 1 pound in 1 week as week so that was also good!!! He is looking great! I just have to keep drinking the fluids up like I am. He was sucking his thumb which was really sweet to watch!!! We are thanking and praising the Lord for touching my body and the womb this week so that everything is safe and okay with Brody! I am scheduled to be induced September 19 unless he comes earlier! It is getting close!!

Days until due date: 31 days

Mommy to Be

Thursday, August 11, 2011

To Drink or Not to Drink

I had my doctors appointment today. My last before I go weekly - or so I thought.

The nurse came in and listened for Brody's heartbeat and found it at about 143, which is good. My blood pressure was 108 over 65, and I had not gained any weight the last two weeks.

My doctor came in and asked how my trip to Colorado was and got out the tape to measure my belly and did and it measure 32/beginning of 33 weeks. I am almost 35 so this alarmed by doctor and she ordered an ultrasound. I think asked her some questions I had and I went to wait. I called Aaron right away and he rushed from the church to the doctor's office to be there for the ultrasound.

We get back there and have the ultrasound. We could not really see to much because he is so big now and it all kind of looks the same. His head is down, which is good, and he weighs almost 5 pounds which is good as well. BUT, I do not have enough fluid. The U/S tech then tells me to wait. My doctor will either send me to the hospital for fluids or I will have to drink more. My doctor calls me back and tells me I have to drink A LOT and I have to have another U/S next week to make sure fluid is increasing. She is not overly concerned right now and says this does not cause us to need to react immediately but wants the fluid to increase by next week. It was kind of a scary experience. Although I think everything will be ok, you want everything to be 100% ok at every appointment.

We have been very blessed this whole pregnancy to have it go so well. This little set back should be fixable by next week as well. Please say a prayer for Brody and I that by next week there is plenty of fluid in there for him.

So - what will I be doing this week?? Forcing down as much water as I can handle. I thought I was drinking enough but I guess I was not. I think my body is soaking up all I drink for me since it is so stinking hot here and our house stays at about 80 during the day as well and so Brody wasnt getting much. Pray I can drink enough this week to give him the fluid he needs!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Life Lately

I thought I would update everyone on just life and not just a weekly baby update. This summer has kept us so busy and not much time to just blog about life this summer.

July was a whirlwind. We had NYC the first few weeks of July in Louisville, KY. It was a great trip with our students. It was hot and tiring for me but I really enjoyed being there with the students.

We then got back on Monday night about 10 pm. We were home for a few days and we headed to Killeen on Friday morning. We were there for one night and on Saturday we had a BEAUTIFUL shower given by my sister from the Killeen Church. It was just wonderful and beautiful and my sister put so much time and effort into it and I am really thankful!

We then headed back to Houston on Saturday with my mom and Aaron's mom. We had our Houston shower on Sunday. We were very glad to do that so both moms could be there for both. Sunday we had another beautiful shower. All the little things like the frames, to the cake that matched, to the people and food made the shower so great! Thanks Kim and Life Group ladies!!

We were then home for two weeks. We had youth stuff going on and I was busy getting things ready for the nursery and getting all of our shower gifts sorted, washed, etc.

Aaron then headed to OKC to get some VIP letters from SNU for our youth game room. That trip took longer than he thought and had to stay an extra night. You can ask him about that trip :)

August 1, we got up at 5:10 to make our flight at 7:30 to head to Colorado for our family trip. We ended up missing our flight by 4 minutes, which neither of us have done before, and had to wait 1 1/2 hours to catch the next flight, which was not to bad. We finally made it to CO and did so much. We went to the zoo, Garden of the Gods, Seven Falls, the Olympic training Center, Aaron climbed Pikes Peak, and just had great time together with family. Friday our flight left at 8:30. Well, earlier that day we saw Justin Hawkinson and called for him but he didnt see us. Aaron had left his phone on accident at the cabin so Eric tried calling but we didnt get it until we were headed to the airport. They were eating just right up the road so we decided to stop. Before we got there there was a wreck we got re-routed for. We then stopped and said hi for about 10 minutes. We then rain into a downpour and could only go about 45. Once we got out of that we hit traffic and went 40 mph for about 30 minutes. We thought again, we would miss our flight. With lots of prayer we made it with 10 minutes to spare!! We got home 40 minutes early too!

This week I have been trying to relax and get things done for the baby and house since I start again next week. We are so blessed and have had a good past few weeks. We only have 6 to go to meet Brody and we are so excited! HOpe you are doing great!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

34 weeks - 8 1/2 Months!!

Pregnancy Highlights:
Fruit/Veggie: Cantaloupe

Baby Changes: Brody weighs about 4.75 pounds now and almost 18 inches. HIs fat layers are getting thicker to help him stay warm once he is born. His skin is very smooth now as well. His nervous system and respiratory are still maturing. He also has a thick, white substance covering his skin called vernix. This helps his skin from pruning in the amniotic fluid.

Movement: He is still moving a lot and my whole belly likes to move! I still love it!!! He loves to push out his leg/elbow, whatever it is and just hold it there.

Symptoms: Tired!! I am still feel really tired!

Sleep: Sleeping well and wanting to sleep a lot!

Daddy update: Daddy is doing well!! He has a lot to do with youth this week. He put the crib together for me Saturday and I love it! He is very good at keeping me sane and helping me through this pregnancy. He has been my rock and I could not have made it through this pregnancy without him.

News:This is my last week before work starts. I am trying to take it easy yet get things done. I feel like Brody's due date is so close yet so far!! I feel like I have so much to do still. We are just chugging along and getting excited for Brody to make his appearance!

Days until Brody is due: 41 days!!

Mommy to be!

33 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:
Fruit/Veggie: Heft a pineapple

Baby Changes: Brody weighs about 4 pounds now and longer than 17 inches. He is loosing his "wrinkly" skin fast and his skin is hardening. His bones in his skull are still not hardening because they need to be able to be flexible for birth. He is still gaining about 1/2 a pound a week and the amniotic fluid is maxing out so I am able to feel everything pretty clearly! Brody is receiving antibodies from me to build his own immune system. Brody's respiratory system is almost mature!! He can sense light and darkness. His pupils constrict and dilate according to light.

Movement: He is still moving a lot and my whole belly likes to move! I still love it!!! I have not seen a foot imprint yet but I hope I get to!

Symptoms: Tired!! I am feeling so tired lately!

Sleep: Sleeping well and wanting to sleep a lot!

Daddy update: Daddy is doing well!! He climbed Pikes Peak this week and so thankful he made it down safely. He said he thought of Brody while climbing which is cool! He is really ready to meet him! He will be a great dad. He is working hard with youth stuff and it should all slow down before too long and hopefully he can get some rest that he needs!

News: We went to Colorado this week and it was a very relaxing time and good to get away. It was our last vacation with just the two of us! Kind of crazy! We are trying to get everything ready for the house and get ready for Brody's appearance. Everything is going well!!

Days until Brody is due: 48 days!!

Mommy to be!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

32 weeks/8 months

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 32/8 Months
Baby Changes: Brody weighs about 3.75 pounds now and close to 17 1/2 inches. He has "real" hair on his head, fingernails, toenails, and his skin is becoming soft and smooth for his arrival in a few weeks. He is practicing swallowing, kicking, breathing, and sucking to also get ready for his arrival. He can also suck his thumb now. Brody can also blink, look around, grab at things, make faces and hear things. Brody sleeps 90-95% of the day.His head is starting to face down and his legs are in the fetal position because of lack of room.

Movement: He is moving most mornings about 7:30. He is still rolling a lot and jabbing my ribs a lot. It is really cool to watch my entire belly move.

Sleep: Same

Symptoms: My ear infection is clearing up. Im still having some indigestion and im pretty tired during the day. I am feeling soreness and aches and pains in my legs and back, but nothing no other pregnant woman doesnt experience :) Overall, I cannot complain.

Daddy update: Daddy is doing well and things are dying down a little for the summer for youth events so he is beginning to be able to rest a little more. He has been pretty tired this week as the summer is catching up with him :) He has been able to feel and see Brody move a lot this week and been able to talk to him. He is excited and ready to meet our little man. He did great helping me go through the overwhelming amount of things we got for Brody and sift through what we would return, exchange, keep, etc.

News: Last week was busy with cheer camp and lawn olympics for the youth. It kept Aaron and I both going and tired us out pretty good! Friday we did a whole lot of nothing and just relaxed on the couch. Saturday we got up and Aaron did the yard and I cleaned the house. We went to Galveston for the afternoon to get away and celebrate our anniversary. We went to the beach and the Strand and it was a great time. I am in my 32nd week now and yesterday was our 3rd anniversary. It was a lot of fun! I am so blessed to have the husband I do. I love him so much!! I cant wait to see him with Brody and be a daddy!!

Days until Brody is due: 56 days! AAHHHH!!

Mommy to be!

31 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 31
Fruit/Veggie: 4 naval oranges
Baby Changes: Brody is more than 3 pounds and about 17 inches long. Brody is now processing information, tracking light, and perceiving signals from all five senses. He is sleeping for longer periods of time now. This makes the time he is awake more defined for me with his movement. He can turn his head from side to side. His arms and legs are beginning to "plump" out as he gets more fat on his body. His lungs are the only system not fully developed at this point. He will also gain about 1/2 a pound a week from now on.

Movement: Again, moving a lot which i LOVE! He rolls often and likes to jab me with arms and legs. He is also jabbing my ribs a lot but thats ok. He is moving and healthy!

Sleep: Sleep is about the same for me.

Symptoms: I have had more indigestion this week and my right leg and hip are bugging me but that is "normal". I developed an ear infection and have to get that taken care of. It is painful to even touch so that is no fun. I am taking amoxicillin in order to try and knock it out quickly. I am not a fan of being on antibiotics, but its the doctors orders :)

Daddy update: Doing great! Again, so supportive and helpful with me. I could not have done this pregnancy without him. He did say this week, "Im done with pregnancy. I am just ready for him to be here." I would have to agree. Pregnancy has been easy physically for me, but not easy emotionally. My hormones are CRAZY!

News: I had cheer camp last week and that kept me busy for three days. It wore me out pretty good. I had a dr. appointment last Thursday too. Everything looks great! His heartbeat is now 138. It is slowing down because he is getting bigger. We are just trying to relax and enjoy the last few weeks of summer as much as possible!

Days until Brody is due: 63 days!

Mommy to be!

30 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 30
Fruit/Veggie: Head of Cabbage
Baby Changes: This week Brody is the size of a head of cabbage and is about 16 inches long. His eye site is still developing. His brain is still developing as well. He is started the get the "wrinkles" in the brain that everyone has. He is starting to be able to regulate his own body temperature now as well. Brody will start to shed his lanugo, the thin hair on his body. His fingernails and toenails are fully formed now. His bone marrow is in charge of his red-blood cells now.

Movement: He is moving like crazy. He doesn't really kick anymore but rolls a lot! My belly does some crazy moving!

Sleep: I am sleeping well but I have not been able to sleep very late. I have been waking up about 730 everyday to little Brody moving. I can then sleep for about another hour but that is about it. I wish I could sleep later because I know I will need it for later!

Symptoms: I am sore because of traveling to KY last week and being on the bus. I am also very tired from the trip but overall good. Our shower is the 16th and 17th so that is very exciting and we are excited to share that with others!

Daddy update: Daddy is doing great. He is so great about keeping me calm and relaxed and about taking care of me. He checks on me a lot and makes sure I am taking good care of myself and baby!

News: We went to KY last week for NYC. It was a great but long trip. It was very tiring. We did a lot of walking so my body and legs were tired but I for the most part I did well. I had to get up every hour to walk on the bus to prevent blood clots which was annoying but thats ok. It was a great trip with our students of LWN.

Days until Brody is due: 70 days!

Mommy to be!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

29 weeks - 11 to go!

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 29
Fruit/Veggie: Butternut Squash

I am posting this a day early since we go to NYC tomorrow!

Baby Changes: We are in the last trimester!!! Our baby boy is close to 3 pounds and about 16-17 inches long. His lungs and muscles are continuing to mature and his head is growing bigger to make room for his growing brain. His bones are soaking up a lot of calcium right now so milk is good for me to drink, even though I dont really like milk. During this last trimester his skeleton will soak up 250 milligrams of calcium a day. He will double, maybe triple his weight by the time he is born.

Name: We have a name!!! Our baby boy's name will be Brody Scott Webster!

Movement: He is moving liking crazy. I feel more of a rolling movement now that kicks. I still feel kicks but I feel him rolling and moving more often. Brody is a very active little boy!

Sleep: I finally was able to sleep past 8:30 or 9 this past Friday and Saturday. I slept until 10:30 then 10. It was really good and really needed. I do feel a little more tired lately but not to bad. I mainly just get tired easier after doing things, but again, not to bad yet.

Symptoms: I have had some growing/stretching pains this week but nothing to unbearable :) I have also had some indigestion this week but it comes and goes. Again, I am so very blessed with this pregnancy and how smooth it has gone. Thank you Lord!

Daddy update: We leave for NYC this week. Last week was busy for him with visiting the camp and getting ready for NYC but he is excited for it this week. He has been able to feel Brody a lot this week and been able to talk to him. He is ready for him to be here!

News: I had my glucose test this last Thursday. The drink actually was not that bad. I mean it was for sure strong and very sugary, but not bad. I PASSED the test and my levels were normal :) Thankful for that! My doctors appointment went very well. I was 28 weeks 3 days at the appointment and Brody was measuring 29 weeks. So not to much ahead but just a little. My weight gain, blood pressure, everything looked good. So very thankful that I am healthy and that little Brody is healthy. I am nervous/excited about this week. I have to get up every hour on the charter bus to walk and move around since I am after 28 weeks and clots are more common after 28 weeks. But thankfully, its a charter bus and I can do that. Another blessing! I just know I am going to have to take it easy since it will be a long week. Please keep my and Brody and Aaron in your prayers as we take this trip. Pray for safety and health. Also, pray for the students going and that they will see God in a totally new way! My wonderful parents are coming this week to do some painting for us and we are so thankful for them as well!!! It will be nice to come back and have the nursery painted, along with some other things! Thanks mom and dad!!!

Have a great week!

Days until Brody is due: 77 days!

Mommy to be!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

28 weeks - 7 months!

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 28
Fruit/Veggie: Chinese Cabbage

Baby Changes: Baby Boy Webster is about 2.25 pounds and about 14.8 inches long. He is growing!!! He can blink his eyes, has eyelashes, and can possibly see the light that comes in from my belly. BIllions on neurons are forming in his brain and folds and grooves are also forming. THe tissues in his brain are also forming fast. He is still making lots of fat to get ready for his entrance. He can also suck, cough, hiccup, and take breaths. He has REM phases in his sleep now which means he could possibly already be dreaming.

Name: Still deciding :)

Movement: He moves so much. He does kick a lot still but you can mostly feel him just moving and rolling around in my belly. It is a really cool feeling. I love it!

Sleep: I am sleeping pretty well for the most part. I have nights I wake up and cant get back to sleep but for the most part it is still going well. Some days I wish I could sleep later but thats ok.

Symptoms: Growing pains :) Just some stretching and pains of my belly growing. If I get to tired my whole body just hurts but for the most part I feel great. SO very blessed!

Daddy update: Daddy is doing good.We were away from daddy for several days as he had to go to a camp to check it out for a possible retreat. We decided it would be best I didnt go so I got to spend time with my family in Killeen, which was wonderful! It was hard being away from him but its good to be back together. He is busy with NYC coming up and getting ready for that!

News: As I said, I went to Killeen last weekend. I went to a ladies tea they had, we celebrated my parents 40th anniversary, and just hung out with family. It was a wonderful time. Aaron went to Deer Creek Camp to check it out and spent some time here in Katy with Difab, his best friend. We are both home now and getting last minute things ready before we head to Kentucky for NYC. I am also trying to rest some this week as July is super busy and that wont happen much. I get my glucose test tomorrow and have my 28 week appointment. Hoping all goes well and that he isnt breech anymore. We also had out 3D ultrasounds last week and they were awesome!!! I recommend them!! Our boy was about 2.2 pounds and about 14.5 inches long. Right on track!!! Until next week!

Days until due date: 81 days!!

Mommy to be!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

27 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 27
Fruit/Veggie: Head of Cauliflower

Baby Changes: Our sweet boy is almost 2 pounds, or about the weight of a head of cauliflower and about 14 1/2 inches long. He sleeps and wakes at regular intervals of time. He opens and closes his eyes and may be sucking his thumb. Our baby's brain is very active now as more tissue continues to develop. His lungs are still developing but could probably survive with lots of help if he were born today (lets hope he just stays inside :). He has hiccups more often now. He is recognizing my voice and daddy's voice better now. His digestive and circulatory system are also developing a lot this week. Since there is less amniotic fluid now, his kicks feel stronger.

Name: Still not one for sure yet.

Movement: I can really feel his movements a lot now. They are very strong and Daddy can easily feel them. I can also feel when he rolls and that is a strange but cool feeling! He is usually awake between 1-2 pm, 5-6 pm, 8 pm, between 1-2 am, and about 7-8 am. I have noticed that these are pretty common times to feel him moving. He is also having hiccups much more. I can tell its hiccups because there is a rhythmic pulse in the same spot for several minutes. We have one active little boy!

Sleep: I am sleeping pretty well for the most part. It is getting harder for me to get comfortable and I know that will only continue until he is here. Im feeling a little more tired but not too bad.

Symptoms: I am having a lot of aches and pains. Last Saturday I was really sore and just laid around all day. My back and abdomen both hurt a lot. Sunday I felt much better after resting. My back pain comes and goes. I usually hurt the most right after waking up. I am sure I am sleeping in weird positions that cause this. I also had terrible "charlie horse" cramps last night. Aaron and I both feel asleep on the couch. I woke up with a bad cramp in my right calf and it went away. I was trying not to wake him up. If you have ever had a charlie horse you know it hurts bad! So it went away and another came and I scared him because i was saying, "Ouch, Ouch, Ouch" and crying and he jumped up quick! I told him I was fine and just having leg cramps. So he helped me flex my calf and get it out. Then I still had two more cramps come! No fun. But, if thats the biggest symptom I am lucky!

Daddy Update: Daddy is doing well! He helped me a lot with my cramps and keeps me resting and staying healthy through this pregnancy. We finished registering and he was glad :) He feels him moving a lot and talks to him. He also keeps me sane with my emotions :) I cant wait to see him holding our sweet boy. He is going to be such a great dad!!!

News: We are going today to get a 3D-4D ultrasound and we are very excited. We are hoping this will help us decide on a name :) This week we have an girls/guys night with the youth and our friend Difab is coming to town. Next week we are going to visit Deer Creek Camp. Busy, Busy, Busy as always :) I also got everything cleaned out in the house last week with my mom and we are ready to start getting his room ready! Lots of exciting stuff!

Days until due date: 89 days

Mommy To Be

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

26 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 26
Fruit/Veggie: Weight of Eggplant, Length of Hothouse Cucumber

Baby Changes: Our sweet boy is about the length of a hothouse cucumber or 14 inches long. He weighs about the same of an eggplant, or about 1 2/3 pounds. He is inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid now. This is helping his lung development. He has had his eyelids shut for about a month now and this week he is starting to open them again. He is still putting on fat and will continue to until he is born. Blood vessels are developing in his lungs for breathing when he is born. His blood circulation is completely functional. The umbilical cord is getting thicker to get more nutrients to him.

Name: Still no name. We got opinions from our students and others at camp, but we are still in the middle :)

Movement: On Friday and Saturday he didn't move to much. I think it may have been from my exhaustion from camp but he is back to normal now! He punched or kicked me in the ribs yesterday and that was painful but I love feeling him!

Sleep: Going well! I wake up sore a lot of the time after sleep. My belly area and back are sore but it goes away pretty quickly which is good.

Symptoms: Thursday at camp was rough like I explained in the last blog but that is about it. I am feeling well and just some stretching pains now and then. Again, I feel so blessed!

Daddy Update: Daddy is doing well and very busy with youth events going on this summer. Yesterday we were laying in bed as we were waking up and he got to feel baby boy a lot and see my belly move. It may be one of my favorite times with him when we can feel him move and watch my belly and just be excited for him to get here!

News: I am taking it pretty easy this week. I am nesting a bit. I am working on each room and throwing out all junk and really cleaning everything out. I don't want any extra stuff we don't need to junk stuff up. My mom is coming tomorrow to help me with this. We are really going to tackle the nursery to get it as ready as we can before showers and before we get the furniture/paint, etc. I am excited! :) Aaron and I went to register last night. Target took about an hour and Babies R Us took about 2. We still are not done with Babies R Us. It is so overwhelming with how much you need and how much there is to look at and decide on. The stroller was our hardest decision. We thought we had one picked out but when we got there we decided to check them all again and we got stuck between 2. After about 25 minutes we decided on one :) We will have to go back either this week or next to finish up. I am just excited to start getting the things we need for him. I am feel really blessed about my pregnancy and how its gone so far. Thank you Lord!

Days until due date: 96 days!!!! Double Digits!

Mommy to be!

Monday, June 6, 2011

25 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 25
Fruit/Veggie: Rutabaga

Baby Changes: Our baby boy is now 13 1/2 inches long and weighs a little over a 1.5 pounds. Since he is producing more fat, the wrinkles in his skin are starting to smooth out this week. His capillaries are forming and with blood by the end of the week. His air sacs will develop in his lungs which is getting him ready for his first breath when he is born. He is still developing surfactant, which will help his air sacs expand when he is born. His nostrils, which have been plugged up until this point, are starting to open. It is crazy to me that they live in fluid but don't choke and that the fluid doesn't bother them! God is a wonderful creator! His vocal cords are also developing for that first cry. His testes are descending from his scrotum. He also can touch and hold his feet now. He will already start to favor either his right or left hand. He is also already getting into his own sleep routine.

Name: We are still stuck between 2 names!! Hopefully we can decide soon :)

Movement: He is still my little mover. He moves all the time. You can see my belly moving sometimes. When he doesn't move a lot in a day I don't like that now because I am so used to him moving a lot. I think we may have one active boy on our hands :)

Symptoms: I am having stretching pains now and then but overall feeling well!I am so incredibly blessed!

Sleep:I am sleeping well. I have a prenatal pillow that is great! I love sleeping in since its summer time!

Daddy Update: Daddy is doing well! He likes to feel him move, but our boy can be temperamental and not move when he puts his hand on my belly. He has talked to him several times and is excited for him to just be here! I think the summer will fly by for daddy because it is packed with youth events!

News: I am just now doing the 25 week update because we had camp last week. We left on Monday so I wasn't able to get it done. Camp went great! The bus' air doesn't work well so it was very hot on the way up and back and that was the worst part. It was hot there but I could go inside to get relief if I needed it. I made sure to stay hydrated and drank at least 1 1/2 gallons a day from Monday to Friday. I am not drinking that much not that I am back, although I should. I felt good all week. I got tired here and there but would just go rest a little bit if I needed to. Thursday was the only rough day for me. My back hurt pretty bad and I was pretty sore all day and just exhausted. We made it back and crashed Friday. Saturday we didn't do much either. We ran a few errands and finished Lost on Netflix. It was a great week and we love our students and were really blessed by God!

Days until baby boy is due: 106 Days

Mommy to be!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

6 months!

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 24

Fruit/Veggie: Length-Ear of Corn, Weight-Papaya

Baby Changes: Our baby boy is about the length of an ear of corn (about 12 inches) and he weighs 1.49 pounds as of yesterday. His brain is developing quickly and his taste buds are still forming. His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory tree and cells that produce surfactant - this helps his lungs inflate once he is born. It will also keep his lungs from sticking together and collapsing. He still has thin, translucent skin, but that is changing as well. He is still developing fat at a fast rate. He also is getting less and less room in my belly so he cant do flips as easily but he sure can still kick! His eyes remain shut for now. He will continue to grow hair and his eyelashes are formed as well.

Name: We still have no name yet but are down to two, for now :)

Movement: This little boy LOVES to move! He moves most of the day. I had no caffine yesterday before the appointment and he still was moving all around! I love feeling him though so its ok with me!

Symptoms: No real bad symptoms this week except for a lot of neck and shoulder pain but that has subsided for the most part. Feeling well and blessed!

Sleep: I got a snoogie pillow and it is wonderful! Sleeping well! I am doing a lot so my body is pretty tired right now. Summer wont slow down much either!

Daddy Update: Daddy is doing well and loves feeling him! He is busy with youth stuff. I cant wait for him be able to hold our little boy and see him with him. He will be a great father! He is very supportive of me and everything that comes with pregnancy and has been such a huge support for me during this! Thanks Aaron! I love you!

News: We went to the doctor yesterday for our 4 week check up. We got to have another ultrasound since they couldnt see everything on the last one. Everything looks normal and he is looking great! He measured 24.1 weeks in size and I was 24.1 weeks at the check-up so right on track! His heartbeat was 143 and he weighed 1.49 pounds/676 grams. We love seeing him on the ultrasound. We wont get another one unless the doctor feels it is necessary to see whats going on in there. For that reason, I dont want another one because I want everything to go smoothly, but I sure do love having them! He was also breech. They said it is very likely he will turn since I am 24 weeks. He has a while :) Nana and Aaron's parents (no official names yet for them) and Aunt Lynnlee and Uncle Chris got to see us last weekend and feel him move which was great. Its always wonderful to see family. Our summer picks up for full swing right :) We have camp next week. Then I am home for a couple weeks to really work on the nursery and house stuff but we have a few local events. Then we have NYC, showers, cheer camp, and a family trip, then school starts, then its time for baby Webster! Its going to fly by! Please keep praying for us as we prepare and that baby boy Webster will grow and develop properly. Also pray for us as we make decisions that effect him and that we will make the right decisions.

Days until Baby Boy is due: 110 days!

Mommy to be!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

23 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 23

Fruit/Veggie: Mango or Winter Squash

Baby Changes:
Our sweet baby boy is a little over 11 inches long and weighs a little over 1 pound!!Blood vessels in his lungs are developing for breathing. He is actually practicing breathing already! He can pick up noises from the outside with his ears. Fat production is in rapid motion now. He will double in size in the next 4 weeks!! Crazy! His skin is less "see through" now. His skin is wrinkled and has a red tint to it. The skin looks "wrinkly and loose" because it is forming at a more rapid rate than fat is. The bones in his middle ear are starting to form this week. His can suck his thumb now. His pancreas is forming and is responsible for breaking down his sugars that he intakes. His bones muscles and organs are growing steadly.

Name: We still dont have a name yet but we are thinking hard!

Movement: I feel him move daily and a lot! This is one of my favorite things about pregnancy! I love just holding my belly and feeling him move. It is an incredible feeling! Aaron has felt some pretty strong kicks and that is really neat for him to feel too!

Sleep: It has been pretty good for the most part. 2 days this past week I have woken up in the middle of the night. One night I was up for 2 hours and one night I was up 1 hour. There is not much on tv that time of night :) I try watching tv to put me back to sleep. It does just not right away :) I guess baby boy is getting me ready for his arrival. Aaron woke up with me the second night and he could feel him jumping all around.

Symptoms: My only symptom this week the whole sleep thing. Otherwise I feel great. I am so blessed to be feeling so well in this pregnancy and I thank God A LOT!

Daddy Update: Daddy is doing well! He is very sweet to let me nest. He takes me on surprise trips to Target and Babies R Us because he knows how much I love looking at the stuff. We will register in June when we have a little more time. He was great getting things ready in the yard this week as well as moving LOTS of furniture for our garage sale. I am one lucky girl and Baby Boy Webster is one lucky little boy to have him as a daddy!

News: We have our next appointment next Tuesday! We get another ultrasound and we are super excited to see him again! This weekend we will be going to OKC for Extravaganza. Next week is my last week of school. Then the next week is camp and the start of a busy but fun summer!!! Please keep baby boy in your prayers that he develops properly and for me as I carry him. I want to be the healthiest I can and to take care of myself so he has the best environment to grow!

Days until Baby Boy Webster's due date: 118 days

Mommy to Be

Monday, May 16, 2011

Time is flying - 22 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 22
Fruit/Veggie: Length of Spaghetti Squash, Weight of a Papaya

Baby Boy Changes: Our sweet baby boy is about 11 inches long and about 1 pound!! He is starting to develop tiny tooth buds in his gums. His eyes are forms, but his irises still lack pigment (hopefully he will have Aaron's blue eyes). He has lanugo (fine hair on his body) and wrinkles on his skin until he adds some fat to his body. His pancreas is developing fast which is also important for his growth and development of hormones. He looks like a "minature" newborn now. All his organs are still developing rapidly. His liver has started to make various enzymes which are required to break down billirubin (digestive fluid). Billirubin is a result of the breaking down of red blood cells. His red blood cells have a shorter life span in the womb so he makes billirubin often. Baby boy passes of the billirubin to me through the placenta and my liver gets rid of it (CRAZY how incredible it all works together).

Boy Stuff: Cant wait to meet our little boy! We still do not have a name but are trying hard to pick one. This is a hard job! :)

Movement: ALL THE TIME! I love it. Aaron got to feel him last week when he was moving like crazy! We also watched my belly and saw my shirt moving when he kicked which was neat as well!

Sleep: Sleeping well! Starting to get a little uncomfortable at night trying to stay on my side. I normally sleep on my side but i have been waking up on my back for some reason and my stomach is hurting - I guess from pressure. Then I flip back over.

Symptoms: My running nose is almost gone! It is here a little still but getting much better and I am so thankful. Last Monday I felt AWFUL and I feel much better now!

Daddy update: Daddy is doing well. He is really busy with youth stuff and work. He is so kind because he helps me out a lot and gets me water when I need it :) haha (from his sermon yesterday). He is letting me nest and that is great! :) He will just say, lets go to Babies R Us and look and that just makes me excited because he is excited. I asked him yesterday, "Are you just ready for the baby to be here?" and he said "Yes!". He is ready to meet our little boy! Not that i am not, but I enjoy pregnancy a lot more than him :)

News: We had a car wash last Saturday for our youth and raised money for NYC. I got burned pretty bad even though I put on sunscreen! Afterwords, Aaron and I went home and crashed. We both napped and just relaxed and grilled out for the evening. This weekend we are having a huge garage sale to get rid of a lot of extra stuff we have! Hopefully we can make some money to buy baby some things and update a few things in our home before baby boy gets here. Besides that, we are both busy with work and life and just enjoying being together!

Until next time!

Days until baby boy is due: 126 days (Counting today)

Mommy to Be

Friday, May 13, 2011

I love picking out new stuff!

Baby bedding is really hard to pick out. There are just so many choices to choose from! I didnt really want to do a themed room like cars, or Noah's Ark, or baseball, etc. I decided to try and find some bedding that I really liked without that. I also wanted one that was not super "babyish" and that he will like as a toddler/little boy. Here is what i cam up with.

This is not a 100% thing that we are getting this, but most likely. The walls will be tan with 1 blue wall. The crib will go on the blue wall with his name above it. Below his name, my friend Nicole who is amazing at murals, is going to paint a sillouette of a mama giraffe and baby giraffe with the same brown as on the other wall. I think its really cute and that we will like it for a long time and that baby Webster will as well!

Let me know any input you have! :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

21 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 21
Fruit/Veggie: Cantaloupe/Carrot

Baby Changes: Our sweet baby boy weighs about the size of a cantaloupe and is the length of a carrot! (10-13 oz in weight, 6.5-7 in long) Baby Boy has eyelids and eyebrows that are now present. He is starting to slow down his growth a little bit, although he is still growing and forming remarkably fast! His nervous system, organs and skin are continuing to develop and mature. His digestive system is still forming and maturing as well. His intestines are slowly contracting and relaxing. He is swallowing often and getting amnotic fluids. Swallowing these fluids helps his digestive system to mature.

Gender: As you know we are having a BOY! We dont know the name yet but we are working on it!

Movement: Our little boy is quite feisty!! He moves a lot! I LOVE it! I love feeling it inside my belly. I feeling it with my hand on the outside of my belly. I love seeing my belly move when he kicks! Such a great experience!! I dont want it to ever end (right now of course :))

Sleep: I am sleeping well! Sleeping about the same amount. I dont really have more energy but I dont have less either. I have tried sleeping in several times with no luck though :( Hopefully this summer I will be able to!

Symptoms: I have had a really bad cold this week. It started with a sore throat and now its just my nose. I have heard your hormones can cause nasal congestion. I am not sure if it is a cold or my hormones but I sure am ready to not have a box of Kleenex by me at all times!

Daddy update:Daddy is doing great! He will rub my belly and talk to him and I just love it! I know I will love having him here, but I just love pregnancy and those times! Its hard to imagine it getting better, but I KNOW it will!! Baby Boy Webster is a bit tempermental when daddy tries to feel him moving. I usually count his kicks that I can feel up to 4 or 5 to make sure he didnt do it just once then I will tell Daddy to come feel and he stops. Daddy has felt him move though and I hope he gets to a lot more lately. Daddy is great with me with all my hormones and pregnancy things :) I couldnt ask for a better man to be the father of my children!

News: Not a lot different this week. We are just busy busy busy!! I am wrapping up school as Aaron is getting into full swing of youth events for the summer!! We love what we do and we are so honored to have our jobs and the people in our lives that we do!!

Days until baby boy Webster is due: 130 days!

Mommy to be to a sweet little boy!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

20 weeks! Half way there!

Pregnancy Highlights:

Week: 20

Fruit/Veggie: Banana

Baby BOY Changes: Baby Boy Webster weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now and is about 10 inches long. He is swallowing more now which helps his digestive system. He is breathing more as well, even though his lungs are not fully developed. He is still producing meconium. His ears are fully functional now and can hear our voices. All organs and structures are in place and he will start "simple" growth. He skin is forming more layers now which will give him his own fingerprints.

Gender: ITS A BOY!!!!! No name yet, but we do know his middle name will be Scott.

Movement: Oh my word! He is a little busy bee in there. Yesterday, he moved ALL day long. I love it though and I love that Aaron can feel him. He can be tempermental though and as soon as someone puts their hand on my belly, he stops.

Sleep: I am sleeping well and the same amount. I have always slept on my side so it is not a huge deal for me to have to sleep different while pregnant. I do wake up on my back sometimes and just flip over to my side.

Symptoms: I am still feeling well. I am still having leg cramps. A lot of times I can stop the Charlie Horse cramps because I feel it coming and I flex my foot real quick and it goes away. It usually happens when I am stretching in bed in the morning when I wake up or in the middle of the night. I am so Blessed!!!

Daddy update: Daddy is SO excited. You should have seen his face light up yesterday when he found out it was a boy!!! He just smiled and laughed and was so excited!!! He is going to be a great daddy to this little boy. It makes me so happy to see how thrilled he is to be having a boy!!

News: Yesterday was just wonderful!!! We went to the doctor. We got the ultrasound first! It is so amazing to see your little one move around in your belly and to see how it is forming. It is a miracle!! He was very active and it was hard at times for the U/S tech to get good pictures of him. She couldnt see the Aortic Valve or the bones in his arms because he didnt want to sit still :) We get another U/S next visit (24 weeks) but its nothing to worry about.

At first I thought I saw his manhood before she told us it was a boy. Then I saw what I thought was between the legs and thought it was a girl. Then she finally pointed out his manhood and it was for sure a boy! I said "YEAH!!!" Everything looked great on our sweet boy. I was 20.1 weeks at the U/S and he was measuring 20.2 weeks, so he is right on track!!! Good job baby boy!

We then saw our Dr. She is just wonderful and answered all my questions and was very helpful. She went over things like do I want an epideral, reasons for a C-section, etc. It was crazy that we are talking about that already! Seems time has flown!!

We are so thrilled that we will get to welcome a baby boy in September!!! We cannot wait to meet him. Thanks for sharing this journey with us! See you next week at 21 weeks!

Days until due Date: 137

Mommy of a baby boy to be!!