Thursday, November 13, 2014

You Are Worth More

Dear Kim Kardashian,

Do you know how beautiful you are? I mean, that is probably a really stupid question. You are Kim Kardashian. Many people tell you how beautiful you are all the time! But do YOU really know how beautiful you are? I don't really think you do. Here is why.

Recently you posted a nude picture of your backside on Instagram and Twitter. It is for a a magazine. You posted it for the 21 million Instagram followers and 25.3 million Twitter follower that you have to see. Not to mention all the retweets it has received and all those who will buy the magazine. Apparently this is not a big deal for you. I have been told you used these means to get "famous" as well.

See, I don't think you know how beautiful you because you share photos like this. You use these photos to promote your "fame". If you knew how beautiful you were you would know that you wouldn't need to do this to show the world your beauty. You see Kim, a woman's body is not what makes her beautiful. It is who she is on the inside. Yea, yea I know. So cliche'. But true. You can be the most beautiful woman in the world but if you're ugly on the inside, somehow that beauty fades. You are beautiful when you put others first, when you love other people, when you give to the poor, when you seek out the best in others, when you speak up for those who can't. These are beautiful qualities. Not your body. Not the size of your butt and showing it off to the world. That does not make you beautiful!

You see, you are more precious than the finest jewels. All because you are a woman. God created you to be just as you are. You are more valuable and more precious than anything. You are worth more than sharing your body with an entire world. You deserve more self respect than that! Your husband deserves more respect than that.

I don't think your picture posted is a good reflection of women. It makes women look like objects just for men to look and lust after. You are in the spotlight. Use it for good please! Don't encourage men to look at women as objects. We are worth so much more than that. We are not pieces of meat for men to enjoy just looking at and lusting after. We are precious. We are lovely human beings. We deserve respect from men, and women for that matter, and we deserve for them to look at us with that honor and respect. Your picture creates a totally different portrayal and I do not like it or agree with it. We are trying to teach young men to respect and honor women and then they see pictures like this. Your picture is teaching them the total opposite. You are also teaching young ladies that this is okay and this is how to get respect and approval of men. This couldn't be farther from the truth!

I also do not like your picture being posted because I am married. I am NOT okay with my husband scrolling through his Twitter feed and your naked body popping up. If you do choose to portray yourself this way and partake in these types of photos, that is your prerogative. It is your choice and you have every right to do that. But keep it to yourself please. Please don't post it for anyone to see. Luckily my son is only 3 and doesn't have a Twitter. I would not be okay with my son scrolling through his Twitter feed and seeing that. I am trying to protect my child from things like this and not subject him to this. I am trying to teach him to respect and honor women. I also want my daughter to understand that she deserves respect and honor from men and that this is not the way to get it. Yes, I know. If someone doesn't want to see it they don't have to follow you. Not true. Because this picture is everywhere. It is being retweeted like crazy. So even if someone doesn't follow you, they will still likely see it.

I hope you learn to respect you and your husband. Your body should be shared with only the two of you. When you said your vows, you probably said something along the lines of honoring Kanye. By exposing your body to millions and millions of people you are not honoring and respecting him. Your body should be only for intimate moments with him and yourself. That is not something we need, or want, to see. Please keep it to yourself and not on social media for all to see.

I hope you can see how beautiful you are. Your beauty is not from the outside but the inside. I hope you rethink your decisions about this one day and realize you don't have to pose naked for people to like you or love you or for you to be beautiful. You don't have to do this to be famous. Find beauty within your soul. It is worth far more than any photo.
