So, I have been really thinking about blessings lately. The Lord keeps showing me this concept over and over. I think I forget to look at the blessings God has given me in my life and I take them for granted. I either think I did something to earn it or I just dont think about it. Lately, I have tried to look at everything in my life and realize that it is truely a blessing from God. It is by nothing I have done but simply God.
I really believe in this verses: Matthew 7:7 - 11 (NLT)
"Keep on asking, and you will recieve what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you." I dont think if you ask for a million dollars you will necessarily get a million dollars. I think this is talking more about blessings. Blessings come in material things but also in non-material things. Things like love, forgiveness, honesty, wisdom, family, joy, peace, a chance to have a relationship with God, and for me a relationship with a wonderful man and a baby growing in my belly. All of these are blessings that I take for granted at times. I am working hard to see these blessings daily and be thankful for them always!!!
I am also working hard to be thankful to go for each material blessing I have as well. I have so much compared to some people. I have food in my pantry and I know where my next meal will come from. I have a big, nice warm bed with sheets and a warm blanket in a locked, nice, safe house. I have furniture to sit on and a tv to keep me entertained. I have a washer and dryer so I can have clean clothes. I have two nice, safe cars for transportation. I could keep going. Not because I am rich but because I have been richly blessed and I am chosing to see all of my blessing! I have SO MUCH! I am thankful for SO MUCH as well!
Our youth group is doing the 30 hour famine. Children all over the world have nothing. No home, no food, a lot of times no clothes. Our students are raising money to feed 10 children around the world for 1 year. They have so little. I know this will make a HUGE blessing in their life. over 900 million people go hungry every year. WOW. What blessings we have!!
What are you blessed with today? Really think about it and be truly thankful!
How can you bless someone else today!?!?
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