Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 29
Fruit/Veggie: Butternut Squash

I am posting this a day early since we go to NYC tomorrow!
Baby Changes: We are in the last trimester!!! Our baby boy is close to 3 pounds and about 16-17 inches long. His lungs and muscles are continuing to mature and his head is growing bigger to make room for his growing brain. His bones are soaking up a lot of calcium right now so milk is good for me to drink, even though I dont really like milk. During this last trimester his skeleton will soak up 250 milligrams of calcium a day. He will double, maybe triple his weight by the time he is born.
Name: We have a name!!! Our baby boy's name will be Brody Scott Webster!
Movement: He is moving liking crazy. I feel more of a rolling movement now that kicks. I still feel kicks but I feel him rolling and moving more often. Brody is a very active little boy!
Sleep: I finally was able to sleep past 8:30 or 9 this past Friday and Saturday. I slept until 10:30 then 10. It was really good and really needed. I do feel a little more tired lately but not to bad. I mainly just get tired easier after doing things, but again, not to bad yet.
Symptoms: I have had some growing/stretching pains this week but nothing to unbearable :) I have also had some indigestion this week but it comes and goes. Again, I am so very blessed with this pregnancy and how smooth it has gone. Thank you Lord!
Daddy update: We leave for NYC this week. Last week was busy for him with visiting the camp and getting ready for NYC but he is excited for it this week. He has been able to feel Brody a lot this week and been able to talk to him. He is ready for him to be here!
News: I had my glucose test this last Thursday. The drink actually was not that bad. I mean it was for sure strong and very sugary, but not bad. I PASSED the test and my levels were normal :) Thankful for that! My doctors appointment went very well. I was 28 weeks 3 days at the appointment and Brody was measuring 29 weeks. So not to much ahead but just a little. My weight gain, blood pressure, everything looked good. So very thankful that I am healthy and that little Brody is healthy. I am nervous/excited about this week. I have to get up every hour on the charter bus to walk and move around since I am after 28 weeks and clots are more common after 28 weeks. But thankfully, its a charter bus and I can do that. Another blessing! I just know I am going to have to take it easy since it will be a long week. Please keep my and Brody and Aaron in your prayers as we take this trip. Pray for safety and health. Also, pray for the students going and that they will see God in a totally new way! My wonderful parents are coming this week to do some painting for us and we are so thankful for them as well!!! It will be nice to come back and have the nursery painted, along with some other things! Thanks mom and dad!!!
Have a great week!
Days until Brody is due: 77 days!
Mommy to be!
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