Pregnancy Highlights:
Fruit/Veggie: Cantaloupe

Baby Changes: Brody weighs about 4.75 pounds now and almost 18 inches. HIs fat layers are getting thicker to help him stay warm once he is born. His skin is very smooth now as well. His nervous system and respiratory are still maturing. He also has a thick, white substance covering his skin called vernix. This helps his skin from pruning in the amniotic fluid.
Movement: He is still moving a lot and my whole belly likes to move! I still love it!!! He loves to push out his leg/elbow, whatever it is and just hold it there.
Symptoms: Tired!! I am still feel really tired!
Sleep: Sleeping well and wanting to sleep a lot!
Daddy update: Daddy is doing well!! He has a lot to do with youth this week. He put the crib together for me Saturday and I love it! He is very good at keeping me sane and helping me through this pregnancy. He has been my rock and I could not have made it through this pregnancy without him.
News:This is my last week before work starts. I am trying to take it easy yet get things done. I feel like Brody's due date is so close yet so far!! I feel like I have so much to do still. We are just chugging along and getting excited for Brody to make his appearance!
Days until Brody is due: 41 days!!
Mommy to be!
YAY!!!! SO SO SO close!!!!!! :)