Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 37
Fruit/Veggie: Watermelon

Baby Changes: This week Brody is offically "Full-Term". His lungs would likely do ok if he were born today, but better to cook as long as possible! Although I want to meet him NOW, i know it is better for him to "bake" a little longer! He is about 6 1/2 pounds and about 19 inches long. He is making fat at about 1/2 ounce a day. His skin is getting pink. He is practicing breathing in there as well! He is also growing his peach fuzz for his hair :)
Movement: Still feeling him a lot. I mainly feel elbows, knees, etc poking me and hiccups. Not a ton of rolling or kicking but some.
Sleep: sleeping well! I get up usually once for a potty break but I am not complaining and so thankful for good sleep!
Symptoms: Mainly just the hip still. I get sharp/uncomfortable pains every now and then but nothing consistant.
Daddy Update: He is doing great! He is ready to meet his little buddy! He is such a strong supporter for me and my rock. So thankful for Aaron!
News: We are just waiting now for our little man to arrive. All clothes are washed, room is ready, and bags are packed! I got my flu shot yesterday recommended by several doctors and feeling good today so hopefully i wont get any symptoms from it :) We cant wait to meet him our little guy! I already love him so much!
Days until Brody's due date: 19 days!!!
Mommy to be
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