Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sweet Pea - 8 Weeks

You are 8 weeks along now! Only 4 more until the 1st trimester is done!

Baby Changes:
This week sweat pea, you have webbed fingers and toes coming out from your hands and feet. Your eyelids are basically over now. You have breathing tubes coming from your throat to the branches of your lungs. Your "tail"is almost gone. :) In your brain, you have nerve cells branching out to connect together and these form neural pathways. You are about the size of a kidney bean. Even though mommy can't feel it yet, you are moving a lot in there!

Movement: Obviously nothing yet.

Sleep: I am still very tired all of the time. I sleep a lot. I usually fall asleep very early in the evenings! Working and being pregnant wears mommy out!
Symptoms: I am still having nausea. It is getting somewhat better and I am having days filled with less and less nausea. However, there are still some days, evenings filled with lots. It means you are growing and healthy but I do hope it doesn't last past the first trimester! :) (As long as you are healthy of course:)
Daddy update: Daddy is doing great. He is working hard with the youth and helping mommy a lot. He helps clean, get groceries, and take care of your big brother. Mommy doesn't feel good a lot so he picks up a lot of slack. Your daddy is one great man!

Nothing happening this week. Just working and Brody is going to school.

Days until due date: 224 days - 32 weeks!

Love, Mommy

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