Monday, November 11, 2013

Sweet Pea - 15 weeks

We have made it to the 15th week mark! It is so crazy that we are only 5 weeks from being halfway to meeting you!!! We cannot wait!

Baby Changes:
You are about 4 inces long now and about 2 1/2 ounces, which is about the size of an apple!You have started moving amniotic fluid through your nose and upper respiratory tract. What this does is it helps you the primitive air sacs in your lungs begin to develop. Your legs are growing longer than your arms now. You can also move all of her joints and limbs. You can sense light although you can't open your eyelids yet. You are forming your taste buds. Hopefully you get mommy's and not daddy's. :) This week we can possibly tell your gender! We are not going this week but at 17 weeks, so hopefully we will be able to tell if you are a little boy or girl! I cannot wait to know little one! We will be so excited either way! Mommy would love to have a daughter to do girly things with but another boy would be so much fun too! Brody would love having a little brother to play sports with! We are thrilled either way and just want you healthy!


Movement: I am not sure if I have felt you yet. I have felt some fluttery type things but it isn't real clear if that is just my belly or you!
Cravings: Not many new cravings this week. Although I found Sierra Mist Cranberry again this week and my oh my, I love it!

Sleep: Sleep is getting better. I don't feel as tired unless I do a lot. We had retreat and homecoming in OKC and that wore mama out!
Symptoms: The nausea is much better! It still comes in waves, but at least it is not everyday, all day anymore!
Daddy update: We had a blast on fall retreat! I was tired but had fun. Thank you for no nausea over the weekend! :) Daddy did a great job preparing for retreat. THe kids had a blast. 
 We had fall retreat and went to homecoming at SNU. Everything went great, just wore mommy out. We had lots of fun and we cannot wait to show you off to everyone!

Days until due date: 175 days - 25 weeks!

Love, Mommy

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