Dear Kim Kardashian,
Do you know how beautiful you are? I mean, that is probably a really stupid question. You are Kim Kardashian. Many people tell you how beautiful you are all the time! But do YOU really know how beautiful you are? I don't really think you do. Here is why.
Recently you posted a nude picture of your backside on Instagram and Twitter. It is for a a magazine. You posted it for the 21 million Instagram followers and 25.3 million Twitter follower that you have to see. Not to mention all the retweets it has received and all those who will buy the magazine. Apparently this is not a big deal for you. I have been told you used these means to get "famous" as well.
See, I don't think you know how beautiful you because you share photos like this. You use these photos to promote your "fame". If you knew how beautiful you were you would know that you wouldn't need to do this to show the world your beauty. You see Kim, a woman's body is not what makes her beautiful. It is who she is on the inside. Yea, yea I know. So cliche'. But true. You can be the most beautiful woman in the world but if you're ugly on the inside, somehow that beauty fades. You are beautiful when you put others first, when you love other people, when you give to the poor, when you seek out the best in others, when you speak up for those who can't. These are beautiful qualities. Not your body. Not the size of your butt and showing it off to the world. That does not make you beautiful!
You see, you are more precious than the finest jewels. All because you are a woman. God created you to be just as you are. You are more valuable and more precious than anything. You are worth more than sharing your body with an entire world. You deserve more self respect than that! Your husband deserves more respect than that.
I don't think your picture posted is a good reflection of women. It makes women look like objects just for men to look and lust after. You are in the spotlight. Use it for good please! Don't encourage men to look at women as objects. We are worth so much more than that. We are not pieces of meat for men to enjoy just looking at and lusting after. We are precious. We are lovely human beings. We deserve respect from men, and women for that matter, and we deserve for them to look at us with that honor and respect. Your picture creates a totally different portrayal and I do not like it or agree with it. We are trying to teach young men to respect and honor women and then they see pictures like this. Your picture is teaching them the total opposite. You are also teaching young ladies that this is okay and this is how to get respect and approval of men. This couldn't be farther from the truth!
I also do not like your picture being posted because I am married. I am NOT okay with my husband scrolling through his Twitter feed and your naked body popping up. If you do choose to portray yourself this way and partake in these types of photos, that is your prerogative. It is your choice and you have every right to do that. But keep it to yourself please. Please don't post it for anyone to see. Luckily my son is only 3 and doesn't have a Twitter. I would not be okay with my son scrolling through his Twitter feed and seeing that. I am trying to protect my child from things like this and not subject him to this. I am trying to teach him to respect and honor women. I also want my daughter to understand that she deserves respect and honor from men and that this is not the way to get it. Yes, I know. If someone doesn't want to see it they don't have to follow you. Not true. Because this picture is everywhere. It is being retweeted like crazy. So even if someone doesn't follow you, they will still likely see it.
I hope you learn to respect you and your husband. Your body should be shared with only the two of you. When you said your vows, you probably said something along the lines of honoring Kanye. By exposing your body to millions and millions of people you are not honoring and respecting him. Your body should be only for intimate moments with him and yourself. That is not something we need, or want, to see. Please keep it to yourself and not on social media for all to see.
I hope you can see how beautiful you are. Your beauty is not from the outside but the inside. I hope you rethink your decisions about this one day and realize you don't have to pose naked for people to like you or love you or for you to be beautiful. You don't have to do this to be famous. Find beauty within your soul. It is worth far more than any photo.

Thursday, November 13, 2014
Monday, September 8, 2014
What's Your Slide?
I have been thinking about what to write for a little while now. I wanted God to use my words and my struggles to help others. I don't think I was quite ready for what the Lord needed me to write and show me until recently. I want Him to use my weaknesses to uplift others and for others to see that there is hope in Christ.
As many of you know, we welcomed our sweet baby girl, Payton, into this world on May 1, 2014. My oh my, what a blessing she is! She is bubbly, sweet, beautiful, full of smiles, and totally different than her brother (which is totally fine! :)) She changed my world for the better. It was so hard imagining loving another child besides Brody before Payton was born. After she was born, I realized very quickly that you can. Watching my children together is one of the sweetest things I have ever seen. I love how Brody wants to hold her, kiss her, bring her toys, and talk to her. I love how she just watches him and smiles! I pray for their relationship daily! I hope they are the best of friends! Brody is seriously the only one who can just talk to her and smile at her and she just giggles!! It is so sweet! he is already so protective of her and I hope he always stays that way!!
Also, as many know, I have a very strong desire to be a stay-at-home mommy (or part time SAHM). That is my heart. I love my kiddos and I love being home with them. Going back to work this year was extremely difficult for me. I cried.....and cried.......and cried some more. I cried before I was even back at work just thinking about going back. My heart was literally breaking leaving them. Now I will be honest, it was not quite as hard leaving Brody this time as it was Payton. Brody LOVES school and his friends. It makes it easier leaving him knowing that he is having so much fun at school and learning and developing. But Payton, she's just a sweet baby. When I left her the first day, she just started at me as I walked away. I felt like she was thinking, "Mommy, why are you leaving me?" In fact, it brings a tear to my eye writing this and just thinking about it.
Daily thoughts of being an inadequate mother consumed me while I was at work. Thoughts like, "Why are you not with your baby? You are her mommy. You are supposed to be taking care of her. Not other people.", "She needs me. She will be sad without me.", "Why can't I find a feasible way to work part-time and be home part-time. I am doing something wrong to not find a way. Other mom's do it. I should be able to.", "I don't have enough faith to just make it work. I am disappointing God to not try and make it work and just trust Him." Have you ever had these thoughts? I bet a lot of you have! I realized that these thoughts were straight from Satan. They were thoughts to bring me down, make me feel inadequate, and make me feel like something I defiantly am not!
Are these thoughts in and of themselves bad? No. I don't think so. I think some are natural. However, it is bad when you start to believe them. And I was starting to believe them. It is especially hard here in Bentonville to be a working mom. There are so, so many moms who are SAHM's here. I mean so.many!! To not be one almost makes you feel like a failure of a mom. At least to me it did. There are all these moms reading stories to their kids in the morning, playing on the playground, going to story time at the library, etc. and I am working and not doing those things with my kids. Again, another lie from Satan.
The Lord began pointing out some very clear things to me lately. He pointed out all the many blessings He HAS given me. We desired and prayed for our children. The Lord blessed us beyond measure with our two little bundles of sweetness, Brody and Payton. We prayed that I would get a job. After not knowing anyone affiliated with the Bentonville schools, not even moved to Bentonville yet, my certification not fully transferred from Texas to Arkansas, and having a phone interview, I got my position (that literally hundreds of others applied for.) We prayed for a home that would be good for us here. We found just that. We prayed for a larger car for me after Payton was born. We got just that, and not only that but the exact one we wanted that we thought we could never afford. We really desired new couches (we didn't necessarily pray for this-just a desire), and the Lord blessed us with new ones. We were at the store one day and I saw a power wheels car. I told Aaron, I really wish we could afford one of those for Brody. He agreed. We moved on and didn't think anything else of it. Two days later, one was pulling up in our driveway, basically brand new, that someone was giving us. The last two things were not something we necessarily prayed for but I mention them to show that God wants to give us our desires. He likes seeing us happy.
We pray for protection and health and for God to provide for us. We have food, water, clothes, heat, air, and health insurance be able to take care of our family. We prayed that after Payton was born I would be able to stay home and not have to go back to work after a few weeks. He provided that and then some money to make it by! These are just a few of the big things. There are so many more and then many small things that He has done. He began just revealing these to me one after another, after another, after another. I know that God doesn't always give us what we ask for or pray for. But I think He just wanted to show me how many things He has given me that I have asked for. He wanted to show me how much He HAS blessed me. I was forgetting about how much He HAS done for us!! He has done so much on the flip side too! He has not always given us exactly what we asked for but something better! Something that He knew we needed more or differently. And not necessarily always "things" but even just situations working out, etc. God showed me that my prayers were all about me and my wants and desires. Don't get me wrong. It is not bad to present those to our Heavenly Father at all! He wants us to tell Him all those things! But when we forget to thank Him for all He has done and praise Him and ask for HIS will be done rather than ours, even through our wants and desires, we need to refocus.
We pray for protection and health and for God to provide for us. We have food, water, clothes, heat, air, and health insurance be able to take care of our family. We prayed that after Payton was born I would be able to stay home and not have to go back to work after a few weeks. He provided that and then some money to make it by! These are just a few of the big things. There are so many more and then many small things that He has done. He began just revealing these to me one after another, after another, after another. I know that God doesn't always give us what we ask for or pray for. But I think He just wanted to show me how many things He has given me that I have asked for. He wanted to show me how much He HAS blessed me. I was forgetting about how much He HAS done for us!! He has done so much on the flip side too! He has not always given us exactly what we asked for but something better! Something that He knew we needed more or differently. And not necessarily always "things" but even just situations working out, etc. God showed me that my prayers were all about me and my wants and desires. Don't get me wrong. It is not bad to present those to our Heavenly Father at all! He wants us to tell Him all those things! But when we forget to thank Him for all He has done and praise Him and ask for HIS will be done rather than ours, even through our wants and desires, we need to refocus.
I mean - how could you not want to spend all day with those faces?? :)
He then asked me, "Why do you forget all the things I HAVE given you that you have asked for exactly? This is one prayer (prayer to be able to stay home at least part time) that I haven't answered yet or have not answered necessarily how you think I should. Don't you believe I am still good? Can't you see I have all your best interest in mind? Can't you see I WANT to provide exactly what you want? You just have to trust. You just have to believe that I am in control and I have your best interest at heart. Sometimes what you want isn't what I know you NEED!"
The other day Brody was on our inflatable slide. He was at the top and petrified to come down. He was afraid water was going to get on his head (another blog in and of itself! :)) I remember being at the bottom of the slide. I literally laid myself up the slide and reached my hand as far up as I could. G o ahead and laugh as you imagine my 28 year old self laughing UP the slide trying to get my almost 3 year old down. I said "Brody, come on baby. I have you. I won't let anything bad happen to you. Please just take Mommy's hand." He kept refusing and crying. He was so scared! He was so scared of what he thought was going to happen. He couldn't trust me and what I knew. I knew the water wasn't going to get on his head. I knew he would be fine and as soon as I could get him, I would sweep him up in my arms and let him know it was okay. He could not see what I could see. Once he finally reached for me and I grabbed him, he held on tight and knew he was then okay.
I feel like God feels the same with me. He knows what I cannot see. He knows why He has me working right now and not staying home with my kiddos. I just have to reach out and trust Him with the situation. He will hold me tight through it and in the end, hopefully I can see His purpose through this in the end. However, I may never see it fully and I still have to trust His heart. I will tell you this year that I have been able to talk about Jesus to one of my students already (by him asking me questions since I am in public school and cannot bring it up or talk about it in class.) I have also already had students come to me and say that they have never liked Math so much and they are learning so much already. Maybe that is why He has me here, maybe not.
It is necessarily easier for me being away from my kids everyday. It still stinks. I still don't like it. However, my heart is in a different place. I still cry most mornings when I pull out of the driveway. I still think about my kids like crazy at work. I still wonder how their day is going and if they are okay and safe. I still wonder if they miss me and hope they know how much I wish I could be home and that it isn't because I don't want to be with them. I still am hopeful that one day I can at least do part-time. Even though it stinks, I am able to trust God in the situation instead of always begging and asking why I can't. Instead of asking why He won't answer the way I think He should. He has brought me some peace in this situation. I still pray for more and more everyday. I need it new everyday. I need his love and arms around me everyday. Everyday, He meets me. He pulls me off my slide every morning as I pull out of my driveway with tear stained eyes and say good-bye to my children for the day. He is good. He is faithful. He is loving.
I cannot see His plan. I cannot see His purposes right now. I can see His love and his goodness. I see His MANY blessings in my life. I CHOOSE to be joyous over those instead of being upset. He's got this. He can handle it. I choose to believe that He has a purpose for this and I choose to trust Him and allow Him to fulfill that purpose. I have to choose this every single day! It isn't easy by any means. My heart still longs for the day to be able to stay home. But I choose Him over me. I choose His will over my plan.
What are you struggling with today? Are you forgetting to look at God's blessings in your life? Are you trusting in Him and letting Him pull you off your slide? Or are you sitting at the top, terrified, unaware of how you will get down?
I hope this has helped even just one person in some way. May the Lord reveal Himself to you as needed.
God Bless you.
The Lord prompted me to get this Bible verse on my planner this year. I know exactly why now!
1 John 3:30 "He must become greater; I must become less."
(Professional pictures done by Sarah Pope Photography, Simply Bliss Photography, and KiraWhitney Photography)
Monday, April 28, 2014
Sweet Pea - Week 39
Ahh!! Only a week away baby girl!
Baby Changes:
Baby Changes:
You are continuing to build a fat layer to get ready to join us! You are about 7 pounds, fluid is 14, and you are ready to enter the world. You are also around 20 inches. You are about the size of a mini-watermelon.
Movement: One night this week you went to town!! You were moving everywhere! It was so cool to watch.
Cravings: None really. Im not super hungry lately because you take up most of my stomach room.
Sleep: Sleeping well. I have been blessed with good sleep during your pregnancy! I usually fall asleep between 8:30 and 9:30. Early! :)
Symptoms: Mainly hip and leg/pelvic area. Indigestion is picking up. You are dropping some though so that helps with breathing and my hip.
Daddy update: Daddy is doing good. He is anxious and excited for you to be here and so am i!
This was Easter weekend! We had lots of fun with an Easter egg hunt with Brody. Most importantly, we celebrated Jesus' Resurrection this weekend and the fact that He is alive!!! Always remember that sweet girl. He is the most important thing about our lives and our world!Next Easter you get to celebrate with us!!!!
This was Easter weekend! We had lots of fun with an Easter egg hunt with Brody. Most importantly, we celebrated Jesus' Resurrection this weekend and the fact that He is alive!!! Always remember that sweet girl. He is the most important thing about our lives and our world!Next Easter you get to celebrate with us!!!!
Sweet Pea - 38 weeks
We are almost there sweet girl! We had an appointment this week. THings are progressing well and we will hopefully see you soon!
Baby Changes:
Baby Changes:
Movement: There are some nights you go crazy and you are wiggling and moving around so much! My whole belly moves! And I love it! Daddy loves watching it too! We record some of it so someday you can watch it! :)
Cravings: Hamburgers have sounded really good lately to me. But nothing super specific.
Sleep: Sleeping well. I have been blessed with good sleep during your pregnancy! I usually fall asleep between 8:30 and 9:30. Early! :)
Symptoms: Mainly hip and leg/pelvic area. Nausea has subsided some which is very nice.
Daddy update: Daddy is doing good. We have been spending lots of time as a family of three before you join us and make us a family of four!!!
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Sweet Pea - 37 Weeks
Oh my goodness! Only 3 weeks sweet pea - or less! It feels so far but so close!
Baby Changes:
Baby Changes:
Movement: Still rolling and poking mommy a lot. That is okay though. I really enjoy feeling you and I will miss this time with just you and mommy once you are here. So I am trying to soak it up!
Cravings: Not any real cravings. Things that sound good are things like pasta, chocolate, etc. Nothing real healthy :)
Sleep: Sleeping but still pretty uncomfortable.
Symptoms: A little bit of nausea, some indigestion, tired, and hips/leg hurting. I hurt pretty much any way I move but it is all worth it for you!
Daddy update: Daddy is doing well! Just living life. Enjoying time with family nad youth.
This week we had a shower for you at church. It was such an amazing and beautiful shower. We are very blessed!!! You got lots of goodies! :) Nana, Granny, Sally, Lolly, and Peeps got to come. We were able to enjoy getting a pedicure, eating at Chuy's, going to church, and the shower and going through it all!!! I can't wait for you to wear it all and use it all! :) We are so excited for your arrival sweet pea but we also want you to bake a little more! Grow baby girl grow!
Days until due date: 21 days - 3 weeks
This week we had a shower for you at church. It was such an amazing and beautiful shower. We are very blessed!!! You got lots of goodies! :) Nana, Granny, Sally, Lolly, and Peeps got to come. We were able to enjoy getting a pedicure, eating at Chuy's, going to church, and the shower and going through it all!!! I can't wait for you to wear it all and use it all! :) We are so excited for your arrival sweet pea but we also want you to bake a little more! Grow baby girl grow!
Days until due date: 21 days - 3 weeks
I Love You Sweet Payton! Mommy
Mommy and Nana before they headed back - 37 weeks!
Mommy and Granny
Mommy and Sally!
Sweet Pea - 36 weeks
We got to see you again this week and it was great! You are looking healthy sweet pea! Your heartbeat is good and your fluid is at a 14 which is great!!! You are facing head down but still sitting pretty high.
Baby Changes:
You are gaining about 1 ounce per day now! You now weigh almost 6 pounds and you are more than 18 1/2 inches long. You are about the size of a head of raomine lettuce. You should be getting rid of most of the downy covering of hair that covers your sweet little body as well as the vernix caseosa. That is the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her nine-month stay in mommy's belly.
Movement: You like to roll a lot. YOu really like to stick elbows, and knees in mommy's side. Usually I can poke you back and you move. :)
You are gaining about 1 ounce per day now! You now weigh almost 6 pounds and you are more than 18 1/2 inches long. You are about the size of a head of raomine lettuce. You should be getting rid of most of the downy covering of hair that covers your sweet little body as well as the vernix caseosa. That is the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her nine-month stay in mommy's belly.
Movement: You like to roll a lot. YOu really like to stick elbows, and knees in mommy's side. Usually I can poke you back and you move. :)
Cravings: Not many cravings! I am starting to have more indigestion. So food actually doesn't sound real great right now. I did crave some donut holes but that is about it. I don't have much room in there.
Sleep: Sleeping pretty well just very uncomfortable. My hips and pelvic area are hurting a lot preparing for your arrival. Sleeping is uncomfortable because I don't move too often.
Symptoms: A little bit of nausea, some indigestion, tired, and hips/leg hurting.
Daddy update: Daddy is doing well! Just living life. Enjoying time with family nad youth.
We were back at school this week from spring break. It was a bit hard getting back into the swing of things! ;) Not much longer until we get to meet you though!!! ;)
Days until due date: 28 days - 4 weeks
We are in the 20's!! Crazy!!!!
We were back at school this week from spring break. It was a bit hard getting back into the swing of things! ;) Not much longer until we get to meet you though!!! ;)
Days until due date: 28 days - 4 weeks
We are in the 20's!! Crazy!!!!
I Love You Sweet Payton! Mommy
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Sweet Pea - 35 weeks
We are almost to full term sweet girl! I cannot believe it! Only 5 short weeks until you are due!!! AHHH!! So much excitement, nervousness, unknown, but we couldn't be more thrilled to welcome you!
Baby Changes:
You dont have much room to maneuver now that you are over 18 inches long and you are about 5 1/4 pounds. You are about the size of a honeydew melon. Because it's so snug in mommy's tummy, you are not doing lots of kicks and somersaults anymore, but you are still kicking the same amount. It just feels more like small rolls. Your kidneys are fully developed now, and your liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete and you will spend the next few weeks putting on weight.
You dont have much room to maneuver now that you are over 18 inches long and you are about 5 1/4 pounds. You are about the size of a honeydew melon. Because it's so snug in mommy's tummy, you are not doing lots of kicks and somersaults anymore, but you are still kicking the same amount. It just feels more like small rolls. Your kidneys are fully developed now, and your liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete and you will spend the next few weeks putting on weight.
Movement: You like to kick after I drink something really cold, eat sugar, or at night. You also like to just hold elbows, legs, etc. in one spot and stick it into mommy. I usually have to move you.
Cravings: This week I am craving chocolate, shakes, and of course all sweets. Pizza also sounds really good this week!
Sleep: Good and a lot! Although it is getting harder because I am getting more uncomfortable.
Symptoms: Some nausea still. There will be a smell and trigger the nausea I had in the first trimester. I am also just sore a lot. My back hurts a lot of the time and my hips and leg are pretty bad.
Daddy update: Daddy is getting pretty nervous! He is a little scared to have a girl :) I keep telling him he will be fine and you will have him wrapped around your finger! :)
We had spring break this week for a few days. We hung out at home and did some cleaning and going through things to get ready for you. We also took big brother to the aquarium on Friday and he loved it! Saturday we went to a birthday party and it was a jump zone. Brody was very afraid of them all. Maybe you might be a little more fearless than him :) We cannot wait to meet you and get to know you sweet girl. We pray for you every single day. We love you with all our hearts! Your room is coming together but not done yet! I am excited to get it done for you!
Days until due date: 35 days - 5 weeks
I cannot believe it is such a short time until your arrival!!! We are so excited but so nervous too! ;)
We had spring break this week for a few days. We hung out at home and did some cleaning and going through things to get ready for you. We also took big brother to the aquarium on Friday and he loved it! Saturday we went to a birthday party and it was a jump zone. Brody was very afraid of them all. Maybe you might be a little more fearless than him :) We cannot wait to meet you and get to know you sweet girl. We pray for you every single day. We love you with all our hearts! Your room is coming together but not done yet! I am excited to get it done for you!
Days until due date: 35 days - 5 weeks
I cannot believe it is such a short time until your arrival!!! We are so excited but so nervous too! ;)
I Love You Sweet Payton! Mommy
Mommy at 35 weeks
On our way to the aqaurium!
Daddy and Brody at the aquarium! See - hes such a good daddy! :)
Sweet Pea - 34 Weeks
I cannot believe we have gone 34 weeks!!! It seems like such a long time when you say it but it has flown by! I enjoy being pregnant with you and have tried to really enjoy it. I may miss it when you are born! But having you will make up for it!! :)
Baby Changes:
Hey baby girl! You weigh about 4 and 3/4 pounds, about 18 inches long, and are about the size of a cantaloupe!
Your fat layers are starting to fill you out, making you rounder. Your skin is also smoother than ever. Your central nervous system is maturing and your lungs are continuing to mature as well.
Movement: You are still moving well! I have to get my 10 kick counts a day. I can usually do it several times. Your favorite time is between 8:30 and 10 to move usually. Sometimes you can see mommy's WHOLE belly moving! I love it and cherish these sweet times.
Hey baby girl! You weigh about 4 and 3/4 pounds, about 18 inches long, and are about the size of a cantaloupe!
Your fat layers are starting to fill you out, making you rounder. Your skin is also smoother than ever. Your central nervous system is maturing and your lungs are continuing to mature as well.
Cravings: Not as hungry lately but no real cravings. I guess you could say a burger but that is probably just because it is finally starting to warm just a bit.
Sleep: Hips, indigestion, legs, back. Same ole' Same ole'. Totally worth it for you sweet girl!
Symptoms: Some of the nausea is coming back but not too bad.
Daddy update: He is doing great! He loves feeling you move and talk to you. He already loves you so much and cannot wait to meet his girl!
Brody also loves kissing mommy's belly and saying "love you Payton". Yall are going to be best buds! This was a pretty normal week with school! We get spring break next week and i Cannot wait!!! It is starting to warm up some and I hope it keeps doing that!
Days until due date: 42 days - 6 weeks
Only 1 1/2 months! I cannot believe it sweet girl! I cannot wait to see your sweet face and hold you!
Brody also loves kissing mommy's belly and saying "love you Payton". Yall are going to be best buds! This was a pretty normal week with school! We get spring break next week and i Cannot wait!!! It is starting to warm up some and I hope it keeps doing that!
Days until due date: 42 days - 6 weeks
Only 1 1/2 months! I cannot believe it sweet girl! I cannot wait to see your sweet face and hold you!
I Love You Sweet Girl! Mommy
Mommy and aunt lynnlee! She cant wait to meet you!
Monday, March 24, 2014
Sweet Pea - 33 Weeks
This was a good week! We got to see your sweet little face and body this week!!!
Baby Changes:
This week at the doctor you weighed 4 lbs and 1 oz. You should be passed the 17-inch mark and about the size of a pineapple. You are losing you wrinkled, alien look and your skeleton is hardening. Mommy is trying to get lots of calcium! :) The bones in your skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making birth easier for you.
Movement: You LOVE moving lots and lots at night. You like to stick your little booty, or legs, or something right in my side and you love rolling around. Not too many kicks but lots of rolling!
This week at the doctor you weighed 4 lbs and 1 oz. You should be passed the 17-inch mark and about the size of a pineapple. You are losing you wrinkled, alien look and your skeleton is hardening. Mommy is trying to get lots of calcium! :) The bones in your skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making birth easier for you.
Cravings: Nothing really. I am not as hungry lately and somethings just dont sound good anymroe.
Sleep: Hips, indigestion, legs, back.
Symptoms: My hip pain comes and goes. It was back this week but only for a day. Then my thigh hurt some. It is all worth it though and I will take that over nausea!
Daddy update: He is very busy getting the brisket fundraiser ready for this week! He and Brody love kissing mommy's belly and talking to you! Sometimes you kick when daddy talks to you! :)
This was a fairly normal week. Lots of playing with big brother, playing some outside - its finally getting warmer! Although it snowed on Sunday, no snow day! :) Praying we are DONE with snow! We got to have an ultrasound this week! You are in the 44.5 percentile and right on track. The fluid level is a 14 which is double what Brody was at this point! Yea!! We want to keep it that way so mommy drinks about 120 oz of water a day and takes baby Aspirin.
Aunt Lynnlee and Uncle Chris came in. We went to Flying Fish and the Walton museum and got ice cream. We also did Crystal Bridges, showed them the church, around town, mommy's school, and Crepes Paulette. It was a wonderful visit!
Days until due date: 49 days - 7 weeks
Only 1 1/2 months! I cannot believe it sweet girl! I cannot wait to see your sweet face and hold you!
This was a fairly normal week. Lots of playing with big brother, playing some outside - its finally getting warmer! Although it snowed on Sunday, no snow day! :) Praying we are DONE with snow! We got to have an ultrasound this week! You are in the 44.5 percentile and right on track. The fluid level is a 14 which is double what Brody was at this point! Yea!! We want to keep it that way so mommy drinks about 120 oz of water a day and takes baby Aspirin.
Aunt Lynnlee and Uncle Chris came in. We went to Flying Fish and the Walton museum and got ice cream. We also did Crystal Bridges, showed them the church, around town, mommy's school, and Crepes Paulette. It was a wonderful visit!
Days until due date: 49 days - 7 weeks
Only 1 1/2 months! I cannot believe it sweet girl! I cannot wait to see your sweet face and hold you!
I Love You Sweet Girl! Mommy
Monday, March 10, 2014
Sweet Pea - 32 Weeks
8 Months!!!! We only have 2 left to go sweet pea! Stay in there those whole two months! We need you strong and healthy when you get here! :)
Baby Changes:
You weigh about 3 3/4 pounds and are about the size of a large jicama. You are about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in momomy's uterus. Mommy is gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to you sweet Payton. You will gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as you fattens up for survival outside the womb. You now have toenails, fingernails and I cannot wait to paint them! :) You also have real hair (or at least peach fuzz). You hiccup a lot and so did your brother. They say that means you have lots of hair. Brody did so we will see if you do! :) Your skin is becoming soft and smooth as you plump up in preparation for birth.
Movement: Still lots of movement and counting those kicks. I try to enjoy every one since it won't be much longer that I can just feel you on the inside.
You weigh about 3 3/4 pounds and are about the size of a large jicama. You are about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in momomy's uterus. Mommy is gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to you sweet Payton. You will gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as you fattens up for survival outside the womb. You now have toenails, fingernails and I cannot wait to paint them! :) You also have real hair (or at least peach fuzz). You hiccup a lot and so did your brother. They say that means you have lots of hair. Brody did so we will see if you do! :) Your skin is becoming soft and smooth as you plump up in preparation for birth.
Cravings: Nothing really.
Sleep: Hips, indigestion, legs, back.
Symptoms: Mommy's leg and hip are bad this week from lots of work and moving. I am trying to do stretches to help. I am also just getting more uncomfortable the bigger "we" get. :) It is all worth it though!
Daddy update: He went to Louisville this week for a few days for a Leadership Retreat. He barely made it. He had over 24 hours of flight delays and cancellations and had to spend the night in Chicago. But He made it and got a lot done. He was tired though when he got home!
This week we got....guess what....MORE SNOW DAYS!! We have had a total of 13 so far. It has been fun spending some time with just mommy and brody but I don't want it to cut into my maternity leave either. Daddy got back on Wednesday from the conference, Mommy had meetings until 7 pm on Thursday, Daddy had Upwards on Friday and Saturday, and Sunday was packed too! Plus we are trying to get your room ready!:) The Webster's sure are busy and excited to welcome you in! :)
Days until due date: 63 days - 8 weeks
I cannot believe we are only left with 8 weeks!!! Mommy has a whole lot to do before you get here!
This week we got....guess what....MORE SNOW DAYS!! We have had a total of 13 so far. It has been fun spending some time with just mommy and brody but I don't want it to cut into my maternity leave either. Daddy got back on Wednesday from the conference, Mommy had meetings until 7 pm on Thursday, Daddy had Upwards on Friday and Saturday, and Sunday was packed too! Plus we are trying to get your room ready!:) The Webster's sure are busy and excited to welcome you in! :)
Days until due date: 63 days - 8 weeks
I cannot believe we are only left with 8 weeks!!! Mommy has a whole lot to do before you get here!
I Love You Sweet Girl! Mommy
Sweet Pea - 31 Weeks
Another busy week yet not busy week for our family this week! It is crazy how fast the weeks are going as we get closer and closer to meeting you Sweet Pea!
Baby Changes:
Payton - you measure over 16 inches long. You weigh about 3 1/3 pounds and are about the size of a coconut. You are heading into a growth spurt. You can turn his head from side to side. Your arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath your skin.You move a lot!!! All this moving is a sign that you are active and healthy.
Movement: Still feeling lots of rolls, kicks, punches, hiccups, and everything! I love getting you to move. Mommy has to make sure you move at least 10 times in an hour at least once a day. I can usually get one in the morning and one in the afternoon!
Payton - you measure over 16 inches long. You weigh about 3 1/3 pounds and are about the size of a coconut. You are heading into a growth spurt. You can turn his head from side to side. Your arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath your skin.You move a lot!!! All this moving is a sign that you are active and healthy.
Cravings: No real cravings this week. If anything, biscuits and gravy.
Sleep: My hips are getting worse and hurting more often. Mainly my right one but I am being adjusted and hopefully that will help. :)
Symptoms: Mommy goes potty a lot! You are getting bigger. I cant eat as much at once but i get hungry more often! Hips and leg still hurt but that will probably stay. More shortness of breath and some indigestion.
Daddy update: He is doing well just a little tired from two retreats in a row! He got to feel you lots this week and loves feeling and watching you move. He already loves you so much! (I think you already have him wrapped around your finger.) :)
Sweet Pea - 30 weeks
Payton - Hey sweet girl! I cannot believe we are in the 30's now! It just seems like yesterday that we found out you were coming! We are so excited for your little life and feel so blessed to be a part of it.
Baby Changes:
You are about 15.7 inches long now and you weigh almost 3 pounds and are about the size of a large cabbage. A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds you (it was at a 15 last week at the dr.), but that volume will shrink as you get bigger and takes up more roomin mommy's belly. Your eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; When you do open your eyes when you are born (which won't be often) you will have 20/400 vision. This means you can only make out objects a few inches from your face.
Movement: I love feeling you so much! We can see mommy's WHOLE belly move sometimes when you are active. You are usually active after I eat and late at night.
You are about 15.7 inches long now and you weigh almost 3 pounds and are about the size of a large cabbage. A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds you (it was at a 15 last week at the dr.), but that volume will shrink as you get bigger and takes up more roomin mommy's belly. Your eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; When you do open your eyes when you are born (which won't be often) you will have 20/400 vision. This means you can only make out objects a few inches from your face.
Movement: I love feeling you so much! We can see mommy's WHOLE belly move sometimes when you are active. You are usually active after I eat and late at night.
Cravings: CARBS, CARBS, CARBS. I just love eating carbs :) I am trying to get all my fruits and veggies in too. Mommy is making fruit smoothies a lot too get get those in. I also have to drink about 120 oz a day to keep your fluid up.
Sleep: My hips and right leg are getting worse. :( Its okay though. It is for a good cause. I got some excercises to help!
Symptoms: Still mainly hip and leg. Everything else is pretty good!
Daddy update: Daddy is doing well. Still going with upwards. Daddy had two retreats two weekends in a row so he is a bit pooped! He loves feeling you and watching you move. He likes to talk to you too!
Mommy and Daddy went on retreat this weekend. It went well and we had a blast with the students. It did wear mommy out though. She had to take a nap once. The food was good for mommy's cravings - all CARBS for camp food :) Nana and Granny came and stayed with Brody while we were gone. She is excited to get to watch you too when mommy and daddy are gone.
Days until due date: 77 days - 10 weeks
Mommy and Daddy went on retreat this weekend. It went well and we had a blast with the students. It did wear mommy out though. She had to take a nap once. The food was good for mommy's cravings - all CARBS for camp food :) Nana and Granny came and stayed with Brody while we were gone. She is excited to get to watch you too when mommy and daddy are gone.
Besides that this week was pretty normal!
Mommy at 30 weeks
Days until due date: 77 days - 10 weeks
I Love You Sweet Girl! Mommy
Friday, February 14, 2014
Sweet Pea - 29 weeks
This week we got to have an ultrasound! It was so amazing seeing you! You looked good and were developing right on track! Mommy's fluid was also at a good level for you! Your heartbeat was 134 and you were about 2 1/2 pounds. They took an awesome picture! You are perfect my sweet little girl! And you look just like your brother!
The one with your mouth open was during a yawn! Your little features are so precious! I love those lips! I cannot wait to kiss them!
The one with your mouth open was during a yawn! Your little features are so precious! I love those lips! I cannot wait to kiss them!
Baby Changes:
You now weigh about 2 1/2 pounds and are about the size of a butternut squash! You are about 15 inches long from head to heel. Your muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and your head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. Mommy needs to eat very healthy because you need lots of nutrition. You need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron.Mommy also needs lots of calcium for your bones! They are hardening now. There will be about 250 milligrams of calcium that are deposited in your hardening skeleton each day.
Movement: I feel lots of different stuff all through out the day! You like to roll a lot as well as kick! This week you decided to sit right in Mommy's ribs for a while. I kept having to push you out. :)
You now weigh about 2 1/2 pounds and are about the size of a butternut squash! You are about 15 inches long from head to heel. Your muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and your head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. Mommy needs to eat very healthy because you need lots of nutrition. You need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron.Mommy also needs lots of calcium for your bones! They are hardening now. There will be about 250 milligrams of calcium that are deposited in your hardening skeleton each day.

Cravings: No real cravings this week. Just hungry!
Sleep: Sleep has been good. Mommy has been very tired this week!
Symptoms: My hip and leg are the biggest problems still.
Daddy update:
Daddy is doing well. He is still busy with church stuff. This is a very busy time with retreats coming up, Upwards, Wednesday's, etc. We got to go on a date for Valentines early and Mommy and Daddy enjoyed that! He can usually feel you and see you moving pretty well now. He loves to do that. He also talks to you! He loves you very much.
Daddy is doing well. He is still busy with church stuff. This is a very busy time with retreats coming up, Upwards, Wednesday's, etc. We got to go on a date for Valentines early and Mommy and Daddy enjoyed that! He can usually feel you and see you moving pretty well now. He loves to do that. He also talks to you! He loves you very much.
We had a scary night this week. Brody woke up having a hard time breathing. We had to call 911 and take him to the ER to get his breathing under control. It was very scary! We are thankful Jesus took care of him. Mommy and Daddy will always do everything we can to protect you and keep you safe! The ultrasound was lots of fun to see you sweet girl! Mommy is drinking lots of water to keep fluids up to help you! Today is also Valentines Day! I can't wait to hold you next Valentines Day! Happy Valentines Day sweet girl!
Days until due date: 77 days - 11 weeks
I Love You Sweet Girl! Mommy
We had a scary night this week. Brody woke up having a hard time breathing. We had to call 911 and take him to the ER to get his breathing under control. It was very scary! We are thankful Jesus took care of him. Mommy and Daddy will always do everything we can to protect you and keep you safe! The ultrasound was lots of fun to see you sweet girl! Mommy is drinking lots of water to keep fluids up to help you! Today is also Valentines Day! I can't wait to hold you next Valentines Day! Happy Valentines Day sweet girl!
I Love You Sweet Girl! Mommy
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