Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 30
Fruit/Veggie: Head of Cabbage

Baby Changes: This week Brody is the size of a head of cabbage and is about 16 inches long. His eye site is still developing. His brain is still developing as well. He is started the get the "wrinkles" in the brain that everyone has. He is starting to be able to regulate his own body temperature now as well. Brody will start to shed his lanugo, the thin hair on his body. His fingernails and toenails are fully formed now. His bone marrow is in charge of his red-blood cells now.
Movement: He is moving like crazy. He doesn't really kick anymore but rolls a lot! My belly does some crazy moving!
Sleep: I am sleeping well but I have not been able to sleep very late. I have been waking up about 730 everyday to little Brody moving. I can then sleep for about another hour but that is about it. I wish I could sleep later because I know I will need it for later!
Symptoms: I am sore because of traveling to KY last week and being on the bus. I am also very tired from the trip but overall good. Our shower is the 16th and 17th so that is very exciting and we are excited to share that with others!
Daddy update: Daddy is doing great. He is so great about keeping me calm and relaxed and about taking care of me. He checks on me a lot and makes sure I am taking good care of myself and baby!
News: We went to KY last week for NYC. It was a great but long trip. It was very tiring. We did a lot of walking so my body and legs were tired but I for the most part I did well. I had to get up every hour to walk on the bus to prevent blood clots which was annoying but thats ok. It was a great trip with our students of LWN.
Days until Brody is due: 70 days!
Mommy to be!
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