Friday, April 27, 2012

Life Lately

Well life has been busy lately, as usual. We have had a lot of church events. I have had a lot of cheer stuff going on. And we have a  7 month old - that in and of itself will keep you busy!

Parent Life: I am really looking forward to summer to slow down a little and just have time with my boy. We have really been fighting naps lately so hopefully I can conquer that issue this summer. MDO days are very hard - he hardly sleep at all during the day on Tuesday's/Thursday's. Last night I was just holding him a little bit before his bedtime feeding. He was facing out in my lap "watching" tv with us. He layed his head back and passed out. He is so tired on those days. I am not really sure how to fix this because MDO has lots of noise and he just cant sleep. There isnt really anything to fix this - you cannot silence other babies just so he can sleep. So we are just dealing with it. We are trying to figure out a good schedule every other day where he gets 2 good naps but have not found one yet but hopefully will soon.

We are trying to slowly introduce "real" food to B and not baby food. He gags a lot when we do this and frankly it scares me to death. I know we have to for him to get used to it, but he hates new textures and just gags and chokes. I hate it, but we are doing it slowly with tiny bits of food. Hopefully he willl quit that soon!!

He is getting closer to crawling. People ask me a lot if he is yet. Nope hes not. Sometimes I feel like people are thinking - whats wrong with your kid, he should be crawling by now. But hes not and its ok. He will learn and get the hang of it. He has met all other milestones and I am sure he will with this one. It may take him a little longer than "usual" but its ok. I mean if my thighs were the size of mountains and I had no knees it would be hard for me to crawl too.

Aaron and I love being parents but we love just us time too. After we put B down about 730, 745 we relax on the couch together and enjoy some tv. I usually fall alseep on the couch. I am so exhausted by then I just cant keep my eyes open - but I do it so we can have us time to nurter our relationship. We enjoy talks at this time of night too and just being "us".

Youth Life: Senior Sunday is coming up. This Sunday is always sad and especially will be this year. Three girls that I have grown to love and adore are graduating and leaving me :( I am so excited for them and their new adventure but sad for me that I wont see them every week. I often refer to them as "my girls". I am very protective of them and they mean so much to me! I love you Kourtney, Natalie, and Lisa!!

Being a youth pastor's wife can be very hard. We spend many evenings not at home as a family of 3 but at church as a family of 50-75. Sometimes I just want a whole week at home every evening just the 3 of us. But then I get to church and see the faces of those students and interact with them and I get so blessed and I remember how much I love to be a part of their lives and my whole attitude and feelings change! I feel so blessed that they let me in their life and let me take the journey of their youth with them. Being a youth pastor's wife doesnt mean that I have my job and Aaron has his. It means I have my job and we both have his. It is a partnership. Although it is exhausting at times having my own job, being a mommy, and doing so much with his, it is so rewarding. I wouldnt change being a part of those students lives for anything! They bless me all the time and it is such a gift! I hope I have made a positive impact in the lives of these students! They surely have on mine! Love you guys! And I am so blessed to be a part of your lives! Cant wait to see you keep growing and living life and to be a part of it!

Thats all for now! See you soon!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Thanks Mom

This blog is simply to say thanks to my mom!
Thanks mom for:
1) loving me when i wasnt lovable
2) loving me and all my personality quirks
3) understanding me
4) being there for me whenever I possibly needed you
5) making every effort to always be where i needed you when i needed you there
6) helping me become a better mom
7) watching me become a mom
8) supporting me in anything I ever wanted to do
9) giving me everything I wanted or needed
10) dreaming big dreams with me
11) helping me through the best of times and the worst of time
12) holding me all the times I cried
13) holding me all the times I laughed
14) those evenings at home with dinner, laughs, and movies...just the 2 of us
15) road trips the two of us
16) all our "talks"
17) forgiving me
18) trusting me
19) being my #1 fan
20) being my best friend
21) teaching me what a Godly woman looks like
22) teaching me what a Godly mother looks like
23) teaching me to be unselfish
24) teaching me how to put others first
25) so much more I could put - but these stick out to me

I love you mama! I just dont tell you that enough and I am sorry. You mean the world to me. I know we have had ups and downs but 1 thing will never are my mom and best friend and I would not change that for anything in the world! I muff you mama!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Crazy Busy

So, I have not blogged lately like I like to. Life has really been crazy busy this semester! We have had youth stuff back-to-back-to-back. I have had cheer stuff a ton lately with try-outs and new squad things along with my old squad end of the year things. Plus fitting in family time! Its crazy around the Webster house. Most weeks, we have something going on every night of the week. BUT after these next 2 weeks things will hopefully slow down a little. Poor B is on the go all the time. He needs some normalicy too!

Life has been good though! B is doing well. He still has a bit of a cough but is overall well. He has started not taking naps very well in the day. "normally" he takes about a 45 minute nap in the morning and about a 2 - 2:30 hour nap in the afternoon so sleeping about 2:30 - 3 hours a day in naps.Lately he has been only sleeping 30 - 1:30 minutes of naps a day. I think he may be teething and his gums may hurt so maybe that is why? Or maybe it is just a phase? I use orajel when I think his mouth hurts and it seems to help but it is weird. Just like one day he stopped. And then by about 5-6 he is getting GRUMPY! He is also waking up consistently about 430 (which we try to just let him put himself back to sleep). Then sometime between 5 and 545. This one is hard. He WONT put himself back to sleep. So we give him his paci, rock him, etc. We are trying to get him to go until at least 6 for breakfast because the doctor really wants us to get on a "normal" schedule of breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner if we can. So we are trying - but I feel bad because I feel like maybe he is hungry and I am just not feeding him. SO should I feed him that early??? then his lunch is at like 10?? Just trying to figure it all out!

School is almost out! Yahoo!! 37 more days. Cannot wait for a summer with B! the Lord has really helped me being back at work. I still want to be home but he has helped me get through it much easier than I was! Being busy at work helps the days go quick too!

I have gotten a new photography website and been trying to promote that more too! I would LOVE to do that full time but would have to really make business booming before I took that leap! But even if I dont, i LOVe it and doing it on the side is fun too!! Head to here to check out my work!

Well hopefully I can blog more! Once life settles down!
