Thursday, August 11, 2011

To Drink or Not to Drink

I had my doctors appointment today. My last before I go weekly - or so I thought.

The nurse came in and listened for Brody's heartbeat and found it at about 143, which is good. My blood pressure was 108 over 65, and I had not gained any weight the last two weeks.

My doctor came in and asked how my trip to Colorado was and got out the tape to measure my belly and did and it measure 32/beginning of 33 weeks. I am almost 35 so this alarmed by doctor and she ordered an ultrasound. I think asked her some questions I had and I went to wait. I called Aaron right away and he rushed from the church to the doctor's office to be there for the ultrasound.

We get back there and have the ultrasound. We could not really see to much because he is so big now and it all kind of looks the same. His head is down, which is good, and he weighs almost 5 pounds which is good as well. BUT, I do not have enough fluid. The U/S tech then tells me to wait. My doctor will either send me to the hospital for fluids or I will have to drink more. My doctor calls me back and tells me I have to drink A LOT and I have to have another U/S next week to make sure fluid is increasing. She is not overly concerned right now and says this does not cause us to need to react immediately but wants the fluid to increase by next week. It was kind of a scary experience. Although I think everything will be ok, you want everything to be 100% ok at every appointment.

We have been very blessed this whole pregnancy to have it go so well. This little set back should be fixable by next week as well. Please say a prayer for Brody and I that by next week there is plenty of fluid in there for him.

So - what will I be doing this week?? Forcing down as much water as I can handle. I thought I was drinking enough but I guess I was not. I think my body is soaking up all I drink for me since it is so stinking hot here and our house stays at about 80 during the day as well and so Brody wasnt getting much. Pray I can drink enough this week to give him the fluid he needs!

Hope everyone has a great day!


  1. Praying for you and Brody and trusting the Lord to take care of both of you!

  2. It's hard to drink enough here too! You can do it! I'll be praying for you!
