How far along: 10 weeks
Fruit/Veggie: Kumquat

Baby Changes:
Our baby is a little over an inch long and weighs a quarter of an ounce. They are swallowing fluid and kicking! Their vital organs are in place and working! It has a heart beat as well! Limbs and hands can bend now. Its spinal cord is now visable. Lots of changes and growing!!
Gender: I really want a boy. I know I will love a girl, but my heart is set on a boy. Aaron also wants a boy.
Movement: None yet :)
Food: Salty, Chips
Sleep: Getting a lot of it!! I am starting to feel more tired in the mornings than usual, even after a lot of sleep.
Symptoms: Not to many this week. Around Thursday I had some sharp pains and tenderness in my lower abdomin. I called the doctor and I call back Monday if I still have this problem.
Only 30 more weeks!! :)
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