Thursday, March 31, 2011


I started a personal journey recently. It was to look at Jesus and all his attributes and try to become more like Him. My first attribute was focus. He was so focused on everything. He focused on what His mission was while He was here, to stay true to who He was, to stay in prayer to His Father. I mean everything He did, He was focused. Even when they took Jesus away to start His journey to crucifixtion, He was focused. I am sure He may have been nervous, maybe not, but it didn't seem that way in scripture when I read it this past week. He knew what He had to do and He did it. Even though it was terrible, He was glad to do it for us. That is some kind of love!!

The next way I am going to try and be like Jesus is to be Radical. Jesus was a radical man!

He went against a lot of things and people. Just calling Himself the King of the Jews was a huge deal back then and was not looked nicely upon, yet He did it anyway. He didn't care. He was who He was and He was going to tell everyone (thank goodness He did). He talked to people He shouldn't have talked to. Pastor Scott talked about Him talking to the Samaritan woman at church this Sunday and how Jews just didn't do that. But Jesus did! He did things he wasn't "supposed" to do. That is the awesome thing about Jesus. He was willing to stick out. He was willing to go against the norm. He was willing for people not to like Him. He wasnt willing to compromise who He was or why He was on Earth. Boy am I thankful for that.

So I asked myself. How can I be radical here and now? For one I can go against the norm just like Jesus. I can make sure everyone knows what I believe and why I believe it. Now, I dont mean going to the street corners preaching to everyone that drives by. The people I am in contact with everyday should know I am a Christian by the way I live. They should know I am different and that I am not willing to compromise who I am in Jesus for anything. That also means they should see that I really do love them and that I am not a judge of them. Jesus loved, not condemned. If the King of Kings lived that way, that sure is how I should live. Its not my place to judge only love. I think its important to keep those we love accountable to their lives and how they live, but not judge. There is a huge difference. I hope all those around me see that. I hope they see a difference in me. I hope they can see my love for Jesus and want that in their lives too.

How will you live radically today?? Maybe its talking to a stranger. Maybe its showing those around you your love for Jesus and living how He did. Whatever it is, live radically. Not to be glorified, but to glorify the King. To live like He did.

Hope your day is great!

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