Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 32/8 Months

Baby Changes: Brody weighs about 3.75 pounds now and close to 17 1/2 inches. He has "real" hair on his head, fingernails, toenails, and his skin is becoming soft and smooth for his arrival in a few weeks. He is practicing swallowing, kicking, breathing, and sucking to also get ready for his arrival. He can also suck his thumb now. Brody can also blink, look around, grab at things, make faces and hear things. Brody sleeps 90-95% of the day.His head is starting to face down and his legs are in the fetal position because of lack of room.
Movement: He is moving most mornings about 7:30. He is still rolling a lot and jabbing my ribs a lot. It is really cool to watch my entire belly move.
Sleep: Same
Symptoms: My ear infection is clearing up. Im still having some indigestion and im pretty tired during the day. I am feeling soreness and aches and pains in my legs and back, but nothing no other pregnant woman doesnt experience :) Overall, I cannot complain.
Daddy update: Daddy is doing well and things are dying down a little for the summer for youth events so he is beginning to be able to rest a little more. He has been pretty tired this week as the summer is catching up with him :) He has been able to feel and see Brody move a lot this week and been able to talk to him. He is excited and ready to meet our little man. He did great helping me go through the overwhelming amount of things we got for Brody and sift through what we would return, exchange, keep, etc.
News: Last week was busy with cheer camp and lawn olympics for the youth. It kept Aaron and I both going and tired us out pretty good! Friday we did a whole lot of nothing and just relaxed on the couch. Saturday we got up and Aaron did the yard and I cleaned the house. We went to Galveston for the afternoon to get away and celebrate our anniversary. We went to the beach and the Strand and it was a great time. I am in my 32nd week now and yesterday was our 3rd anniversary. It was a lot of fun! I am so blessed to have the husband I do. I love him so much!! I cant wait to see him with Brody and be a daddy!!
Days until Brody is due: 56 days! AAHHHH!!
Mommy to be!
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