Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 24
Week: 24
Fruit/Veggie: Length-Ear of Corn, Weight-Papaya

Name: We still have no name yet but are down to two, for now :)
Movement: This little boy LOVES to move! He moves most of the day. I had no caffine yesterday before the appointment and he still was moving all around! I love feeling him though so its ok with me!
Symptoms: No real bad symptoms this week except for a lot of neck and shoulder pain but that has subsided for the most part. Feeling well and blessed!
Sleep: I got a snoogie pillow and it is wonderful! Sleeping well! I am doing a lot so my body is pretty tired right now. Summer wont slow down much either!
Daddy Update: Daddy is doing well and loves feeling him! He is busy with youth stuff. I cant wait for him be able to hold our little boy and see him with him. He will be a great father! He is very supportive of me and everything that comes with pregnancy and has been such a huge support for me during this! Thanks Aaron! I love you!
News: We went to the doctor yesterday for our 4 week check up. We got to have another ultrasound since they couldnt see everything on the last one. Everything looks normal and he is looking great! He measured 24.1 weeks in size and I was 24.1 weeks at the check-up so right on track! His heartbeat was 143 and he weighed 1.49 pounds/676 grams. We love seeing him on the ultrasound. We wont get another one unless the doctor feels it is necessary to see whats going on in there. For that reason, I dont want another one because I want everything to go smoothly, but I sure do love having them! He was also breech. They said it is very likely he will turn since I am 24 weeks. He has a while :) Nana and Aaron's parents (no official names yet for them) and Aunt Lynnlee and Uncle Chris got to see us last weekend and feel him move which was great. Its always wonderful to see family. Our summer picks up for full swing right :) We have camp next week. Then I am home for a couple weeks to really work on the nursery and house stuff but we have a few local events. Then we have NYC, showers, cheer camp, and a family trip, then school starts, then its time for baby Webster! Its going to fly by! Please keep praying for us as we prepare and that baby boy Webster will grow and develop properly. Also pray for us as we make decisions that effect him and that we will make the right decisions.
Days until Baby Boy is due: 110 days!
Days until Baby Boy is due: 110 days!
Mommy to be!
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