Pregnancy Highlights:
Week: 35
Baby Changes: Brody is about 20 inches long and weighs 5.14 pounds (went to dr. today). Since there is not much room now in my belly he is likely not to move as much. His kidneys are fully developed and his liver and process some waste now. Most of his physical development is done and he is just putting on some weight now. His lungs are almost developed now, which is great!
Movement: He is still moving a lot but more just rolls still. During the ultrasound he was moving a lot!!
Sleep: I have been sleeping really well besides last Monday night. Maverick got sick about every hour and when he wasn't sick, I could not fall back asleep. So I got about 2 hours of sleep. I have been really tired after that so sleeping well!!
Symptoms: Tuesday, I had a lot of stomach and back pain and went to the doctor but everything checked out ok and it was not anything to worry about. Last night I had some cramping which I think were contractions or Braxton Hicks, but there were not consistent so nothing to worry about. Just tired!
Daddy update: He is doing great! Things are finally settling down for him! He is ready to meet Brody and be able to hold him. He is still such a strong support for me and I appreciate all he does!
News: We went back to the doctor and Brody's fluid level was a 10. It jumped 3 points so that is great! He gained 1 pound in 1 week as week so that was also good!!! He is looking great! I just have to keep drinking the fluids up like I am. He was sucking his thumb which was really sweet to watch!!! We are thanking and praising the Lord for touching my body and the womb this week so that everything is safe and okay with Brody! I am scheduled to be induced September 19 unless he comes earlier! It is getting close!!
Days until due date: 31 days
Mommy to Be
AHHH!!!! I'm getting SOOO excited for you!! :)