Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 20
Fruit/Veggie: Banana
Baby BOY Changes: Baby Boy Webster weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now and is about 10 inches long. He is swallowing more now which helps his digestive system. He is breathing more as well, even though his lungs are not fully developed. He is still producing meconium. His ears are fully functional now and can hear our voices. All organs and structures are in place and he will start "simple" growth. He skin is forming more layers now which will give him his own fingerprints.
Gender: ITS A BOY!!!!! No name yet, but we do know his middle name will be Scott.
Movement: Oh my word! He is a little busy bee in there. Yesterday, he moved ALL day long. I love it though and I love that Aaron can feel him. He can be tempermental though and as soon as someone puts their hand on my belly, he stops.
Sleep: I am sleeping well and the same amount. I have always slept on my side so it is not a huge deal for me to have to sleep different while pregnant. I do wake up on my back sometimes and just flip over to my side.
Symptoms: I am still feeling well. I am still having leg cramps. A lot of times I can stop the Charlie Horse cramps because I feel it coming and I flex my foot real quick and it goes away. It usually happens when I am stretching in bed in the morning when I wake up or in the middle of the night. I am so Blessed!!!
Daddy update: Daddy is SO excited. You should have seen his face light up yesterday when he found out it was a boy!!! He just smiled and laughed and was so excited!!! He is going to be a great daddy to this little boy. It makes me so happy to see how thrilled he is to be having a boy!!
News: Yesterday was just wonderful!!! We went to the doctor. We got the ultrasound first! It is so amazing to see your little one move around in your belly and to see how it is forming. It is a miracle!! He was very active and it was hard at times for the U/S tech to get good pictures of him. She couldnt see the Aortic Valve or the bones in his arms because he didnt want to sit still :) We get another U/S next visit (24 weeks) but its nothing to worry about.
At first I thought I saw his manhood before she told us it was a boy. Then I saw what I thought was between the legs and thought it was a girl. Then she finally pointed out his manhood and it was for sure a boy! I said "YEAH!!!" Everything looked great on our sweet boy. I was 20.1 weeks at the U/S and he was measuring 20.2 weeks, so he is right on track!!! Good job baby boy!
We then saw our Dr. She is just wonderful and answered all my questions and was very helpful. She went over things like do I want an epideral, reasons for a C-section, etc. It was crazy that we are talking about that already! Seems time has flown!!
We are so thrilled that we will get to welcome a baby boy in September!!! We cannot wait to meet him. Thanks for sharing this journey with us! See you next week at 21 weeks!
Days until due Date: 137
Mommy of a baby boy to be!!