Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 27
Fruit/Veggie: Head of Cauliflower

Baby Changes: Our sweet boy is almost 2 pounds, or about the weight of a head of cauliflower and about 14 1/2 inches long. He sleeps and wakes at regular intervals of time. He opens and closes his eyes and may be sucking his thumb. Our baby's brain is very active now as more tissue continues to develop. His lungs are still developing but could probably survive with lots of help if he were born today (lets hope he just stays inside :). He has hiccups more often now. He is recognizing my voice and daddy's voice better now. His digestive and circulatory system are also developing a lot this week. Since there is less amniotic fluid now, his kicks feel stronger.
Name: Still not one for sure yet.
Movement: I can really feel his movements a lot now. They are very strong and Daddy can easily feel them. I can also feel when he rolls and that is a strange but cool feeling! He is usually awake between 1-2 pm, 5-6 pm, 8 pm, between 1-2 am, and about 7-8 am. I have noticed that these are pretty common times to feel him moving. He is also having hiccups much more. I can tell its hiccups because there is a rhythmic pulse in the same spot for several minutes. We have one active little boy!
Sleep: I am sleeping pretty well for the most part. It is getting harder for me to get comfortable and I know that will only continue until he is here. Im feeling a little more tired but not too bad.
Symptoms: I am having a lot of aches and pains. Last Saturday I was really sore and just laid around all day. My back and abdomen both hurt a lot. Sunday I felt much better after resting. My back pain comes and goes. I usually hurt the most right after waking up. I am sure I am sleeping in weird positions that cause this. I also had terrible "charlie horse" cramps last night. Aaron and I both feel asleep on the couch. I woke up with a bad cramp in my right calf and it went away. I was trying not to wake him up. If you have ever had a charlie horse you know it hurts bad! So it went away and another came and I scared him because i was saying, "Ouch, Ouch, Ouch" and crying and he jumped up quick! I told him I was fine and just having leg cramps. So he helped me flex my calf and get it out. Then I still had two more cramps come! No fun. But, if thats the biggest symptom I am lucky!
Daddy Update: Daddy is doing well! He helped me a lot with my cramps and keeps me resting and staying healthy through this pregnancy. We finished registering and he was glad :) He feels him moving a lot and talks to him. He also keeps me sane with my emotions :) I cant wait to see him holding our sweet boy. He is going to be such a great dad!!!
News: We are going today to get a 3D-4D ultrasound and we are very excited. We are hoping this will help us decide on a name :) This week we have an girls/guys night with the youth and our friend Difab is coming to town. Next week we are going to visit Deer Creek Camp. Busy, Busy, Busy as always :) I also got everything cleaned out in the house last week with my mom and we are ready to start getting his room ready! Lots of exciting stuff!
Days until due date: 89 days
Mommy To Be
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