Monday, December 16, 2013

Blessed Beyond Belief

The first thing I want to say is the Lord ALWAYS provides. I have to share what He has done because He deserves all the glory!

A few months ago, I posted on Facebook about probably having to go back to work just 2 weeks after baby Webster was to be born in May. This is mainly due to the fact that we simply could not afford me not to go back. You see, I get up to 12 weeks maternity leave. However, in my district you get paid only for the amount of sick days you have. Since I have only been in the district two years, I only have 13 days. (I had to use half of my days last year for funerals to attend.) With the baby due at the beginning of May, that left over a week of days that I could not cover with sick days. Therefore, I get docked that days pay. It would basically take away an entire paycheck and then some for me to miss those days. With many expenses coming up, we just couldn't do it. We do have the option of doing short term disability. That would cover some days for us. However, with the snow days we have used (and probably more to come), I will be docked 3 more days.

With this information, we decided to drop our insurance from the "Silver" plan to the "Bronze" plan. The difference we would get in the amount of insurance would be about $400 a month. We did this to hopefully help with expenses per month and when the baby comes. We expected to be able to put some back monthly. Although we have to pay all medical expenses 100% upfront, we would be able to save and should be able to do this.

On December 13, I got paid my first paycheck with this new amount with the change in insurance. When I looked at the amount, I was very disappointed. After taxes and a little set back for a health fund, our increase was a mere $84 per pay check (I get 2 a month) for a total of $160 per month. Honestly, I called Aaron crying. I told him I had no idea how in the world we would make this work. We have to pay all bills upfront 100% in 2014 and can only save an extra $160 a month instead of what we had anticipated, which was a lot more. I had no idea in my mind how we could do it. I knew for sure at this point I would have to go back to work 2 weeks after baby was born. Especially with the tacked on snow days. Aaron said "Karlee, you have to trust God. He is going to take care of us. He will provide what we need and we will be just fine." My husband has incredible faith. He always reminds me of God's faithfulness. Don't get me wrong, I trust God. In this moment though, I was emotional (I'll blame it on pregnancy:)) and just couldn't see past the logistics. That's the cool thing about God. I don't have to see past the logistics. I just have to trust. So I got off the phone with him, emailed my mom (she told me the same thing, of course), and prayed. I told God I trusted Him. I told God that I had no idea how we would make things work for me to not to have to go back to work, but I knew He would take care of us to cover expenses for the baby. I told Him that I knew He brought us to Bentonville and that since He did I knew He wouldn't forsake us. I asked Him to provide what we needed and that I would trust Him to do so. I also thanked Him for bringing us here and placing us in this situation. Crazy right? That morning I had read on Twitter from Jesus Calling "Thanking Me for adversity requires a deep level of trust; in My goodness, My mercy, My love." I wanted to show Him that I trusted Him even if things were hard.

That brings me to tonight. Tonight I attended an event at our church called Wrapped In Love. It is an event that blesses people. People can get nominated to receive gifts and we are also given gifts to pay it forward to someone throughout the year. It is an incredible event. While sitting at my table with my co-workers, I heard my name called. What? Me? Totally shocked, I walked to the stage. Jeanelle then said some really precious words to me and then told me that someone wanted to help provide money for us so I didn't have to go back to work 2 weeks after the baby was born. I cried. I don't cry in public very easily, but I was just so humbled and blessed that someone did this for us!

The amount of the check covers the 3 docked snow days and then a little extra!!! Seriously, totally God to cover our needs and then give some extra. That is money we don't have to save or worry about. It also the perfect amount to cover the rest of our deductible not in our health fund and then some! Either way, it can cover bills or days lost at work. God is providing exactly what we need. He is providing so I can stay home with my baby! I trust Him to continue to do this. I know if any needs arise, He will provide. The fact that someone thought our family was worthy of this amount of money blows my mind. I certainly do not feel worthy. But Aaron and I feel blessed beyond belief. We are more blessed than words can describe. We are very humbled by this gift!

For those who know my God, don't doubt Him. He is working and will provide even when you do not see a way. He always provides. Just trust. To those who don't know my God, I hope you find Him. Not so that He will bless you with money, but because He is a God who cares and loves you. He cares about the details of your life. He will never leave you nor forsake you! He will always provide!

To whomever blessed us with this money, THANK YOU! Those words just don't seem like enough. We cannot say thank you enough for our gratitude for this gift. You have given our family such a blessing! A blessing we will always be grateful for! May the Lord bless you for your generosity and kind heart! May you feel His love and presence abundantly in your life. Again, thank you for letting God work through you. Thank you for listening to His voice to help provide. Thank you.

Standing in awe of God tonight!


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