Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 28
Fruit/Veggie: Chinese Cabbage

Baby Changes: Baby Boy Webster is about 2.25 pounds and about 14.8 inches long. He is growing!!! He can blink his eyes, has eyelashes, and can possibly see the light that comes in from my belly. BIllions on neurons are forming in his brain and folds and grooves are also forming. THe tissues in his brain are also forming fast. He is still making lots of fat to get ready for his entrance. He can also suck, cough, hiccup, and take breaths. He has REM phases in his sleep now which means he could possibly already be dreaming.
Name: Still deciding :)
Movement: He moves so much. He does kick a lot still but you can mostly feel him just moving and rolling around in my belly. It is a really cool feeling. I love it!
Sleep: I am sleeping pretty well for the most part. I have nights I wake up and cant get back to sleep but for the most part it is still going well. Some days I wish I could sleep later but thats ok.
Symptoms: Growing pains :) Just some stretching and pains of my belly growing. If I get to tired my whole body just hurts but for the most part I feel great. SO very blessed!
Daddy update: Daddy is doing good.We were away from daddy for several days as he had to go to a camp to check it out for a possible retreat. We decided it would be best I didnt go so I got to spend time with my family in Killeen, which was wonderful! It was hard being away from him but its good to be back together. He is busy with NYC coming up and getting ready for that!
News: As I said, I went to Killeen last weekend. I went to a ladies tea they had, we celebrated my parents 40th anniversary, and just hung out with family. It was a wonderful time. Aaron went to Deer Creek Camp to check it out and spent some time here in Katy with Difab, his best friend. We are both home now and getting last minute things ready before we head to Kentucky for NYC. I am also trying to rest some this week as July is super busy and that wont happen much. I get my glucose test tomorrow and have my 28 week appointment. Hoping all goes well and that he isnt breech anymore. We also had out 3D ultrasounds last week and they were awesome!!! I recommend them!! Our boy was about 2.2 pounds and about 14.5 inches long. Right on track!!! Until next week!
Days until due date: 81 days!!
Mommy to be!