Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 26
Fruit/Veggie: Weight of Eggplant, Length of Hothouse Cucumber

Baby Changes: Our sweet boy is about the length of a hothouse cucumber or 14 inches long. He weighs about the same of an eggplant, or about 1 2/3 pounds. He is inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid now. This is helping his lung development. He has had his eyelids shut for about a month now and this week he is starting to open them again. He is still putting on fat and will continue to until he is born. Blood vessels are developing in his lungs for breathing when he is born. His blood circulation is completely functional. The umbilical cord is getting thicker to get more nutrients to him.
Name: Still no name. We got opinions from our students and others at camp, but we are still in the middle :)
Movement: On Friday and Saturday he didn't move to much. I think it may have been from my exhaustion from camp but he is back to normal now! He punched or kicked me in the ribs yesterday and that was painful but I love feeling him!
Sleep: Going well! I wake up sore a lot of the time after sleep. My belly area and back are sore but it goes away pretty quickly which is good.
Symptoms: Thursday at camp was rough like I explained in the last blog but that is about it. I am feeling well and just some stretching pains now and then. Again, I feel so blessed!
Daddy Update: Daddy is doing well and very busy with youth events going on this summer. Yesterday we were laying in bed as we were waking up and he got to feel baby boy a lot and see my belly move. It may be one of my favorite times with him when we can feel him move and watch my belly and just be excited for him to get here!
News: I am taking it pretty easy this week. I am nesting a bit. I am working on each room and throwing out all junk and really cleaning everything out. I don't want any extra stuff we don't need to junk stuff up. My mom is coming tomorrow to help me with this. We are really going to tackle the nursery to get it as ready as we can before showers and before we get the furniture/paint, etc. I am excited! :) Aaron and I went to register last night. Target took about an hour and Babies R Us took about 2. We still are not done with Babies R Us. It is so overwhelming with how much you need and how much there is to look at and decide on. The stroller was our hardest decision. We thought we had one picked out but when we got there we decided to check them all again and we got stuck between 2. After about 25 minutes we decided on one :) We will have to go back either this week or next to finish up. I am just excited to start getting the things we need for him. I am feel really blessed about my pregnancy and how its gone so far. Thank you Lord!
Days until due date: 96 days!!!! Double Digits!
Mommy to be!
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