Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sweet Pea - 12 Weeks

You are 12 weeks along now! Only 1 more until the 1st trimester is done! Time seems to be going pretty fast! Once we are done with 13 weeks, it is over! :)

Baby Changes:
Your most dramatic change this week is that you are getting your reflexes. Your fingers will soon begin to open and close, your sweet toes will start to curl, your eye muscles will clench, and your mouth will make sucking movements. Your intestines will start to move into your abdominal cavity about now, and your kidneys will begin excreting urine into your tiny bladder.
Your nerve cells are multiplying rapidly, and in your brain, synapses are forming furiously. From crown to rump, your are just over 2 inches long and weighs half an ounce. You are about the size of a lime!

Movement: Obviously nothing yet.

Sleep: Sleeping a lot but able to stay up later than 8:30 at night :)
Symptoms: I was still nauseous for most of week 11. However, 2 days before I turned 12 weeks, it just stopped. It has still come on and off this week, but not nearly as bad. And not nearly as long!! I am very thankful!
Daddy update: Daddy is doing well!
 Life is just chugging along as normal. It is getting very chilly and it is wonderful!

Days until due date: 196 days - 28 weeks!

Love, Mommy

Thursday, October 17, 2013

My Little Sweet Pea

This is my very first post to you! I can't believe that you will be joining our family May in 2014!! You are already so loved and wanted. Mommy and daddy found out on August 24, 2013 that you would be joining our family! Mommy found out first and she told Daddy and Brody right after. We were all so excited!
We told Nana and Papa and Lolly and Peeps on September 7, 2013. Your big brother Brody came out in a shirt that said, "If you mustache, Im the Big Brother"! They were SSSOOOO excited. We then called and told immediate family.
We have our first doctors appointment September 30, 2013. We will get to see you and hear your heartbeat. We have been praying for you little one since before you were conceived. Your mommy, daddy, and big brother all already love you so much. We will always stand up for you, cherish you, and support you. We have already given God control of your life and we will trust God with your life! We cannot wait to meet you in May!!
Mommy, Daddy, and Brody

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sweet Pea - 11 Weeks

You are 11 weeks along now! Only 2 more until the 1st trimester is done! Time seems to be going pretty fast!

Baby Changes:
Sweet Pea - you are about 1 1/2 inches long and about the size of a fig. You are almost fully formed! Your hands will soon open and close, you have tiny tooth buds that are beginning to appear under your gums, and some of your bones are beginning to harden!
You are already busy kicking and stretching! We saw that in the ultrasound!

Movement: Obviously nothing yet.

Sleep: I am still tired a lot of the time but it is easing up a bit. I am not quite as tired as I was but definitely still feeling the tiredness.
Symptoms: Still nauseous almost daily. I have had a few days where it has eased but it still comes. I think it may be my pre-natal vitamins so I may switch. Not able to eat a whole lot of variety of things but trying to best to get you healthy things!

Daddy update: Daddy is doing well!  
 Your big brother had his first throwing up experience so that was an adventure. Other than that, not much happening other than normal life.  

Days until due date: 203 days - 29 weeks!

Love, Mommy

Sweet Pea - 10 Weeks

 You are 10 weeks along now! Only 3 more until the 1st trimester is done!!!! We can't wait to get there because it is a good point to be at in pregnancy and in your little development!

Baby Changes:
This week you are about the size of a kumquat, sweet pea. You are a  little over an inch long and you weigh less  than a quarter of an ounce. You have now completed the most critical portion of your development!!! Wahoo! Go Sweet Pea! Now we start the "fetal period". This is when your tissues and organs in your body rapidly grow and mature.
You have started swallowing fluid and kicking up a storm, even though I cannot feel anything. It sounds funny that you are swallowing fluid but you will the whole time! Your kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver are in place and starting to function.
You have tiny nails forming on fingers and toes (no more webbing) and peach-fuzz hair starting to grow on your skin. Isn't that crazy! You already are forming hair and nails!! Your limbs can bend now. Your hands are flexed at the wrist and meet over your heart, and your feet may be long enough to meet in front of his body. The outline of your spine is clearly visible through your translucent skin, and spinal nerves are beginning to stretch out from your spinal cord. Your forehead temporarily bulges with your developing brain and sits very high on your head.


Sleep: I am still tired a lot of the time but it is easing up a bit. I am not quite as tired as I was but definitely still feeling the tiredness.
Symptoms: Still nauseous most of the time! Yuck. Still happening most days. Nights are usually worse than days but it comes in waves.
Daddy update: Daddy is doing great. He helps me a lot with Brody and things around the house. He is patient with me on the many nights I just sit and don't want to move and/or fall asleep early.
 We had a pretty normal week this week! Just trying to stay healthy and make a safe place for you to grow!

Days until due date: 210 days - 30 weeks!

Love, Mommy

Sweat Pea - 9 Weeks

You are 9 weeks along now! Only 4 more until the 1st trimester is done!

Baby Changes:
You are about the size of a grape this week, sweet pea. You weigh a fraction of an ounce. Your essential body parts are accounted for. Your heart finishes dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form. Your tiny teeth are also starting to form. Your embryonic "tail" is completely gone. Your organs, muscles, and nerves are starting to really work now. Your external sex organs formed but we won't be able to distinguish them as male or female for several more weeks. Mommy and daddy won't find out until 20 weeks. Your eyes are fully formed, but your eyelids are fused shut and won't open until 27 weeks. You have tiny earlobes, and your mouth, nose, and nostrils are becoming more distinct. You should start gaining weight more quickly now.


Movement: Obviously nothing yet.

Sleep: I am still tired a lot of the time but it is easing up a bit. I am not quite as tired as I was but definitely still feeling the tiredness.
Symptoms: NAUSEA! Yuck. It seems as though right now it is coming pretty much daily. Nights are usually work than days but it comes in waves.  
Daddy update: Daddy is doing great. He helps me a lot with Brody and things around the house. He is patient with me on the many nights I just sit and don't want to move and/or fall asleep early.
 We had our first appointment this week! It was on Monday September 30, 2013! You looked great so far and wiggled around on us! Your heartbeat was 174. We were so excited to see you moving and a healthy heartbeat! It was so incredible seeing your little body inside me and mommy and daddy are so excited to meet you! Here are the pictures from the ultrasound!

Days until due date: 217 days - 31 weeks!

Love, Mommy

Sweet Pea - 8 Weeks

You are 8 weeks along now! Only 4 more until the 1st trimester is done!

Baby Changes:
This week sweat pea, you have webbed fingers and toes coming out from your hands and feet. Your eyelids are basically over now. You have breathing tubes coming from your throat to the branches of your lungs. Your "tail"is almost gone. :) In your brain, you have nerve cells branching out to connect together and these form neural pathways. You are about the size of a kidney bean. Even though mommy can't feel it yet, you are moving a lot in there!

Movement: Obviously nothing yet.

Sleep: I am still very tired all of the time. I sleep a lot. I usually fall asleep very early in the evenings! Working and being pregnant wears mommy out!
Symptoms: I am still having nausea. It is getting somewhat better and I am having days filled with less and less nausea. However, there are still some days, evenings filled with lots. It means you are growing and healthy but I do hope it doesn't last past the first trimester! :) (As long as you are healthy of course:)
Daddy update: Daddy is doing great. He is working hard with the youth and helping mommy a lot. He helps clean, get groceries, and take care of your big brother. Mommy doesn't feel good a lot so he picks up a lot of slack. Your daddy is one great man!

Nothing happening this week. Just working and Brody is going to school.

Days until due date: 224 days - 32 weeks!

Love, Mommy

Sweat Pea - 7 weeks

You are 7 weeks! More than halfway to 12 and the end of the first trimester! 

Baby Changes:
Hands and feet are starting to form from your developing arms and legs. You have doubled in size since last week and now measures half an inch long and you are about the size of a blueberry.
You have small eyelids and your eyes already have some color. The tip of your nose is forming and we can see veins in your body. Both hemispheres of your brain is growing, and your liver is churning out red blood cells until your bone marrow forms and takes over this role. You also have an appendix and a pancreas. A loop in your  growing intestines is bulging into your umbilical cord, which now has distinct blood vessels to carry oxygen and nutrients to and from your tiny body.


 Movement: Obviously nothing yet.

Sleep: I am sleeping well and sleeping A LOT! I am so much more tired with this baby than with Brody. I get home from work and I am pooped. It is also different because the beginning of my pregnancy is the beginning of the school year, and I am chasing a two year old!

Symptoms: I am still feeling very nauseated and sick or super hungry and sick. This pregnancy is filled with lots of that! That is okay, that is supposed to mean your are healthy and growing!

Daddy update: Daddy is doing great. He is very excited to be adding a new member to our family!! He is helping mommy out so much and being so understanding since I am not feeling well!

Everything is pretty normal in the Webster household!

Days until due date: 231 days - 33 weeks!

Love, Mommy

Sweet Pea - 6 weeks

We have known for 2 weeks about you know! It is starting to really sink in! This is exciting!

Baby Changes: You are about the size of a lentil this week! Your nose, mouth, and ears are beginning to take shape. I can't wait to kiss them! You look like you have an oversized head and dark spots where your eyes and nostrils are starting to form. Your emerging ears are marked by small depressions on the sides of the head, and your arms and legs by protruding buds. Your heart is beating about 100 to 160 times a minute — almost twice as fast as mommy's — and blood is beginning to course through your body. Your intestines are developing, and the bud of tissue that will give rise to your lungs has appeared. Your pituitary gland is forming, as is the rest of your brain, muscles, and bones. You are about a quarter of an inch long.


Movement: Obviously nothing yet.

Sleep: I am sleeping well and sleeping A LOT! I am so much more tired with this baby than with Brody. I get home from work and I am pooped. It is also different because the beginning of my pregnancy is the beginning of the school year, and I am chasing a two year old!

Symptoms: Well, my wishful thinking didn't work. The symptoms hit hard this week! I feel sick quite a bit. I am hungry a lot but not a lot sounds good. Then sometimes I eat something that sounds good and it doesn't settle well and turns me off of that food. Smells get me really bad too. My nose is super sensitive. Mornings are pretty difficult right now. I really hope it doesn't last long. I also am having slight cramping some.
Daddy update: Daddy is doing great. He is very excited to be adding a new member to our family!! He is helping mommy out so much and being so understanding since I am not feeling well!

We told our immediate family about you!! They were all so thrilled! We cannot wait to meet you sweet pea!!! We told your grandparents by having Big Brother Brody come out in a shirt that said he was a big brother! They squealed and hugged and were so excited! Then we FaceTimed with Aunt Lynnlee, Uncle Jared, Aunt Stephie, and Granny. They all stopped short of their sentences when they saw Brody's shirt and said "No way!" They were all so excited! We called/texted all other family members to let them know and they were all thrilled for us!

Days until due date: 238 days - 34 weeks!

Love, Mommy

Sweet Pea - 5 weeks

It is still kind of surreal that we are having another baby! We found out a week ago that you would be joining us and mommy has thought about it a lot this week! It makes me so excited!

Baby Changes: This week the baby is the size of a sesame seed! You are growing rapidly! You are made of 3 layers right now that will soon be your organs and tissues. Your neural tube, from which your brain, spinal cord, nerves, and backbone will sprout, is starting to develop in the top layer, called the ectoderm. This layer will also give rise to his skin, hair, nails, mammary and sweat glands, and tooth enamel. Your heart and circulatory system begin to form in the middle layer, or mesoderm.
Your third layer, or endoderm, will house his lungs, intestines, and rudimentary urinary system, as well as his thyroid, liver, and pancreas.


Movement: Obviously nothing yet.

Sleep: I am still sleeping well and sleeping A LOT! I am very tired all the time and don't have a lot of energy. Still so tired!
Symptoms: It has not been too bad this week. I am not feeling great but not feeling awful either! Hopefully it doesn't get worse.

Daddy Update: Daddy is doing well! Busy with youth stuff and helping with Brody and house stuff!

News: We can't wait to tell our family next week about you! This week we have just been excited to ourselves! :)
Days until due date: 245 days - 35 weeks!

Love, Mommy

Sweet Pea - 4 weeks old

This week we found out we were pregnant! You are 4 weeks old in mommy's tummy and should be growing fast!

Baby Changes: This week the baby is the size of a poppy seed! You are starting to settle in and get situated in mommy's tummy! All of your organs will begin growing very soon!
Movement: Obviously nothing yet.

Sleep: I am sleeping well and sleeping A LOT! I am so much more tired with this baby than with Brody. I get home from work and I am pooped. It is also different because the beginning of my pregnancy is the beginning of the school year, and I am chasing a two year old!

Symptoms: No symptoms yet! Hopefully it will be like Brody with very few symptoms!
Daddy update: Daddy is doing great. He is very excited to be adding a new member to our family!!
News: We will be telling our family in two weeks about the new baby. Until then, only the 3 of us know!

Days until due date: 252 days - 36 weeks!

Love, Mommy