Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
15 weeks, 25 more to go
Baby Changes this week: Our baby is now 4 inches long!!! It weighs about 2 1/2 pounds Peanut is moving amniotic fluid through his/her nose and respiratory tract, which helps Peanut's lungs develop. Peanut's legs are growing longer than his/her arms now and he/she can move his/her joints and limbs! Although Peanut's eyelids are fused shut, Peanut can still sense light. Peanut if forming taste buds this week as well.
Gender: Still dont know. We wont know until 20 weeks, which is the first week of May. The heartbeat is in the 140s right now, so that suggest boy to me, but who knows :)
Movement: I think I have felt movement a couple times, but I cant tell if that is the baby or something else.
Sleep: I am sleeping pretty well. Maverick can get restless at night and move a lot in his cage which wakes me up. I can usually go back to sleep quickly. I am feeling a bit more awake now.
Symptoms: I have been having some pains here and there which didnt really concern me. On Monday, I got the same pain at the same time, except this time it lasted about 1 1/2. I had an appointment on Monday anyway for my 4 week check up. There is no concern. The reason for the pain is not a harm to the baby at all and fixable. Hopefully it will stay gone. (Not going into to much detail. Some things are just better left unsaid :)
Daddy Update: Aaron is doing well. Yesterday he said it still doesnt seem real to him. He can hear the heartbeat and see my belly growing a little bit, but its still so surreal. He is going to be such a great father. He is very patient with me through my emotions and aches and pains :) I cant wait to see him hold our little one!
News: All is well with baby at 15 weeks!! :) The heartbeat was in the 140s and everything looks good right now. I go back at 19 (almost 20 weeks) for my 4 weeks check up. I begged them to do the ultrasound to find out the sex then since I will be almost 20 weeks and they said no, I HAVE to be 20 weeks (which I think is a little dumb, Ill be 3 days away, but whatever). So I will have to go back the next week for the ultrasound. I also cant just wait to go back until 20 weeks because that will be 5 weeks between appointments it I HAVE to go every 4. Anywho, that is ok. Not really that big of a deal in the scheme of things. Just anxious to know if I am picking out boy names or girl names. I am not showing to much right now. Some days you wouldnt know I was pregnant unless you knew me. I am ready to show but at the same time its ok because I am staying healthy. I have gained 5-6 pounds right now. I am supposed to gain 4-5 more by 20 weeks (in 5 weeks). Everything is going well so far though!! Thanks for all your support.My mom, Aaron's mom, my sister, and Aaron's sister got to hear the baby's heartbeat yesterday too. My friend Christina at school had a home heartrate monitor from when she was pregnant. It was really cool to let them hear it as well. I just sat there and listened to it. It is really amazing to hear that little heartbeat beating inside you!!! Such a blessing and miracle from God.
Well, I hope everyone has a great day! See you next week at 16 weeks!
Mommy to Be!!!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
14 weeks and counting

Gender: Just a healthy happy baby is all we want. If we could choose gender, again we would choose a boy, but we will adore a little girl.
Movement: I am not sure. I have felt a few things that I think could be the baby but I dont know. It is really subtle so I just can tell yet but I am ready to feel the baby move :)
Sleep: I am actually more tired this trimester than first which is strange! I am sleeping well just still tired! I am starting to feel a little more refreshed as days go by.
Symptoms: Still feeling so blessed because I feel great. I can eat anything and feel good! I am really blessed!
News: We go to the doctor in week 15 on March 29th. I really hope we hear the heartbeat. I am sure they will listen for it. No ultrasound as far as I know. Our next one will be about 20 weeks and hopefully we will find out the gender then!!!!
Aaron and I are staying very busy! We are really excited. Although I know it will go fast it still seems so far away until September. We are enjoying our time with just us now though. We know we wont get that again. We are taking a little mini-vacation in April so that will be nice.
I am trying to keep up with my walking and eating healthy and drinking lots of water to keep weight gain at the right amount. It is hard to not just eat everything you want. It is hard not to say "Im pregnant, its fine". But i know I will thank myself later when I dont have to lose a bunch of ice cream/junk food weight. Weight gain so far is 4-5 pounds, just depending on the day :) I am still not showing very much but a little bit! :) It is excited!
Have a great week!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
I think a good way to do this is for me to truly become more like Jesus. I think the only way to do that is to really know who Jesus was and is. I am going to focus on his attributes and look at how I can apply it to my life and how I can live like He did. I want to know Him so personally it radiates from me. I want to know as much about Him as I can. I am going to share this journey with you not so I can be glorified and people can look at me and say, Oh what a good Christian. Honestly, I could care less. I do want people to know I am a Christian but not because of the words I write on some blog but by the way I live my life.
The first attribute that came to my mind when I thought about Jesus was focused. He was so focused!!! He came to earth for a reason and he accomplished that. He did not waiver or stumble. He stayed focused on what He was here for and accomplished this! He knew He would come to die but stayed focus on why He came and what His coming would accomplish. He never sinned and was one radical man!!
How I will apply this to my life: First of all, I am going to stay focused on learning more about who Jesus was and how I can live like Him. Second, I am going to focus on my daily actions and how those around me benefit from them or do not benefit for them. I need to also stay focused in prayer. Honestly, prayer is a difficult thing for me. Not because I dont believe God is there or hears me but because I get SO distracted. My mind starts going a million miles minute and before I know it I am not praying but planning out something in my head, or thinking about a list of some kind of things I need to do, etc, etc. I really want to work on remaining focused on prayer and during prayer. I think prayer is the only way to really get closer to God. It is our only way communicate with God and you can not get closer to someone without communication. I think not only trying to live like Jesus but focused prayer will be the key in going deeper than I ever have.
Where do you need to focus?? What is it in your life that you are distracted by??? Is it a person, a job, material things??? I hope you can focus just like Jesus was focused!
I hope your day is wonderful and FOCUSED :)
Blessings In Disguise
I really believe in this verses: Matthew 7:7 - 11 (NLT)
"Keep on asking, and you will recieve what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you." I dont think if you ask for a million dollars you will necessarily get a million dollars. I think this is talking more about blessings. Blessings come in material things but also in non-material things. Things like love, forgiveness, honesty, wisdom, family, joy, peace, a chance to have a relationship with God, and for me a relationship with a wonderful man and a baby growing in my belly. All of these are blessings that I take for granted at times. I am working hard to see these blessings daily and be thankful for them always!!!
I am also working hard to be thankful to go for each material blessing I have as well. I have so much compared to some people. I have food in my pantry and I know where my next meal will come from. I have a big, nice warm bed with sheets and a warm blanket in a locked, nice, safe house. I have furniture to sit on and a tv to keep me entertained. I have a washer and dryer so I can have clean clothes. I have two nice, safe cars for transportation. I could keep going. Not because I am rich but because I have been richly blessed and I am chosing to see all of my blessing! I have SO MUCH! I am thankful for SO MUCH as well!
Our youth group is doing the 30 hour famine. Children all over the world have nothing. No home, no food, a lot of times no clothes. Our students are raising money to feed 10 children around the world for 1 year. They have so little. I know this will make a HUGE blessing in their life. over 900 million people go hungry every year. WOW. What blessings we have!!
What are you blessed with today? Really think about it and be truly thankful!
How can you bless someone else today!?!?
Sunday, March 20, 2011
13 Weeks - My peach

Sunday, March 13, 2011
12 weeks

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Birthday Surprise
I got into my car and looked in my bag to get something and pulled out the pregnancy test one more time (not sure why) and saw it was in fact positive. "What?? Is that for real??? Oh my word, I think I am pregnant!!" So I continued home and got two more positive test. "I thought, wow I am really pregnant!!"
Aaron was at the church working on some stuff with a student. We were planning on going out to eat that night. He said he would be home about five. Five was way to long from when I got home (about 3:15). I wanted to tell him THEN!!! I had bought a book in December called "Becoming Dad". I knew it was a posibility we would be getting pregnant soon and I wanted a special gift for him when it happened. So I had it wrapped and ready to go whenever that happened. So when he got home I was ready to give it to him.
He first let me get my beautiful new floor lamp for my birthday. I then told him I had something for him. He wasnt sure why :) (watch my video on facebook) He was in shock too!!! (it had been only a month) We then proceeded to my birthday dinner and then told our parents via Skype that night and called our immediate family.
We are expecting our first baby!!! We are so excited and could not be more thrilled! I have been blogging since week 6 and will continue to do so. I will be uploading the last 6 weeks of blogging soon.
We will hopefully find out April 27th what we are having. :) We have said we want a boy, but we both just really want it to be health! I cant wait to meet our little one and share this with all of you!
I am 12 weeks along right now and I am due September 19th! Hope the next 28 weeks fly by! :)
Bye for now!
Mommy to be :)
11 Weeks!
How far along: 11 weeks
Fruit/Veggie: Fig

10 Weeks!
How far along: 10 weeks
Fruit/Veggie: Kumquat