Baby Changes this week: The next few weeks our baby is going to double its size in weight and add inches to its length! That is crazy!!! Right now our baby is about 4 1/2 inches long and about 3 1/2 ounces. I remember when it was the size of a poppy seed!! So crazy! Our babies legs are getting longer and its eyes are moving more toward the center of the face now. His/her ears are ALMOST in position now. The patterning in the scalp has begun, but no hair is visible yet. Our baby will grow toenails this week as well!!! Our baby's heart is pumping about 25 quarts of blood a day!! That is impressive for an avacado! :)
Gender: Like always, we just want it to be healthy but we would prefer a boy first. I now think it might be a boy, but who knows :) We will find out the first week of May. I CANNOT WAIT!
Movement: I felt something Saturday and Sunday (April 2 and 3). It feel like someone thumped the inside of me. It was a strong thump so I know it was baby :) It was pretty amazing!
Sleep: I still am so blessed and sleeping well!! I feel like I need so much of it and could always use a nap but that comes with the territory I suppose. :)
Symptoms: I have been SO BLESSED!! Besides aches and pains here and there, I have felt wonderful my whole pregnancy. I can eat what I want when I want to and feel great!! I am so thankful!! I was really worried about this before pregnancy.
Daddy Update: He is doing great!!! He looked at our picture from the ultrasound on the fridge last night and said "Hi Peanut". I think it is sinking in a little more for him. He is going to be such a great dad!!! I think once we know the sex we will start thinking more heavily on things like bedding, furniture, name, etc.
News: Everything is going great. I am still not showing much. Someone told me yesterday I dont even look pregnant and I am 4 months now! I like to hear that but I dont. It helps me know I am gaining only the healthy amount for the baby (6 pounds so far and doctor last week said I was right on track and doing great!) but at the same time I want the baby belly :) I know it will come in time and when it does (especially August and September) I am going to wish I just had a tiny bump :) I am also ready to start feeling baby more. Feeling those few thumps was so great!!! I loved it!! I cant wait to feel baby more!
Aaron and I are taking a San Antonio trip this weekend just overnight for a little get away. We really need it. I am excited to spend some quality time with him doing something we dont normally do. He is my world and I am so thankful for my wonderful husband!!!
See you next week at week 17!! 167 days until baby Webster's due date!
Mommy to Be!
Loving all the updates! Can't wait to feel Peanut move- isn't it amazing? You and Aaron are going to be awesome parents. Muff you!! Mom