Week: 19

Baby Changes: Our baby's sensory development is EXPLODING! Its brain is designating special areas for taste, smell, sight, hearing, and touch. It is also possible the baby can now hear our voices! Baby Webster will hear daddy's singing voice every Wednesday! Our baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and is about 6 inches long. Our baby's arms and legs are now in proportion to the other parts of its body! Its kidneys are continuing to make urine and it is "sprouting" hair on its head. Our baby is forming a waxy coating on its skin called vernix caseosa to protect it from "pickling" in the amnotic fluid. Our baby is also producing meconium. It is amazing to see how much a baby develops in just one week!
Gender: Just want to know! 1 week from tomorrow, May 3rd, we will find out. Then I can stop calling our baby "it".
Movement: I am feeling baby more and more!! It is the coolest experience. I feel like it is saying, hey mom, how are you??
Sleep: sleep is about the same. Sleeping well and about a normal amount of time - 7-8 hours a night.
Symptoms: I had some really bad stomach aches last week. My stomach just hurt. It wasnt like muscle pain from muscles being stretched, but just a stomach ache. It was hurting after I ate every time and I was getting sharp pains. I have not had these in several days so maybe it is passed!!
Daddy Update: He is doing great! He is excited for next week as well to know if he will be wrapped around a little girls fingers or playing sports with a boy! He did feel the baby move, BARELY, but just a little. I hope he gets to feel it stronger soon! He is busy with renovations go on at church and life with me. He is so strong and helps me through all my emotional spells :) I wouldnt want to be going through this with any other man on this earth!
News: I signed my contract last Thursday which is a praise! I had Friday off so Aaron and I slept in. I cannot sleep in as late as I used to be able to which is kind of sad. But it is also good since that will all disappear soon!We cleaned the house up, then we decided to go looking for Easter clothes. We both found some. Then we went to Orange Leaf and tried them out and loved them. We will for sure be going back, plus Katy teachers get a discount! :) Then we went home and got ready and headed to a really nice Good Friday service. We also watched The Passion of the Christ to be reminded of the great sacrifice God made for us.
Saturday we slept in again. Then we decided we had a great Chick-fil-A lunch, headed to Best Buy to "look" for a "little bit" but ended up buying a new router and internet service which is turning out to be worse than we had and spent 2 hours at the store. The 2 hours was just fine but realizing this service is worse was a bummer. We will go back to Comcast. We then went on a date and saw Source Code and it was a really good movie! Then headed home to cook steaks and corn on the cob on the grill and relax together.
We had 2 wonderful Easter services on Sunday. Watch them on lwnaz.org if you missed them. We went to the Shinn's for lunch and to hang out with a bunch of people until about 6 pm. Aaron played basketball while I chatted and snacked all afternoon :) with the women. Overall, great week and weekend! I get to go to OKC this weekend and see friends and go to Laura's wedding which I am really looking forward to!!
Next week I will blog on Tuesday instead of Monday so that the gender can be revealed!!!
Days until due date: 146 days!
Mommy to Be
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