Baby Changes: Brody is really plumping up. He should be around 6.8 pounds and about 19 1/2 inches long. He can now grasp firmly and his organs have matured and are ready for life outside my belly. His belly is still producing meconium. His fingernails have grown quite a bit. Amniotic fluid is slowly decreasing during week 38. Brody's bones in his arms and legs have hardened. His bones in his skull wont harden until after birth.
Movement: He still is moving a lot! Its more of rolls and jabs since he cant kick but I can still feel and see my little man moving! LOVE IT!
Symptoms: I have been having some cramping and a few contractions here and there but nothing consistent enough to take me to the hospital. Hopefully soon it will be though. We are very ready to meet our little man! I am just trying to take it easy.
Sleep: Sleeping well! I have been blessed in this area! Although I am up at least once a night, sometimes more, I can usually go right back to sleep. Hopefully this will last until he is here since sleep wont be happening much after he is born.
Daddy Update: Dad is doing well! He is for sure ready for this little guy to get here. I say it everytime, but he has been such a huge support for me!! I cant wait to see him hold Brody for the first time!
News: No big news now. Just waiting for the little guy to arrive. I had an appointment last Thursday and measured 37 1/2 weeks and his heart rate was in the 130s so it all looked great! I have another appointment today so hopefully it will go good and we will see if anything is progressing!
Days until Brody's due: 10 days!
Mommy to be!
I love that you wrote this and Brody came the next day!!!!! :)