Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 31
Fruit/Veggie: 4 naval oranges

Baby Changes: Brody is more than 3 pounds and about 17 inches long. Brody is now processing information, tracking light, and perceiving signals from all five senses. He is sleeping for longer periods of time now. This makes the time he is awake more defined for me with his movement. He can turn his head from side to side. His arms and legs are beginning to "plump" out as he gets more fat on his body. His lungs are the only system not fully developed at this point. He will also gain about 1/2 a pound a week from now on.
Movement: Again, moving a lot which i LOVE! He rolls often and likes to jab me with arms and legs. He is also jabbing my ribs a lot but thats ok. He is moving and healthy!
Sleep: Sleep is about the same for me.
Symptoms: I have had more indigestion this week and my right leg and hip are bugging me but that is "normal". I developed an ear infection and have to get that taken care of. It is painful to even touch so that is no fun. I am taking amoxicillin in order to try and knock it out quickly. I am not a fan of being on antibiotics, but its the doctors orders :)
Daddy update: Doing great! Again, so supportive and helpful with me. I could not have done this pregnancy without him. He did say this week, "Im done with pregnancy. I am just ready for him to be here." I would have to agree. Pregnancy has been easy physically for me, but not easy emotionally. My hormones are CRAZY!
News: I had cheer camp last week and that kept me busy for three days. It wore me out pretty good. I had a dr. appointment last Thursday too. Everything looks great! His heartbeat is now 138. It is slowing down because he is getting bigger. We are just trying to relax and enjoy the last few weeks of summer as much as possible!
Days until Brody is due: 63 days!
Mommy to be!
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