Friday, August 26, 2011

36 weeks - 9 months!!!

Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 36

Baby Changes: Brody is gaining about an ounce a day. He is close to 19 inches and weighs over 6 pounds. He is shedding most of the downy hair that covers his body. He is also shedding vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected his skin during the last nine-months in the amniotic fluid. He will swallow both of these substances along with other secretions. Because of this, this creates his meconium, his first bowel movement. At the end of this week, Brody will be considered full term. His gums are also now rigid and he can suck (we saw him sucking his thumb last week on the ultrasound!) SO CUTE! His lungs are structurally developed this week!!! Surfactant is being developed in the lungs. This will keep his lungs open when he is born. A developing baby is simply amazing!

Movement: Still feeling him move. I dont think I could ever get tired of it! I love it! He is not moving as much but he doesnt have as much room! :)

Sleep: I have been sleeping well this week! (Knock on wood :) I think it is because I am exhausted from the first week back at work! Whatever it is, I dont care. I am just glad to sleep!

Symptoms: My biggest symptom this week was my hip hurting. Tuesday night was AWFUL!! I literally could barely move. It hurt to do anything, sit there, walk, put my leg straight, bend it, lift my leg, walk, anything hurt!!! It felt like my bone was going to break at any moment. Wednesday morning it was not as bad. I asked lots of people to pray for me and I felt it already getting better. Yesterday and today I have had no pain! I believe it is the power of prayer and the Lord taking care of it. With the way it was feeling Tuesday, it had to have been him!! Thanks for the prayers! Besides that I am just tired but that comes with the territory. :)

Daddy Update: Daddy is doing well. He has been fighting a bad cough for a week. He went to the doctor yesterday and they said it was allergies. Pray he can kick whatever it is that has got him this way. He is ready and excited to meet Brody though! He is such a great support for me!

News: I had a doctors appointment yesterday and everything looks good! I have been blessed with such a smooth pregnancy! He is measuring right at 36 weeks and I gained a pound this last week. I cannot believe that our little man will be here in less than a month!! It is scary but exciting all at the same time! It is weird to think what life will be like when he is here and hard to imagine but I know it will be great. It feels like the pregnancy flew by but creeped by at some points. I am scared of the unknown and life changing. I love my life with Aaron and I. But I know that it will be amazing and once he is here, I wont be able to imagine life without him.

His nursery is ready!!! We have a few things to get done around the house, but for the most part everything is ready to go. I have my hospital bag packed and his bag packed. Maverick will go get his hair done this next week. All the last minute things are taking place now. We are so excited to welcome our little man!

Days until Brody is due: 24 days!

Mommy to be!

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