Thursday, November 24, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Being a baby is awesome!!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Some great things!!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Webster Family of 3
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
New blog!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Top 10
Monday, September 26, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
I love being a Mommy!!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
38 Weeks! Only 2 left!!!
Baby Changes: Brody is really plumping up. He should be around 6.8 pounds and about 19 1/2 inches long. He can now grasp firmly and his organs have matured and are ready for life outside my belly. His belly is still producing meconium. His fingernails have grown quite a bit. Amniotic fluid is slowly decreasing during week 38. Brody's bones in his arms and legs have hardened. His bones in his skull wont harden until after birth.
Movement: He still is moving a lot! Its more of rolls and jabs since he cant kick but I can still feel and see my little man moving! LOVE IT!
Symptoms: I have been having some cramping and a few contractions here and there but nothing consistent enough to take me to the hospital. Hopefully soon it will be though. We are very ready to meet our little man! I am just trying to take it easy.
Sleep: Sleeping well! I have been blessed in this area! Although I am up at least once a night, sometimes more, I can usually go right back to sleep. Hopefully this will last until he is here since sleep wont be happening much after he is born.
Daddy Update: Dad is doing well! He is for sure ready for this little guy to get here. I say it everytime, but he has been such a huge support for me!! I cant wait to see him hold Brody for the first time!
News: No big news now. Just waiting for the little guy to arrive. I had an appointment last Thursday and measured 37 1/2 weeks and his heart rate was in the 130s so it all looked great! I have another appointment today so hopefully it will go good and we will see if anything is progressing!
Days until Brody's due: 10 days!
Mommy to be!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Things they dont tell you about pregnancy!
1) Your emotions are CRAZY. I mean I know they say you are emotional when pregnant, but really?? I cry over the CRAZIEST things. I was thinking more emotional like cry in movies more emotional - I dont usually. Oh no, more emotional like cry at the drop of a pin, cry yourself to sleep for no apparant reason (this was more like a sobbing for me), cry because...well just because.
2) You are not feeding 2 people. I always heard, youre pregnant, eat for 2. Totally wrong. My doctor said, eat like you eat now. You are not feeding 2 people. I have eaten almost the exact same as I did before pregnant, with some exceptions :) I do eat a little more sweets and a little more food now but not a lot.
3) You have to give blood a lot when your pregnant. Ok, so maybe like 4-5 times, but thats a lot when you dont like needles. There are so many test they run.
4) The internet is full of do/donts while pregnant. If you are a paranoid, worrier like me, DONT LOOK! It only makes things worse.
5) You only get 2 ultrasounds when pregnant (at least with my insurance) and the last one is at 20 weeks. You have to wait a whole 20 weeks more to see him again (unless your like me and do a 3-D (highly recommend) and have some issues that need more ultrasounds.)
6) Teachers dont get an automatic paid 6 weeks off!!!
7) You get SO many questions while pregnant (How are you feeling? Asking about sickness. How far along? How much longer? Are you ready?, etc, etc) I dont mind them, I just didnt realize how many I would get!!
8) You need SO much stuff for the baby! I knew we would need a lot for the baby but Oh My Word!! Going into Babies R Us and Target trying to register was insane. Aaron and I would just stand in an aisle and say, I dont know what to register for, I dont know what we need. We were completly lost, but it was a fun experience! I am sure we will need something else when he gets here, but we will figure it out along the way. :)
9) Nesting is crazy! I have always heard about nesting but when you go through it, it is just like they say. You want to clean and organize like crazy and you are stressed until its done!!! I had a HUGE nesting phase the 2 weeks before school started. I cleaned the house, cleaned the closet, got his room ready, washed everything, just went went went! I wanted it done before school. I dont have it as much now since its all done :)
10) You fall in love with your baby SO much before you even lay eyes on them. I knew that I would experience a love that I never knew when he was born, because that is what everyone tells me. Brody isnt even born and I love him more than I can describe already. I can even put into words how I feel about him and how much I want the best for him. It is an incredible experience and I had no idea I would feel that before I even held him. But I have!! And I cant wait to feel it grow once he is here!
Well, theres 10 things I learned since being pregnant! Hope you enjoyed!
Thats Scary
My husband will be the first to tell you that I am a little over cautious with this. Sometimes I get paranoid over the dumbest things. Maybe its because this is my first baby. Maybe its just because I am becoming a mom. Whatever it is, it is something I have had to deal with during this pregnancy. There have been times I have just had to say, Karlee stop! Stop worrying, stop thinking about that, Brody will be fine. God is protecting him. It honestly makes me a nervous. If I am this worried with him in my womb, the safest place for him to be, how will I be when he is out of it??? I feel like I am the only pregnant person like but I hope I am not :)
This morning my mom sent this to me. It is really great!
"Trust me and dont be afraid. I want you to view trials as exercise designed to develop your trust muscles. You live in the midst of fierce spiritual battles, and fear is one of Satan's favorite weapons. When you start to feel afraid, confirm your trust in me. Speak outloud if circumstances permit. Resist the devil in my My Name and he will slink away from you. Refresh yourself in My hold Presence. Speak or sing Praises to Me and My face will shine radiantly upon you."
That is some good stuff!! I have learned through this all that I ultimately cannot control anything. I have done my best to protect Brody while I have carried Him, but God is the one who is in complete control. Me worrying does no good. When Brody gets here, I know I just have to trust God that He will protect him and guide him. I have learned how to give over control and trust. Although I am sure I will have to give over control to God many times because I want it back, I know it will be more freeing than having control. God gave me this little boy and this little boy is His from before he is even born! Therefore, since it is God's blessing for me to be his mommy, I trust in the Lord.
What are you trying to control today??
37 Weeks - Full Term!!
Baby Changes: This week Brody is offically "Full-Term". His lungs would likely do ok if he were born today, but better to cook as long as possible! Although I want to meet him NOW, i know it is better for him to "bake" a little longer! He is about 6 1/2 pounds and about 19 inches long. He is making fat at about 1/2 ounce a day. His skin is getting pink. He is practicing breathing in there as well! He is also growing his peach fuzz for his hair :)
Friday, August 26, 2011
36 weeks - 9 months!!!
Week: 36
Baby Changes: Brody is gaining about an ounce a day. He is close to 19 inches and weighs over 6 pounds. He is shedding most of the downy hair that covers his body. He is also shedding vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected his skin during the last nine-months in the amniotic fluid. He will swallow both of these substances along with other secretions. Because of this, this creates his meconium, his first bowel movement. At the end of this week, Brody will be considered full term. His gums are also now rigid and he can suck (we saw him sucking his thumb last week on the ultrasound!) SO CUTE! His lungs are structurally developed this week!!! Surfactant is being developed in the lungs. This will keep his lungs open when he is born. A developing baby is simply amazing!
Movement: Still feeling him move. I dont think I could ever get tired of it! I love it! He is not moving as much but he doesnt have as much room! :)
Sleep: I have been sleeping well this week! (Knock on wood :) I think it is because I am exhausted from the first week back at work! Whatever it is, I dont care. I am just glad to sleep!
Symptoms: My biggest symptom this week was my hip hurting. Tuesday night was AWFUL!! I literally could barely move. It hurt to do anything, sit there, walk, put my leg straight, bend it, lift my leg, walk, anything hurt!!! It felt like my bone was going to break at any moment. Wednesday morning it was not as bad. I asked lots of people to pray for me and I felt it already getting better. Yesterday and today I have had no pain! I believe it is the power of prayer and the Lord taking care of it. With the way it was feeling Tuesday, it had to have been him!! Thanks for the prayers! Besides that I am just tired but that comes with the territory. :)
Daddy Update: Daddy is doing well. He has been fighting a bad cough for a week. He went to the doctor yesterday and they said it was allergies. Pray he can kick whatever it is that has got him this way. He is ready and excited to meet Brody though! He is such a great support for me!
News: I had a doctors appointment yesterday and everything looks good! I have been blessed with such a smooth pregnancy! He is measuring right at 36 weeks and I gained a pound this last week. I cannot believe that our little man will be here in less than a month!! It is scary but exciting all at the same time! It is weird to think what life will be like when he is here and hard to imagine but I know it will be great. It feels like the pregnancy flew by but creeped by at some points. I am scared of the unknown and life changing. I love my life with Aaron and I. But I know that it will be amazing and once he is here, I wont be able to imagine life without him.
His nursery is ready!!! We have a few things to get done around the house, but for the most part everything is ready to go. I have my hospital bag packed and his bag packed. Maverick will go get his hair done this next week. All the last minute things are taking place now. We are so excited to welcome our little man!
Days until Brody is due: 24 days!
Mommy to be!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
35 weeks and Fluid Update
Thursday, August 11, 2011
To Drink or Not to Drink
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Life Lately
Monday, August 8, 2011
34 weeks - 8 1/2 Months!!
33 weeks
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
32 weeks/8 months
31 weeks!
30 Weeks
Sunday, July 3, 2011
29 weeks - 11 to go!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
28 weeks - 7 months!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
27 weeks
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
26 Weeks
Monday, June 6, 2011
25 weeks!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
6 months!
Week: 24
Movement: This little boy LOVES to move! He moves most of the day. I had no caffine yesterday before the appointment and he still was moving all around! I love feeling him though so its ok with me!
Days until Baby Boy is due: 110 days!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
23 weeks
Week: 23
Our sweet baby boy is a little over 11 inches long and weighs a little over 1 pound!!Blood vessels in his lungs are developing for breathing. He is actually practicing breathing already! He can pick up noises from the outside with his ears. Fat production is in rapid motion now. He will double in size in the next 4 weeks!! Crazy! His skin is less "see through" now. His skin is wrinkled and has a red tint to it. The skin looks "wrinkly and loose" because it is forming at a more rapid rate than fat is. The bones in his middle ear are starting to form this week. His can suck his thumb now. His pancreas is forming and is responsible for breaking down his sugars that he intakes. His bones muscles and organs are growing steadly.
Days until Baby Boy Webster's due date: 118 days
Monday, May 16, 2011
Time is flying - 22 weeks
Week: 22
Fruit/Veggie: Length of Spaghetti Squash, Weight of a Papaya
Baby Boy Changes: Our sweet baby boy is about 11 inches long and about 1 pound!! He is starting to develop tiny tooth buds in his gums. His eyes are forms, but his irises still lack pigment (hopefully he will have Aaron's blue eyes). He has lanugo (fine hair on his body) and wrinkles on his skin until he adds some fat to his body. His pancreas is developing fast which is also important for his growth and development of hormones. He looks like a "minature" newborn now. All his organs are still developing rapidly. His liver has started to make various enzymes which are required to break down billirubin (digestive fluid). Billirubin is a result of the breaking down of red blood cells. His red blood cells have a shorter life span in the womb so he makes billirubin often. Baby boy passes of the billirubin to me through the placenta and my liver gets rid of it (CRAZY how incredible it all works together).
Boy Stuff: Cant wait to meet our little boy! We still do not have a name but are trying hard to pick one. This is a hard job! :)
Movement: ALL THE TIME! I love it. Aaron got to feel him last week when he was moving like crazy! We also watched my belly and saw my shirt moving when he kicked which was neat as well!
Sleep: Sleeping well! Starting to get a little uncomfortable at night trying to stay on my side. I normally sleep on my side but i have been waking up on my back for some reason and my stomach is hurting - I guess from pressure. Then I flip back over.
Symptoms: My running nose is almost gone! It is here a little still but getting much better and I am so thankful. Last Monday I felt AWFUL and I feel much better now!
Daddy update: Daddy is doing well. He is really busy with youth stuff and work. He is so kind because he helps me out a lot and gets me water when I need it :) haha (from his sermon yesterday). He is letting me nest and that is great! :) He will just say, lets go to Babies R Us and look and that just makes me excited because he is excited. I asked him yesterday, "Are you just ready for the baby to be here?" and he said "Yes!". He is ready to meet our little boy! Not that i am not, but I enjoy pregnancy a lot more than him :)
News: We had a car wash last Saturday for our youth and raised money for NYC. I got burned pretty bad even though I put on sunscreen! Afterwords, Aaron and I went home and crashed. We both napped and just relaxed and grilled out for the evening. This weekend we are having a huge garage sale to get rid of a lot of extra stuff we have! Hopefully we can make some money to buy baby some things and update a few things in our home before baby boy gets here. Besides that, we are both busy with work and life and just enjoying being together!
Until next time!
Days until baby boy is due: 126 days (Counting today)
Mommy to Be
Friday, May 13, 2011
I love picking out new stuff!
This is not a 100% thing that we are getting this, but most likely. The walls will be tan with 1 blue wall. The crib will go on the blue wall with his name above it. Below his name, my friend Nicole who is amazing at murals, is going to paint a sillouette of a mama giraffe and baby giraffe with the same brown as on the other wall. I think its really cute and that we will like it for a long time and that baby Webster will as well!
Let me know any input you have! :)
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
21 weeks!
Week: 21
Fruit/Veggie: Cantaloupe/Carrot
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
20 weeks! Half way there!
Baby BOY Changes: Baby Boy Webster weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now and is about 10 inches long. He is swallowing more now which helps his digestive system. He is breathing more as well, even though his lungs are not fully developed. He is still producing meconium. His ears are fully functional now and can hear our voices. All organs and structures are in place and he will start "simple" growth. He skin is forming more layers now which will give him his own fingerprints.
Gender: ITS A BOY!!!!! No name yet, but we do know his middle name will be Scott.
Movement: Oh my word! He is a little busy bee in there. Yesterday, he moved ALL day long. I love it though and I love that Aaron can feel him. He can be tempermental though and as soon as someone puts their hand on my belly, he stops.
Sleep: I am sleeping well and the same amount. I have always slept on my side so it is not a huge deal for me to have to sleep different while pregnant. I do wake up on my back sometimes and just flip over to my side.
Symptoms: I am still feeling well. I am still having leg cramps. A lot of times I can stop the Charlie Horse cramps because I feel it coming and I flex my foot real quick and it goes away. It usually happens when I am stretching in bed in the morning when I wake up or in the middle of the night. I am so Blessed!!!
Daddy update: Daddy is SO excited. You should have seen his face light up yesterday when he found out it was a boy!!! He just smiled and laughed and was so excited!!! He is going to be a great daddy to this little boy. It makes me so happy to see how thrilled he is to be having a boy!!
News: Yesterday was just wonderful!!! We went to the doctor. We got the ultrasound first! It is so amazing to see your little one move around in your belly and to see how it is forming. It is a miracle!! He was very active and it was hard at times for the U/S tech to get good pictures of him. She couldnt see the Aortic Valve or the bones in his arms because he didnt want to sit still :) We get another U/S next visit (24 weeks) but its nothing to worry about.
At first I thought I saw his manhood before she told us it was a boy. Then I saw what I thought was between the legs and thought it was a girl. Then she finally pointed out his manhood and it was for sure a boy! I said "YEAH!!!" Everything looked great on our sweet boy. I was 20.1 weeks at the U/S and he was measuring 20.2 weeks, so he is right on track!!! Good job baby boy!
We then saw our Dr. She is just wonderful and answered all my questions and was very helpful. She went over things like do I want an epideral, reasons for a C-section, etc. It was crazy that we are talking about that already! Seems time has flown!!
We are so thrilled that we will get to welcome a baby boy in September!!! We cannot wait to meet him. Thanks for sharing this journey with us! See you next week at 21 weeks!
Days until due Date: 137
Mommy of a baby boy to be!!