Pregnancy highlights:
Week: 18
Week: 18
Fruit/Veggie: Sweet potato

Baby Changes: Our little peanut is just growing a lot!!! It is about the length of a bell pepper or 5 1/2 inches long and weighs almost 7 ounces. Getting close to 1 pound!! Our baby is flexing its arms and legs a lot now. Blood vessels are visible through its skin and its ears are now in place. Myelin is starting to form around its nerves. If its a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If its a boy, his "parts" are now visible. Its exciting and cool and see our little one grow every week!! Ossification is also happening this week which is the hardening of our baby's bones. Its sense of smell, taste, sight, and hearing are also forming and developing. Lots of developing happening this week and that is exciting!!!
Gender: Healthy, happy baby! We will find out in 2 weeks and I am really excited!!!
Movement: I am feeling baby move quite a bit now!! It really is the coolest experience ever. Feeling a little thump and knowing its your baby is amazing! I cant wait for Aaron to feel it!
Sleeping: I am sleeping very well :) If I am really busy during the day and go a lot, I am wiped at night. But for the most part I have normal energy.
Symptoms: I have been having leg cramps. Last week I got a "Charlie Horse" cramp and my calf hurt really bad for several days. It hurt to walk. My mom said she got leg cramps a lot during pregnancy.
Daddy update: He is doing awesome. He is of course ready to feel the baby move in my belly. He is starting to notice my belly more and can see it a little better now. Yesterday I was told it looked like I ate to much :) I guess thats better than getting as big as a house. I think he is getting more excited as time goes on to meet our baby. Last night we were talking and it seems like so long ago that we found out but also has gone fast. We have known now for 14 weeks, 3 1/2 months! Thats crazy!
News: Last weekend we had the 30 hour famine. I obviously didnt participate :) Aaron did and he did so great! The students had a lot of fun and with the help from our students and a few from other churchs, we raised over $5000 and that will feed 14 children for a year!! This week has been busy but good. I should get to sign my teaching contract for next year so thats a relief!! I will be glad once it is signed :)
I am excited for this Friday! I have it off and get to spend it with my hubby! I love these days. We get to sleep in and do whatever we please :) We are enjoying these last few that we have before baby!!!
Next week will be busy as well with District Assembly at our church, TAKS testing at school, and me going to OKC for Laura's wedding. Lots of exciting things happening. Until next time..
153 more days until baby Webster's due date!!!
Mommy to Be!
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