Week: 12
Fruit/Veggie: Plum

Baby Changes: Our baby's fingers will soon open and close and toes will curl. His/her muscles will clench and mouth will make sucking movement. My baby will even move if I prod my stomach but I wont be able to feel it yet. His/her intestines are protruding into its umbilical cord right now and will move into its abdomin this week. Its kidneys will also start working now. The babys nerve cells are growing rapidly and synapses in our babys brain are forming. It has a human looking face (which we have seen now :) Its eyes and ears are exactly in place now. Our baby is just over 2 inches long and about half an ounce.
Gender: Honestly now, I just want a healthy baby whether boy or girl. I will love whichever we have and this baby is already such a blessing.
Movement: none yet but I sure am ready to feel the baby move!
Food: Im still craving chips and salsa and Mexican is hitting the spot right now :) My goal after spring break though is to find healthy things that I crave for baby and me!
Sleep: I am still sleeping well so far and still a lot. I am not as tired as I was in general as before but if I keep myself busy all day I am wiped at the end of the day.
Symptoms: I am truly blessed. I have not had any major symptoms besides some cramping and sharp pains (stretching). I have felt great and have been able to eat anything. Right now I have gained between 2-4 pounds. It depends on the day and what I ate the day before :) I am right on track for the amount I should be gaining.
News: We are have been thinking of some names. We have a few for each gender that we really like but will probably think more seriously once we know the gender. We will announce our choice once we know for sure what the name is. I have been looking at nursery bedding. Thats hard too because we dont know gender but I have picked out several I like for each. I am excited to be able to start buying clothes, registering, and all that jazz, so I am just ready to know...boy or girl!! :)
What do you think I am having????
See you next week!
Mommy to Be
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