Baby Changes: Our baby is also about the size of our palm as well as an onion. Our baby's soft cartilage is changing to bone this week. Its umbilical cord is growing longer and stronger this week and is its lifeline to the placenta. Our baby weighs about 5 ounces (about the size of a turnip) and is about 5 inches long from head to toe. Our baby can move its joints and its sweat glands are developing. Our baby is starting to form fat as well. Our baby's heartbeat is controlled by the brain now and it was 145 last night. Our baby is practicing sucking and swallowing.
Gender: Just a healthy baby! We find out in 3 weeks! :)
Movement: I have been feeling baby Webster move more and more. I have to be sitting down to feel it but I can tell it is for sure the baby. It is so cool!!! It makes me so excited each time I feel it and makes my heart skip a beat.
Sleeping: My sleeping is ok. I have always slept on my sides, so not being able to sleep on my stomach is not a huge issue for me.
Symptoms. SO BLESSED!! Still no symptoms and feeling wonderful!!
Daddy update: He is doing well. He is ready to be able to feel the baby move as well. He is getting excited to meet our baby as am I. Yesterday he was telling someone he was very excited and couldn't wait to be able to have a kid to help with yard work and to give illustrations at church with :)
News: We went to San Antonio this past week just for a get away. It was great. We really had a lot of fun just spending time together with just us. We know that time is precious and will soon be gone so we are enjoying it as much as we can right now.
I am waiting to hear this week as to if I will have a job next year or not because of budget cuts and layoffs. We know that the Lord will take care of us no matter what. We are trusting Him and His judgement and timing and decision.
Youth is really busy right now with College Days, 30 hour famine, youth led Bible study, Extravaganza, camp, NYC. Lots going on keeping Aaron and I busy. Plus I am doing cheerleading at school so that keeps us busy as well. We are enjoying life and loving each other! We got to the dr. April 26th for our check-up then we will go the first week in May for an u/s to see what gender we have. Thats about all for now! See you next week! :)
Days until Baby is due: 160
Mommy to Be
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