Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sweet Pea - 6 weeks

We have known for 2 weeks about you know! It is starting to really sink in! This is exciting!

Baby Changes: You are about the size of a lentil this week! Your nose, mouth, and ears are beginning to take shape. I can't wait to kiss them! You look like you have an oversized head and dark spots where your eyes and nostrils are starting to form. Your emerging ears are marked by small depressions on the sides of the head, and your arms and legs by protruding buds. Your heart is beating about 100 to 160 times a minute — almost twice as fast as mommy's — and blood is beginning to course through your body. Your intestines are developing, and the bud of tissue that will give rise to your lungs has appeared. Your pituitary gland is forming, as is the rest of your brain, muscles, and bones. You are about a quarter of an inch long.


Movement: Obviously nothing yet.

Sleep: I am sleeping well and sleeping A LOT! I am so much more tired with this baby than with Brody. I get home from work and I am pooped. It is also different because the beginning of my pregnancy is the beginning of the school year, and I am chasing a two year old!

Symptoms: Well, my wishful thinking didn't work. The symptoms hit hard this week! I feel sick quite a bit. I am hungry a lot but not a lot sounds good. Then sometimes I eat something that sounds good and it doesn't settle well and turns me off of that food. Smells get me really bad too. My nose is super sensitive. Mornings are pretty difficult right now. I really hope it doesn't last long. I also am having slight cramping some.
Daddy update: Daddy is doing great. He is very excited to be adding a new member to our family!! He is helping mommy out so much and being so understanding since I am not feeling well!

We told our immediate family about you!! They were all so thrilled! We cannot wait to meet you sweet pea!!! We told your grandparents by having Big Brother Brody come out in a shirt that said he was a big brother! They squealed and hugged and were so excited! Then we FaceTimed with Aunt Lynnlee, Uncle Jared, Aunt Stephie, and Granny. They all stopped short of their sentences when they saw Brody's shirt and said "No way!" They were all so excited! We called/texted all other family members to let them know and they were all thrilled for us!

Days until due date: 238 days - 34 weeks!

Love, Mommy

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