January - On my birthday last year, January 4th, I found out I was pregnant. We started trying in December and thought it would take a while so it was a very good surprise. I do not really know why I took it on my birthday because I was only 3 1/2 weeks along at that point and knew I probably wouldnt be able to tell, but low and behold I did!! So fun! The video of Aaron finding out is fun too!! We had our first doctors appointments this month and we told our immediate family!

Febuary - This was a pretty hard month for me. I felt pretty good and was just working throughout the month as far as my pregnancy goes. Aaron and I decided to give Tex away and this was the month we did that. I cannot believe I have not seen Tex in almost a year! It makes me really sad to think about it but it was the best decision for all of us! I miss you and love you Bubbie! We also told our closest friends about the baby!
March - Aaron and I decided to get a new puppy, a goldendoodle. We named him Maverick. He is such a sweet, gentle, excellent dog. I know Maverick and Brody will become best friends! On March 12, we announced publicly that we were pregnant. Aaron first announced it to the youth group, then to the church, then it went on Facebook! We also had Jeff, Meagan, and Difab come down for part of Spring Break which was lots of fun!!

April - Aaron and I decided to go on a trip just the 2 of us while we could before the baby came. We went to San Antonio. We stayed in the Marriott on the River Walk. We went on the river boat, went out to eat several times, went to the mall, walked around the river walk, went to the market, and walked the streets of downtown San Antonio. It was a great trip! I also went to OKC to my good friend Laura's wedding. This was the first time I saw several people after I had told them I was pregnant! That was a lot of fun. It was great seeing my friends!

May - On May 3rd, we found out the sex of our baby - a BOY!! We were both so excited. We had several people over and had a gender reveal party with cupcakes!! This was the halfway point in my pregnancy! We also went to OKC with some of our youth for extravaganza and got to see some friends. School is almost out!!! I also went to a Mother's Day tea in Killeen with my sister and mom!

June - School ended. We went to camp with our youth. That was pretty tough at 6 months pregnant. I had to drink LOTS of water and had to get in the air a lot! My mom came and visited my this month and I visisted her while Aaron went to DCC with Difab. We went to an Astros/Rangers game with the True family. We spent time with our youth! We also got a 3D ultrasound this month and really enjoyed it! It was so cool seeing our little man.

July - We went to NYC in Kentucky with our kids. We took charter buses so it was pretty comfortable but I had to get up every 45 min - 1 hour to walk since I was past 28 weeks pregnant and the risk of blood clots is greater. This was a FANTASTIC time with our kiddos. We got back and I had two baby showers - one in Killeen and one in Houston. They were both fabulous! Thanks Lynnlee and Kim (and life group ladies)! Then I had cheer camp for my squad at school for 3 days. That was hard because this is when my hip really started bugging me so standing all day was hard! I also got an ear infection and had to take Amoxicillin which I didnt like very much since I was pregnant. I mean its been years since I have had an ear infection and I get it when I am pregnant?? Then Aaron and I celebrated 3 years of marriage! I am so blessed to call him mine!! The weekend before the 26th we went to Galveston and went to the beach and the Strand and just spent time together. We went to Outback on our actual anniversary! Cannot believe it has been 1 year since we were in India celebrating our 2nd anniversary! We also decided our little man will be named Brody Scott this month!

August - The first week of August we went to Colorado with my family. Aaron and I flew since I have to get up and walk so much when traveling. It was a much shorter trip. Aaron climbed Pikes Peak and almost died - ask him about it. We had lots of fun going to things like Garden of the Gods, Olympic Training Center, and Seven Falls. We also got to go to Aaron's grandparents cabin and see them. School started this month! Bleh - the first day of school I was 9 months pregnant! My Oligohydramnios started this month. Nothing to worry about now and we just monitored it. We are having appointments every week now!

September - Still having weekly appointments. At my 38 week appointment I only measured 36. My doctor ordered an ultrasound. My fluid was only a 4 so I was going to the hospital that night!! After 14 hours of labor, Brody Scott Webster was born on September 9!!! This month flew by with moms here, trying to figure out being a mom and spending time with our sweet new man!! check out www.websterfamilyof3.blogspot.com to see my blog to Brody

November - The month I dreaded after having B. I went back to work this month!! It was awful!! B also got his first shots this month. He ran a little fever and was a little fussy but did pretty well. We had my big family Christmas and Brody and I went and Aaron went to Dallas for a Cowboys game with his brother and dad. We then had Thanksgiving at my parents and I loved black Friday shopping! Especially for B!

December - This month was busy with school, photography, youth stuff and getting ready for Christmas! I also had some personal medical issues that turned out OK - Praise God! We went to Killeen for my side of the family for Christmas the 21 - 24. Then we were home Christmas day. That was neat to be home just the 3 of us on B's first Christmas!! Then on the 26 - 31 we went to Amarillo for Christmas with Aaron's family. B was held a lot and loved on so much!! :)

This was a fantastic year!! Lots happened. I am just so thankful for a God that provided a great pregnancy, awesome birth, healthy baby, healthy me, healthy husband, healthy family, love, and blessings!
Happy New Year!
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