Thursday, November 24, 2011


This thanksgiving I have so much to be thankful for!!

1) I am thankful for Jesus my Lord and Savior most of all! He is my Rock and without him I am nothing.
2) I am thankful for my husband who is my supporter and my best friend. He is such a rock for me through everyday life. I am so glad I dont have to live life without him. I love him more than yesterday and less than tomorrow!
3) I am thankful for my beautiful son! Being a mom might be the best thing in this world! I love him more everyday and it is such a joy to watch him grow. I am thankful the Lord has blessed me and chosen me to be his mother! (check out my blog for him
4) I am thankful for my immediate family. My parents, siblings, and nieces, and nephews mean so much to me! they are all so wonderful and I dont know what I would do without them. I love you guys!
5) I am thankful for my extended family! I am so blessed to have an extended family I am close with and who mean so much to me! Love yall!
6) I am thankful for my health. I am thankful the Lord has given me an able and working body that I can better serve him with. Thank you Lord!
7) I am thankful for my job. Even though it is so hard to work and be away from Brody, I am thankful for it for the income, insurance, and because it helps provide for my family. Not everyone has that blessing these days.
8) I am thankful for my church. Aaron and I are so supported and loved there and I am thankful for the people in it and what they mean to us.
9) I am thankful for our closest friends from OKC - The Cummins, Difabios, Smiths, Meisners, Kesslers, and Hawkinsons. We love you guys. We wish we could see you daily. We pray for you and are so thankful for you!
10) I am thankful for our friends in Houston - the Rickeys, the Holts, and the Pardues. Thank you for making us feel so welcome and loved when we came. We love you guys!
11) I am thankful for our life group! Thanks for supporting us and for being a place where we can be open! We love yall!
12) I am thankful for life in general. Thank you Lord for allowing be to live and for all the many blessings you have given me.

I have so much more I could list but these came to my mind first. Thank you Lord for my many blessings! I am sorry I do not always thank you enough. I am so blessed by you!!

Friday, November 4, 2011


The only word to describe my 1st day today leaving Brody - AWFUL!