Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 23
Week: 23
Fruit/Veggie: Mango or Winter Squash

Baby Changes:
Our sweet baby boy is a little over 11 inches long and weighs a little over 1 pound!!Blood vessels in his lungs are developing for breathing. He is actually practicing breathing already! He can pick up noises from the outside with his ears. Fat production is in rapid motion now. He will double in size in the next 4 weeks!! Crazy! His skin is less "see through" now. His skin is wrinkled and has a red tint to it. The skin looks "wrinkly and loose" because it is forming at a more rapid rate than fat is. The bones in his middle ear are starting to form this week. His can suck his thumb now. His pancreas is forming and is responsible for breaking down his sugars that he intakes. His bones muscles and organs are growing steadly.
Our sweet baby boy is a little over 11 inches long and weighs a little over 1 pound!!Blood vessels in his lungs are developing for breathing. He is actually practicing breathing already! He can pick up noises from the outside with his ears. Fat production is in rapid motion now. He will double in size in the next 4 weeks!! Crazy! His skin is less "see through" now. His skin is wrinkled and has a red tint to it. The skin looks "wrinkly and loose" because it is forming at a more rapid rate than fat is. The bones in his middle ear are starting to form this week. His can suck his thumb now. His pancreas is forming and is responsible for breaking down his sugars that he intakes. His bones muscles and organs are growing steadly.
Name: We still dont have a name yet but we are thinking hard!
Movement: I feel him move daily and a lot! This is one of my favorite things about pregnancy! I love just holding my belly and feeling him move. It is an incredible feeling! Aaron has felt some pretty strong kicks and that is really neat for him to feel too!
Sleep: It has been pretty good for the most part. 2 days this past week I have woken up in the middle of the night. One night I was up for 2 hours and one night I was up 1 hour. There is not much on tv that time of night :) I try watching tv to put me back to sleep. It does just not right away :) I guess baby boy is getting me ready for his arrival. Aaron woke up with me the second night and he could feel him jumping all around.
Symptoms: My only symptom this week the whole sleep thing. Otherwise I feel great. I am so blessed to be feeling so well in this pregnancy and I thank God A LOT!
Daddy Update: Daddy is doing well! He is very sweet to let me nest. He takes me on surprise trips to Target and Babies R Us because he knows how much I love looking at the stuff. We will register in June when we have a little more time. He was great getting things ready in the yard this week as well as moving LOTS of furniture for our garage sale. I am one lucky girl and Baby Boy Webster is one lucky little boy to have him as a daddy!
News: We have our next appointment next Tuesday! We get another ultrasound and we are super excited to see him again! This weekend we will be going to OKC for Extravaganza. Next week is my last week of school. Then the next week is camp and the start of a busy but fun summer!!! Please keep baby boy in your prayers that he develops properly and for me as I carry him. I want to be the healthiest I can and to take care of myself so he has the best environment to grow!
Days until Baby Boy Webster's due date: 118 days
Mommy to Be
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