Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Being a baby is awesome!!

Top Reasons why being a baby is awesome!

1) Parents love it when you burp and say good job
2) Its ok to pass gas out loud
3) Its ok to pass gas ON someone
4) You never have to hold it if you need to go to the bathroom
5) Everyone thinks you always look cute
6) You have your own paparazzi (aka your parents)
7) Everyone always wants you to be happy
8) Everyone loves to see you laugh/smile
9) Everyone wants to see you
10) You always have company
11) Someone is always to the rescue soon when you are upset
12) You get to eat a lot and whenever you are hungry
13) People think its cute when you have fat rolls
14) Your goal is to gain weight
15) You have the cutest wardrobe

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